www.youtube.com I think some of the content will shock some people, especially when put into context with the other four parts. Belief systems rule the world...not money if you had a population believing they were divine creations, experiencing third dimensional mathematical perfection, who can never die cause the essence of what we are is pure light which can never die, can you just imagine the world we'd create? where the goal was knowledge, wisdom and enlightenment, rather than porn, beer & tv. If you tell someone long enough they're a monkey, they'll begin to act like one the ridiculous notion that there's no rhyme or reason to anything, we're all merely chemical accidents who have nothing to live for except take what your neighbor's got, just work for the system, feed the bankers, and toil until cancer hits you at 45 which world do you prefer? The more I progress in this life, the more and more I'm detaching myself from this system in mind, body and soul, and really....it's time to work for ourselves, not them....everything we have on this world is given to us by creation, the abundant fruits, the herbs, the vegetables, nuts and grains, the flora & fauna to cure everything that ails us, and we HAVE TO work like a dog all our lives for that gift of nourishment Take a look at Google Earth sometimes....the earth is mostly pristine, they've really crammed us in concentration camps called cities...we're meant to live in smaller, spread out communities, where people grow <b>...</b> Author: THEYLIVE2012 Duration: 10:59
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