News for Inauguration 2013 ABC News Presidential inauguration: Obama lays out battle plan for second term Chicago Tribune Author: MsTrendingNow Duration: 7:11
Photos for video Michelle and Barack Obama Dance Inaugural Ball, Jennifer Hudsons Lets Stay Together
Link Back- Please like, share, & comment..., subscribe only if you love liberty. "An Empire Overrun by Tyranny is where Truth becomes a LIE" Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, sound money, deficit elimination, personal liberties, freedom, and a pro-America foreign policy that promotes world peace with an unwavering commitment to National Defense. And Military Intervention only if a Declaration of War is passed (by Congress..., not NATO or the UN) unless circumstance dictates eminent danger to America's...., On American Soil. Let's Restore America Now..., before it's too late! To spread the message, visit and promote the following websites: http http http FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Author: VoteRealVotePaul Duration: 4:07
Photos for video Reality Check- Piers Morgan vs. Alex Jones- Truth About Gun Homicide Rates
November 07, 2012 Current TV News i-502 legalize legalization marijuana weed drug war profiteering prison military industrial complex police state washington colorado obama president 2012 election results result mox news Author: MOXNEWSd0tC0M Duration: 6:57
Photos for video "Colorado & Washington Flat Out Legalized All Marijuana!"
Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney's wife, Ann, stops by to talk about her husband's campaign and address critics. Season 38, Episode 2 Author: huluDotCom Duration: 3:44
Photos for video Saturday Night Live - Weekend Update: Ann Romney
MSNBC thinks that you too can be Native American. Hear just how easy it is to be an indiginous person. Plus, is Martin Bashir stupid? Is Stephanie Cutter the biggest liar in America? Who will President Obama's campaign blame next? Find out on this Kruiser Control. Author: Pajamasmedia Duration: 15:51
Photos for video Winning! MSNBC In Full Post-Debate Meltdown. Plus, Will Obama Blame Bush for his Debate Performance?
Subscribe To My Channel- Re-uploaded Originally uploaded by StormCloudsGathering There World War III (WWIII or Third World War) is a hypothetical conflict that denotes a successor to World War II (1939--1945). The conflict would be on a global scale, with common speculation that it would likely be a nuclear war and devastating in nature. In the wake of World War I, World War II, the commencement of the Cold War and the development, testing and use of nuclear weapons, there was early widespread speculation as to the next global war. This war was anticipated and planned for by military and civil authorities, and explored in fiction in many countries. Concepts ranged from the limited use of atomic weapons, to the destruction of the planetNorman Podhoretz has suggested that the Cold War can be identified as World War III because it was fought, although by proxy, on a global scale, with the main combatants, the United States and later NATO, and the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact countries providing political, military and economic support while not engaging in direct combat. Eliot Cohen, the director of strategic studies at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, declared in The Wall Street Journal, a little more than a month after the attacks on the twin towers and the Pentagon, that the struggle against terrorism was more than a law-enforcement operation, and would require military conflict <b>...</b> Author: TheLiberalPacifist Duration: 13:48
Photos for video Ron Paul: World War 3 Is About To Start
Jere Van Dyk is a former TV correspondent and Taliban expert (and was once held captive by them). He believes the Taliban is poorly understood in the West, but that better understanding is key for US foreign policy. He shares his views with RT - READ FULL SCRIPT RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 12:34
Photos for video 'US created forces it spends money fighting against' - Taliban ex-captive - National Press Club, Washington DC, July 19, 2012 Transcript of Speech by Director Joel Gilbert, Dreams from My Real Father Why does it matter who Barak Obama's father really is ? It matters because Barack Obama sold himself to America as the multi-cultural ideal, a man who stood above politics. His father was a goat herder from Kenya, so he would bring people together, so the story went. As a result, the public perceived Barack Obama as a nice man with an inspiring family story. However, as shown in Dreams from My Real Father, Barack Obama in fact has a deeply disturbing family background, which he intentionally hid, in order to obscure a Marxist political foundation. While voters will overlook some fudging by politicians, promoting a false family background to hide a Marxist agenda irreconcilable with American values is a totally unacceptable manipulation of the electorate. At age 18, Barack Obama admittedly arrived at Occidental College a committed revolutionary Marxist. Based on Obama's own accounts, there can be no doubt that Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party USA Propagandist, and former Soviet Agent, indoctrinated Obama with a Marxist world view during his formative years. This is a known phenomenon amongst the radical left, referred to as "Red Diaper Babies" or "hand-me-down Marxism." Much of the leadership of the SDS and Weather Underground were children of Communist Party USA members, including Katherine Boudin, Jeff Jones, and many <b>...</b> Author: jgil14 Duration: 12:49
Photos for video Dreams from My Real Father: Director Joel Gilbert at National Press Club, Washington DC
Will Obama pass a bill that allows for the indefinite detention of Americans? Will this bill give any more powers to the government than it already has? Usually, Presidents pass this kind of bill either upon taking up office or when they are on their way out of office, not when they are about to run for re-election and this makes it all the more confusing to me. Possibly, this bill will do little to give the government more power, but will have a major effect on the upcomig elections, whether Obama passes it or vetoes it. Maybe tis is what this is really about? The Bill: Author: thetruthergirls Duration: 8:25
Photos for video NDAA 2012: Obama Insists on Indefinite Detention for Americans. What Is Going On???
WEB NEWS - In this edition, web users question Barack Obama's strategy in Afghanistan. Others raise doubt about the global warming. Author: france24english Duration: 5:01
Photos for video Obama's strategy in Afghanistan doesn't convince Web users