LATEST: Ex-CIA officer Kiriakou gets 30-months prison for intel leak A CIA veteran and a man who oversaw the capture of Al-Qaeda's third-in-command has been sentenced for nearly 3 years in jail for leaking classified intelligence. John Kiriakou was the first to blow the whistle on Washington's torture program - later revealing the name of an alleged torturer at Guantanamo Bay. He was convicted on a law which hasn't be used for 27 years. As for the accusations - CIA officer Ray Mcgovern believes them to be political. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 6:07
Photos for video Ex-CIA Officer: Torture great way to get false confessions
Jimmy Kimmel Live - First Lady Michelle Obama's Plan to Get People to Vote Jimmy Kimmel Live's YouTube channel features clips and recaps of every episode from the late night TV show on ABC. Subscribe for clips from the monologue, the interviews, and musical performances every day of the week. Watch your favorites parts again, or catch-up on any episodes you may have missed. Website: Channel Subscribe: Author: JimmyKimmelLive Duration: 1:23
Photos for video First Lady Michelle Obama's Plan to Get People to Vote
"Some actions are so ruinous to human rights, so destructive of the Constitution, and so contrary to basic morals that they are disqualifying," wrote the Atlantic's Conor Friedersdorf. This is what he was talking about. Read the report, "Living Under Drones." Author: SkepticalLibertarian Duration: 10:55
Photos for video Obama's War Crimes: The US Drone War
Just remember what has been done by the Federal government already and you have a pretty good idea of what they intend to do with us. This video is a stark reminder of how far we have fallen since "911." Be prepared to defend yourself and your loved ones. Please. (More Below) If you have the time helias314 highly recommends viewing the material in the Links just below. Like Share Add To LINK: MUST SEE: In a riveting interview on TruNews Radio, private investigator Doug Hagmann said high-level, reliable sources told him the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is preparing for "massive civil war" in America. "We have problems . . . The federal government is preparing for civil uprising," he added, "so every time you hear about troop movements, every time you hear about movements of military equipment, the militarization of the police, the buying of the ammunition, all of this is . . . they (DHS) are preparing for a massive uprising." Hagmann goes on to say that his sources tell him the concerns of the DHS stem from a collapse of the US dollar and the hyperinflation a collapse in the value of the world's primary reserve currency implies to a nation of 311 million Americans, who, for the significant portion of the population, is armed. Hagmann, and Host Rick Wiles share their concerns that even our Congressmen, and Senators are afraid to stand up to Barack Obama, and the emerging Police State out of fear "for the safety of their own <b>...</b> Author: helias314 Duration: 6:00
Photos for video 2013 ALERT! MARTIAL LAW BUILD UP!
Сокращенная версия фильма РЕН-ТВ Специальный проект. "Вся правда о деньгах". Фильм рассказывает о: Кто действительно управляет миром?, ФРС США и кто этой системе пытался противостоять? Сколько людей реально управляют планетой? Когда рухнет Доллар? Кто заинтересован был в трагедии 11 сентября в США? Почему весь МИР работает на США? Как манипулируют странами? Кто может разрушить нынешнюю финансовую систему? Почему затонул Титаник? Кому интересна была смерть Кеннеди? Почему уничтожили Муаммара Каддафии? И о многом другом. Author: Константин Ломейко Duration: 49:20
Photos for video СТРАШНАЯ ТАЙНА. Вся правда о деньгах. The story behind the cover-up,as told by former law enforcement,FBI,BATF and Special Forces officers.See the whole movie at: The Mena Connection: Clinton Body Count,The List: The Clinton Chronicles: Hillary:The Movie: Author: eenkmouse2311 Duration: 9:16
Photos for video Hillary Clinton /Waco:New Revelation(Part 10 of 12)MUST SEE
On the NATO Bombing of Yugoslavia Noam Chomsky interviewed by Danilo Mandic RTS Online, April 25, 2006 NOAM CHOMSKY, world-renowned linguist, political analyst, philosopher and activist, has been called "arguably the most important intellectual alive" by the New York Times. Recently, in a British magazine poll, he has been voted by a landslide as the top public intellectual in the world today. According to the Arts and Humanities Citation Index, between 1980 and 1992 Chomsky was cited as a source more often than any other living scholar, and remains the eighth most cited scholar ever. A professor at MIT, he is the author of more than 80 books, including The New Military Humanism: Lessons From Kosovo. His most recent book is Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy. Danilo Mandic: Professor Noam Chomsky, in your, if I am not mistaken, first TV media appearance for Serbian media, thank you very much for being with us. Noam Chomsky: I am glad to be with you. Danilo Mandic: Last month marked the seventh anniversary of the beginning of the bombing of Yugoslavia. Why did NATO wage that war or I should say why did the United States wage that war? Author: otporash Duration: 3:15
Photos for video Noam Chomsky About Serbia, Kosovo, Yugoslavia and NATO War 8