News for Inauguration 2013 ABC News Presidential inauguration: Obama lays out battle plan for second term Chicago Tribune Author: MsTrendingNow Duration: 7:11
Photos for video Michelle and Barack Obama Dance Inaugural Ball, Jennifer Hudsons Lets Stay Together
Watch President Barack Obama's full second inaugural speech. Full Inauguration Playlist: Click here to subscribe to our channel: Visit us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Visit the Wall Street Journal: Author: WSJDigitalNetwork Duration: 20:03
Photos for video Barack Obama 2013 Inauguration Speech - Full Speech - Second Inauguration
Penn Jillette and Michael Goudeau talk about President Barack Obama's appearance on Jimmy Fallon and his previous drug use. Author: PennsSundaySchool Duration: 5:07
"The Pakistani Case" covers the story of a 28 year old pakistani student called Mohammed Saif Ur Rehman Khan who was detained in the US embassy in Chile after the alledged detection of explosive traces on his belongings. The documentary details the contradictions of the official government version and the role of minister Rodrigo Hinzpeter in installing fear-based policies of counterterrorism following the guidelines of the United States police state. Author: NWNoticias Duration: 46:13
Photos for video The Pakistani Case: CIA/Mossad False Flag in Chile
AT LAST! Here is our second song! After "I am Bin Ladin" comes "Osama Will Be Back"!!! Enjoy, comment and share it! ~ This song and video is created by me, JuveArash, and two of my friends. If you find it anywhere else, please let us know. If anyone publishes this on his/her Youtube account without permission, it is against the copyright law and it will be reported. The background music is not made by us, it is an instrumental version of "Give me everything", therefore no rights of the background music belong to us. But the song itself, the voice, and the singing is made by us and belongs to us. Author: JuveArash Duration: 4:18
Photos for video Osama Will Be Back - AMN (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
MSNBC host Cenk Uygur speaks with Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips on the unwillingness of the Tea Party to allow for a compromise on budget cuts. Author: TYTInterviews Duration: 7:58
Photos for video Tea Party - No Compromise On Cuts
Cenk Uygur (host of The Young Turks) filling in for Ed Schultz on MSNBC talks to Newsweek columnist Jonathan Alter about the insane right wing comparison of Obama taxes increases on the rich to Hitler. Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 3:49
Alex welcomes back to the show Ray McGovern, a retired CIA officer under seven US presidents over 27 years and founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity or VIPS. The organization is dedicated to analyzing and criticizing the use of intelligence, specifically relating to the War in Iraq. In January 2006, McGovern began speaking out on behalf of the anti-war group Not in Our Name. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:24
Photos for video Ray McGovern on Alex Jones Tv 1/4:IRAN is IRAQ Part 2!!
Season 3 2009 An executive order to a military judge by the president to let the trial of the mastermind of the attack on the USS COLE go free. Author: gbeckerswetzel Duration: 8:23
Photos for video Episode 52 OBAMA...SCREW THE USS COLE The Sgt Freedom Campaign
"Flood the capitol the Senate!" SENATE IS SCHEDULED TO VOTE!! Take my "CALL 100 SENATORS IN 200 MINUTES!!!" challenge. DO IT IN THE NAME OF FREEDOM!!! Contact CONGRESS OR SENATE: Capitol Hill Switchboard: (202) 224-3121 The official vote tally list is at: YOU MUST CALL ALL REPS, AYES AND NAYS!!! There will be a lot of closed door deal making. Don't let them further devalue the dollar and artificially prop up Wall street by forcing us to Nationalize any more corporate debt (FASCISM)!!! CALL CONGRESS NOW!! IT TAKES ABOUT 1 MINUTE PER CALL!!! GET ON IT!!! Capitol Hill Switchboard (202) 224-3121 JOIN THE EDUCATIONAL REVOLUTION: if you have not already, PLEASE subscribe, rate, and favorite all of my videos. THIS IS NO JOKE THE MESSAGE OF FREEDOM MUST GO VIRAL!!!! Author: RonPaulvsTyranny Duration: 4:55
Photos for video Ron Paul: PROTEST THE BAILOUT!!! CALL YOUR SENATORS!!; CNN (10-1-08)
Obama Obama (Lil Wayne " A Milli " Remake) Lil Wayne Milli Millie Remix Barack Michelle Obama Election 2008 Rap Hip Hop McCain President Cash Money Author: jibrils Duration: 3:52
Photos for video Obama A Milli -- Lil Wayne "A Milli" Remake