President Barack Obama delivered his second inaugural address after being sworn in for his second term as President of the United States. Author: PBSNewsHour Duration: 19:46
Photos for video Watch President Obama Deliver His Second Inaugural Address
On this Sunday, November 4th edition, Alex Jones breaks down the latest news leading into a hot election cycle, as well as the latest developments on Hurricane Sandy, which has left millions of people without electricity and FEMA a new excuse to grab power. With the 2012 election just two days away, the polls are too close to call, but various politicos are arguing why they think Barack Obama or Mitt Romney will pull ahead. Either outcome is guaranteed to be continued business as usual, for the pro-war, pro-bailout, pro-GMO candidates, even as fresh signs indicate a possible strike on Iran and other geopolitical conflict in the Middle East. Alex welcomes your calls as he cuts through the rhetoric of an election with plenty of room for error, fraud and surprise. Alex Jones Show Playlist: Alex Jones Show Playlist Pt. 2 Author: ConspiracyScope Duration: 118:17
Photos for video Alex Jones Show: Sunday (11-4-12) Full Show
SUBSCRIBE TODAY FOR REGULAR KILLER CONTENT VIDEO UPDATES How To Defeat The System is Fabian4Liberty's latest micro documentary film. With the world in crisis and hundreds of talking heads highlighting the problems, what exactly are the solutions? In this micro documentary LIBERTARIAN ACTIVIST Fabian4Liberty covers concrete steps individuals can take starting today that can change their lives, their families and their communities all the while taking down the system. Learn How To SURVIVE & THRIVE in the coming economic collapse! What is THE SYSTEM? The system is the banker run economy, the BIG FOOD GMO foods, The two party system, the Corporate Banker owned media and much more. Please share with everyone you know and subscribe for weekly updates. Listen to the Fabian4Liberty program every Monday and Friday on American Freedom Radio from 8pm EST to 10pm EST My Links: Thanks for watching Collapse Crisis Fabian4Liberty Gold Ron Paul 2012 Obama Romney Economy "Alex Jones Videos" "The Economic Collapse" "Ron Paul 2012" War Banks Wall Street Bailouts silver Author: Fabian4Liberty Duration: 11:07
Photos for video "HOW TO Defeat The System" Documentary Film
On the Sunday, March 11 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about the establishment's latest propaganda effort -- Kony 2012 -- as it takes its bankster and war machine into Africa. Alex calls for the arrest of Hollywood darling Angelina Jolie, the CFR "ambassador" who has enthusiastically provided her services as part of a cynical propaganda cover for the next phase of globalist war crimes. He also runs down the latest developments in the effort to hold Obama responsible for High Crimes and Misdemeanors and the latest on the simmering Iran attack. Alex also covers the economy as Obama and the establishment cheerfully claim we are now out of the woods. Obama's campaign against Kony and the LRC was similarly cast as a noble humanitarian gesture -- this time with the spotlight on Kony's use of children combatants -- and the fact that Uganda and much of Africa are considered a prized strategic asset is ignored. Back in 2005, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen reported that the US had major communications and listening stations in Uganda's Ruwenzori Mountains. Since then, Africom has set-up a sprawling operation there. Libya was its first "engagement." In what is now a well-established pattern, the global elite exploited tensions created by the disastrous economic impact of its loan sharking operation and moved to establish a sphere of influence in a region historically dominated by the former colonial powers of France <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:14
Photos for video Obama's KONY 2012 Campaign: "Propaganda on Parade" 3/5
President Barack Obama was not asked a question about marijuana legalization at his YouTube Q & A ('Your Interview With the President') despise the fact that it was voted most popular. According to Raw Story, "Another marijuana legalization question, submitted by NORML, was flagged as "inappropriate" and removed from YouTube...".* Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur break it down on The Young Turks. * Subscribe to The Young Turks: Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: Facebook: Twitter: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 5:27
Photos for video Obama Marijuana Legalization ?'s Ignored at YouTube Q & A
On June 21, Jon Stewart skewered the Obama Administration for its failed, deadly Operation Fast & Furious, during which the US government let known Mexican drug cartel gun buyers purchase military-grade weapons. The Oversight Committee has been relentlessly exposing this failed program, and will not stop until the Obama Administration officials responsible for the program are held accountable. Learn more at Posted with permission from Viacom, Comedy Central's parent company. 6-21-11 Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" Author: oversightandreform Duration: 5:57
Photos for video The Daily Show: "The Fast & The Furious: Mexico Grift"
Mega64 gives the very first news coverage of Osama's Death Check out the Mega64 Live Podcast on Sundays at 7pm PST Mega64's Youtube Channel Mega64 Website Mega64 Podcast Author: thecleanfreak Duration: 10:11
Photos for video Mega64 Podcast 178 - Reaction to Osama's Death
TAYLOR SWIFT LIVE IN MANILA FEB. 19, 2011 Will you believe me and my sister didn't even plan on watching the concert, not until a friend of ours texted us AN HOUR BEFORE THE CONCERT STARTS and offered us upper box a tickets for TSwifts concert, we literally rushed right away to get the ticks in this persons house then made the car FLY to araneta coliseum! Thanks for the ADRENALINE TSWIFT! It was totally worth it! FOR THOSE WHO WERE ASKING WHAT CAM I USED, ITS LX5. Author: gelic143 Duration: 4:06
программа народ против(эхо москвы) запись 17.02.2010 . продолжение Леонид Ивашов отвечает на вопросы, связанные с бессрочным предложением Барака Обамы уничтожить все ядерное оружие. Хорошо это для России или плохо? Ивашов Леонид Григорьевич- российский военный и общественный деятель. Генерал-полковник (в запасе с 2001), Президент Академии геополитических проблем, бывший начальник Главного управления международного военного сотрудничества Министерства обороны России (1996—2001). Author: garryk00 Duration: 11:56
Photos for video 3 Мировая Война, будет ли готова Россия? эхо москвы. ч1
Eight years after the launch of the 'war on terror,' how does the US view the al-Qaeda threat? Empire finds out. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 22:16
Photos for video Empire - The Long War:The US and al-Qaeda - Part 2