*!AMTV MEDIA NOW LIVE!* www.amtvmedia.com SUBSCRIBE NOW!! www.youtube.com SUBSCRIBE TO AMTVmedia!!! www.youtube.com DESCRIPTION: In today's video, Topher Morrison covers the real reason behind most gun violence in the world today - the War on Drugs. www.greenewave.com www.amtvmedia.com REFERENCES: Welcome back to AMTV News, I'm your anchor Topher Morrison. It's Thursday, January 10th, 2013 . Capturing every corner of alternative media watch AMTV News Monday -- Friday. For more videos like these visit AMTVMedia.com, home of the AMTV Network. The Voice of Independents. Visit AMTVMedia.com or GreeneWave.com for the script and links. Author: cgreene34 Duration: 10:25
"President Barack Obama and challenger Gov. Mitt Romney are fretting about what role moderator Candy Crowley of CNN will play in their town-hall debate on Tuesday night. President Barack Obama's plan to confront Mitt Romney at Tuesday night's presidential debate in Hempstead NY, faces a challenge: a town-hall-style setting with voters posing questions. Time reports that both campaigns "have expressed concern" to the Commission on Presidential Debates about Crowley's possible approach. The role of moderator has been in the spotlight during the debates. The first moderator, Jim Lehrer, was criticized for being too passive. Martha Raddatz of ABC News, took charge of the vice presidential debate last week in a noticeably firm manner. The Obama and Romney camps apparently had believed that Crowley would take a limited role in the town hall confrontation. Now they may be fretting that she will follow Raddatz's strong lead. As Crowley herself noted last week: "Once the table is kind of set by the town-hall questioner, there is then there is time for me to say, 'Hey, wait a second, what about X, YZ?'"* Jimmy Dore (The Jimmy Dore Show) and Steve Oh (COO of The Young Turks) discuss what path Candy Crowley may take in her role as debate moderator. *Read more from Marketwatch/Wall Street Journal: www.marketwatch.com Support The Young Turks by Subscribing bit.ly Like Us on Facebook: www.fb.com Follow Us on Twitter: bit.ly Buy TYT Merch: theyoungturks.spreadshirt.com Find out how to <b>...</b> Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 6:43
President Obama takes it a step further and reveals his "Birth Video". lol Then Clowns Donald Trump LIVE in person! FOLLOW ME @ www.twitter.com/TreSmooth Author: TreSmooth1 Duration: 5:34
Photos for video President Obama Shows "Birth Video" and Clowns Donald Trump LIVE in Person
Cenk Uygur (The Young Turks/MSNBC host) breaks down the answer President Obama gave to a YouTube question on legalizing marijuana. TYT Mobile: bit.ly Subscribe: bit.ly Facebook Page: www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com www.theyoungturks.com DISCOUNTS: www.theyoungturks.com FREE Movies(!): www.netflix.com Note: The above two links are for TYT sponsors. Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: www.examiner.com Read Cenk's Blog: www.huffingtonpost.com TYT Network (new WTF?! channel): www.youtube.com Check Out TYT Interviews www.youtube.com New TYT Network channels: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 2:55
Photos for video President Obama On Marijuana Legalization (Analysis)
President Obama made a surprise call yesterday to Gail O'Brien, a woman in Keene, NH, who is benefiting from the Affordable Care Act, which was passed six months ago today. Gail was previously uninsured and diagnosed with high grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Thanks to the new law, Gail now has insurance through the new Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan that will pay for her treatments, and she is responding very well. Author: UpTakeVideo Duration: 4:21
Photos for video President Obama Makes Surprise Call To Gail O'Brien
www.youtube.com I think some of the content will shock some people, especially when put into context with the other four parts. Belief systems rule the world...not money if you had a population believing they were divine creations, experiencing third dimensional mathematical perfection, who can never die cause the essence of what we are is pure light which can never die, can you just imagine the world we'd create? where the goal was knowledge, wisdom and enlightenment, rather than porn, beer & tv. If you tell someone long enough they're a monkey, they'll begin to act like one the ridiculous notion that there's no rhyme or reason to anything, we're all merely chemical accidents who have nothing to live for except take what your neighbor's got, just work for the system, feed the bankers, and toil until cancer hits you at 45 which world do you prefer? The more I progress in this life, the more and more I'm detaching myself from this system in mind, body and soul, and really....it's time to work for ourselves, not them....everything we have on this world is given to us by creation, the abundant fruits, the herbs, the vegetables, nuts and grains, the flora & fauna to cure everything that ails us, and we HAVE TO work like a dog all our lives for that gift of nourishment Take a look at Google Earth sometimes....the earth is mostly pristine, they've really crammed us in concentration camps called cities...we're meant to live in smaller, spread out communities, where people grow <b>...</b> Author: THEYLIVE2012 Duration: 10:59
www.killlies.com Anarchy Freedom Democracy police 911 false flag september 11th zeitgeist esoteric agenda Ron Paul The Alex Jones Show 590 KLBJ AM Talk Radio Austin Texas infowars Alternative News Media alex jones TheAlexJonesChannel Barack Obama Socialism Socialist communist stalin osama bin laden Iraq Iran Israel Mossad CIA MI5 MI6 KGB illuminati Bilderberg group TLC CFR Club of ROME Rothschild Bankers NufffRespect Montagraph « Category Film & Animation NWO new world order conspiracy conspiracies propaganda Illuminati bohemian grove FTC Rockefeller truth north american union NAU verichip vchip one world government nwo Illuminati zeitgeist ron paul george bush hitler RFID chip barrack obama john McCain September 11th 9/11 he Clinton Chronicles Controlled demolition hypothesis for the collapse of the World Trade Center Cryptocracy Act Die Glocke The Disclosure Project Ron Paul Alex Jones Show Radio Austin Texas infowars Alternative News Media alex jones TheAlexJonesChannel Barack Obama Socialism Socialist communist stalin osama bin laden Iraq Iran Israel CIA MI5 MI6 KGB illuminati Bilderberg group TLC CFR Club of ROME Rothschild Bankers aron eckhart, academy award, academy awards, acting, actor, actress, adam sandler, al pacino, american beauty, american gangster, american society of cinematographers, amy adams, ang lee, angelina jolie, anne hathaway, anne norda, asc, association of the week, atonement, auteur, away from her, ben stiller, brad pitt, cannes, cannes film <b>...</b> Author: 1984killlies2012 Duration: 7:58
war in iran already www.cnn.com USA wants to start another war, Iran RIP George Carlin the modern philosopher there is not such things as rights lol btw watch youtube.com www.youtube.com youtube.com youtube.com zeitgeistmovie.com 9/11 inside job www.youtube.com Author: takeresponsability Duration: 9:16
Photos for video lol rights *you don't have rights* *RIP George Carlin*