Election Main Shorter: bitly.com - Thanks for the LIKE/FAV! Watch Kids React to the Election here: bit.ly SUBSCRIBE! New REACT episodes every Sunday: bit.ly Watch All React Episodes (incl. Kids React & Elders React) bit.ly Watch our new show MyMusic! www.youtube.com 4:00 - Campaign Spending 7:40 - Binders full of Women 11:54 - Unemployment 13:37 - War in Afghanistan 14:26 - Does it feel like we're at war? 15:32 - Would you go to War? 15:58 - Do you like talking Politics? 17:17 - Why so difficult to discuss Politics? 18:07 - Have you never not voted? 20:29 - Advice for Candidates? For the first time ever we present the first multi-generational episode of REACT. We're proud to feature both Teens and Elders reacting together in the first multi-generational episode of "React". It is important to capture the pulse of the country so we can look back one day and reflect on the issues that were facing our world. Leave video ideas in the comments or at our Facebook below of what you want us to show the Kids, Teens, or Elders next! Created and Directed by Benny & Rafi Fine (The Fine Brothers) MAIN CHANNEL: www.youtube.com SECOND CHANNEL: www.youtube.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com TWITTER:www.twitter.com GOOGLE+: www.gplus.to T-SHIRTS: www.thefinebros.spreadshirt.com IPHONE APP itunes.apple.com PINTEREST- www.pinterest.com WEEKLY PODCAST: tinyurl.com SEND US STUFF: TheFineBros PO BOX 4324 Valley Village, CA 91617-4324 ----------------------------- VIDEO FEATURES IN THIS EPISODE: We <b>...</b> Author: TheFineBros Duration: 22:54
Photos for video EXTENDED - Teens/Elders React to Election 2012
Check out www.ronpaulforums.com for an eclectic group of individuals debating politics on a daily basis in a non-confrontational and friendly manner. Also, check out http This video is a compilation of public statements made by Representative Ron Paul and President Barack Obama over the years regarding the issue of the War on Drugs and the legalization of marijuana. Author: KramerDSP Duration: 11:13
Photos for video The War On Drugs: Ron Paul versus Barack Obama
Minister Louis Farrakhan reveals the truth behind the secret forces who finance and control world governments. During this Saviours Day in 1995, The Minister exposed the International Bankers and its agents before the entire world. Author: Ahmad770 Duration: 13:51
Photos for video Minister Farrakhan Exposes International Bankers, Government Debt, & Fall of America (3 of 3)
INTERVIEW 50 CENT TO PROGRAMA AMAURY JUNIOR BRAZIL Hollyscoop.com caught up with Curtis 50 Cent Jackson at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival where we got the scoop on Eminem's new album "Relapse" mixtaping with Dr. Dre, 50 Cent's new album "Before I self destruct," movie project Before I Self Destruct, the economy, Barack Obama and his 2009 Presidential Inauguration, Mickey Rourke and working on "13" with him, yoga and more. Interview done by Diana Magpapian Author: GuiballMusic Duration: 5:51
Photos for video 50 Cent Interview | Amaury Junior | Programa Entrevista 2010
How can "the worst economy since the great depression" be worse than we originally thought? Isn't that what Obama got elected on? Good thing Biden's a Dem, there'd be hell to pay if he was a Republican... Author: Speakmymind02 Duration: 3:38
Photos for video Joe Biden "Economy Worse Than We Thought" On ThisWeek
Empire examines the path from Iraq to Afghanistan and into Pakistan. With the Iraq operation apparently drawing to a close and a mini-surge underway in Afghanistan, people in the region are wondering what this will all mean on the ground and what will the repercussions be for the region. As locals worry that they will be caught in the crossfire or killed by drones, experts question whether the strategy is the correct one or if it is too little, too late. Empire investigates what went wrong and the plan to fix it. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 24:47
Photos for video Empire - Obama and Afghanistan - Part 1
Here is the fourth installment of great moments and classic sequences in film. These 10 minutes of emotion and energy should thrill all. We will see an archeologist (not just any acheologist) adventurous and exciting day on the job, a brutal murder that kept many out of the shower for years, and a man stopping at no limits for the woman of his dreams. In this montage we will see three scenes: Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Psycho (1960) The Graduate (1967) Enjoy your journey through the movies! Author: MovieDude1988 Duration: 9:58
Photos for video Great Film Scenes With The MovieDude Part 4 (Spoilers!)
You should be with us in 2012, join now: my.barackobama.com Joe Biden's first appearance as Barack Obama's running mate in Springfield, Illinois Author: BarackObamadotcom Duration: 16:55
all you should know for the presidential election in 10 mins - the truth. It's the Chance to stop our corrupt Government and to restore the Republic and our Rights! John McCain will bomb Iran, Hillary Clinton is ready for the next War too, Barack Obama did not vote against the it. Watch this Movie to understand how important Peace is. The USA could get bankrupt these days. We have to borrow Money from China! Watch McCain vs Miss Teen to ged a Clue ;) Judical Watch announced the "Top Ten Corrupt Politicains in 2007": 1) Hillary Clinton - corrupt! 6) Mike Huckabee - corrupt! 8) Barack Obama - corrupt! (google it, it's right) PLEASE RATE & FAVORITE - SAVE THE USA! download and share: www.mediafire.com All these CFR Members won't do what's best for the USA. Hillary, Obama, Huckabee, McCain = War. Have you seen Just Words, Just Not Obamas Part 1 & 2 Hehehe :P this video is not related to the official ron paul campaign. it's a personal view of the state of the union. Official Ron Paul Website www.RonPaul2008.com He voted against regulating the Internet. He has never voted to raise taxes. He has never voted for an unbalanced budget. He has never voted to raise congressional pay. He has never taken a government-paid junket. He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch. He voted against the Patriot Act. He voted against the Iraq war. THE ONLY PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, NOT SPECIAL INTERESTS! No amnesty for illegals, lower taxes for everyone <b>...</b> Author: ThePerfectPresident Duration: 9:59
Photos for video All You Should Know For The Presidential Election 2008