Please SUBSCRIBE for the Best Music and Breaking NEWS !! Obama Karzai Press Conference Afghan Troops withdrawal OBAMA: 'Starting This Spring, Our Troops Will Have A Different Mission' In Afghanistan President Barack Obama and Afghan President Hamid Karzai are set to hold a joint press conference at the White House this afternoon following a morning meeting in which they discussed the "continued transition" on America's longest war in Afghanistan. Currently, roughly 68000 US troops remain in Afghanistan. The two leaders are discussing various plans to withdraw those troops over the next two years, as well as the size of a potential residual force that could remain in the country after the official end of the war. Karzai has pushed for a larger residual force to be left behind than both US commanders and the White House have advocated. The Obama-Karzai meeting is the pair's first since Obama's re-election in November. It also comes amid a shakeup in Obama's second-term defense team, as Obama has announced nominees to fill the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State and CIA Director positions. Two of those nominees — former Sen. Chuck Hagel for defense and Sen. John Kerry for state — could push for a faster withdrawal than what has been on the table. There has even been speculation in recent days that there could be a so-called "zero option" on the table — meaning that all US troops would be withdrawn and no force left behind. The White House left the door open for whether <b>...</b> Author: InsaneMrBrain Duration: 15:07
Photos for video Obama Karzai Press Conference Afghaninstan Troops withdrawal in 2014 END OF WAR PT 1
We completely neglected to post this one during the holiday break, but it's too good to skip. Matt Barber, a Christian radio show host, threatens to punch atheists in the face because of the "War on Christmas"... Author: SamSeder Duration: 3:35
Photos for video Christian Radio Host Wants to "Punch Atheists"
On Monday's power-packed transmission, Alex reports live from US-Mexico border as Obama tries to distract attention away from his complicity in Fast and Furious -- the Justice Department organized gun-running operation with bank-financed criminal drug gangs in Mexico. Alex talks about Obama beating wars drums under the flimsy pretense of bogus terror accusations leveled against Iran last week. He also divulges bombshell info on today's show and talks about the Federal Reserve takedown order filed with YouTube after Infowars posted a video revealing how the Fed is a privately run bankster cartel and not a federal agency as it fraudulently claims. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:09
Photos for video "Santa Muerte" Mexico's Saint of Death: on The Border with Alex Jones 1/2
Marine Sgt. Dakota Meyer is inducted into the Hall of Heroes in the Pentagon for his valor in the Afghanistan War and his being awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor by President Barack Obama on Sept. 15th, 2011. Author: 3rdID8487 Duration: 40:59
Photos for video Hall of Heroes Induction, Sgt. Dakota Meyer, Marine
Alex talks with Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, the US government insider who said last week that Osama Bin Laden died in 2001 and that he was prepared to testify in front of a grand jury how a top general told him directly that 9/11 was a false flag inside job. Pieczenik was used by Tom Clancy to base his character Jack Ryan from Patriot Games on. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:17
Photos for video Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik: Obama is Totally Inept! 1/2
программа народ против(эхо москвы) запись 17.02.2010 . продолжение Леонид Ивашов отвечает на вопросы, связанные с бессрочным предложением Барака Обамы уничтожить все ядерное оружие. Хорошо это для России или плохо? Ивашов Леонид Григорьевич- российский военный и общественный деятель. Генерал-полковник (в запасе с 2001), Президент Академии геополитических проблем, бывший начальник Главного управления международного военного сотрудничества Министерства обороны России (1996—2001). Author: garryk00 Duration: 11:56
Photos for video 3 Мировая Война, будет ли готова Россия? эхо москвы. ч1
Complete video at: Author Christopher Hitchens criticizes the Obama administration's response to the continued construction of Israeli settlements in Arab neighborhoods. "The last time there was an impressive American policy it was a Republican administration, and it was undone by the hero of every liberal in this room," he quips. ----- A year and a half after Barack Obama's historic election, can we still believe in hope and change? In this lively session from the 2010 Sydney Writers Festival, three heavyweight America-watchers examine the unfolding legacy of the Obama administration. Why has the "President for Peace" pulled out of Iraq only to increase troops in Afghanistan? Banks have been bailed out, but what about the people? Has Obama failed to live up to the lofty promises of his campaign? Or, were the expectations of a nation keen for renewal simply too much, maybe impossible, to fulfill? The panel includes journalist Anne Davies and writers Don Watson and Christopher Hitchens. The moderator is Geoffrey Garrett from the United States Studies Centre. - Australian Broadcasting Corporation Christopher Hitchens was born in Portsmouth, England and worked in Britain as book reviewer for the Times, and chief foreign correspondent for the Daily Express. After emigrating to the United States in 1981, he wrote the "Minority Report" column for The Nation. Since 1992, he has been columnist and contributing editor at Vanity Fair and, at different times, Washington <b>...</b> Author: ForaTv Duration: 2:25
Photos for video Hitchens on Obama's Israel Policy: 'Not Impressive'
On Sat., Dec. 12, 2009, Ralph Nader, a political gadfly par excellence, a distinguished and best selling author and a persistent Third Party presidential candidate, was one of the featured speakers at the emergency End-the-US-Wars rally. See, for background: The spirited event was held in Lafayette Park, opposite the White House. For a short bio on Mr. Nader go to: This video contains excerpts from his remarks. Author: liamh2 Duration: 9:54
Photos for video Ralph Nader: Dubya and Obama are "a Seamless Transition" on the War I think some of the content will shock some people, especially when put into context with the other four parts. Belief systems rule the world...not money if you had a population believing they were divine creations, experiencing third dimensional mathematical perfection, who can never die cause the essence of what we are is pure light which can never die, can you just imagine the world we'd create? where the goal was knowledge, wisdom and enlightenment, rather than porn, beer & tv. If you tell someone long enough they're a monkey, they'll begin to act like one the ridiculous notion that there's no rhyme or reason to anything, we're all merely chemical accidents who have nothing to live for except take what your neighbor's got, just work for the system, feed the bankers, and toil until cancer hits you at 45 which world do you prefer? The more I progress in this life, the more and more I'm detaching myself from this system in mind, body and soul, and's time to work for ourselves, not them....everything we have on this world is given to us by creation, the abundant fruits, the herbs, the vegetables, nuts and grains, the flora & fauna to cure everything that ails us, and we HAVE TO work like a dog all our lives for that gift of nourishment Take a look at Google Earth sometimes....the earth is mostly pristine, they've really crammed us in concentration camps called cities...we're meant to live in smaller, spread out communities, where people grow <b>...</b> Author: THEYLIVE2012 Duration: 10:59