I Got 99 Problems But Mitt Aint One ! - Barack Obama *Created By: DiranLyons *DOWNLOAD LINK* adf.ly *Lyrics* Lately I've been listening to a lot of Jay Z If your having bank problems , I feel bad for you son I've got 99 problems but Mitt's not one I got protestors saying are economy rolls & my wall street brothers' one occupied close You b*tches keep saying no change, no hopes I work for the bank stupid, what types of threats are those ? The gas pumps where your whole pay check goes Its been a long time since you was having cash-flow So f*ck my critics you can kiss my gas Or if you don't like my lyrics then you can hit the road Who cares about the polls in this election ? A show, if you want to vote for Mitt, I don't give a sh*t So the news mags try to use my weak ass So advertisements gives them more cash for ads F*ckers I don't know what you take me as But understand the intelligence Obama has We go from riches to rags b*tches I aint dumb I've got 99 problems but Mitt's not one ! [Chorus} 99 problems but Mitt's not one With all your bank problems I feel bad for you son Ive got 99 problems but Mitt's not one Hit me ! The year is 2009 and the White House is mine But the economy is in full motherf*cking decline My choices at the time was to sh*t on the poor Or fillate the bank to get elected once more Now I'm not trying to fight JB Morgan Chase Got their campaign dollars so I can win the race So I suck their d*ck and watch the country implode I heard "son do you know how <b>...</b> Author: Barack Obama Duration: 2:35
Photos for video Barack Obama - 99 Problems (Explicit Parody) W/Lyrics [Extended]
Paul Ryan is a devoted follower of Ayn Rand. Or is he? Can Ryan follow Rand and Jesus at the same time? John Fugelsang explains it all in episode #6 of Maker Studios original PoliPop series, "Caffeinated!". Subscribe for new episodes every Tuesday: bit.ly Watch John's interview with The Moms' View! bit.ly johnfugelsang.com Follow John twitter.com Like John: tinyurl.com FOLLOW US twitter.com LIKE YOU, TOO! www.facebook.com by MAKER STUDIOS makerstudios.com http www.facebook.com WATCH JOHN'S OTHER "CAFFEINATED!" EPISODES: #1 ROMNEY VS. MUHAMMAD ALI! youtu.be #2 CHICK-FIL-A VS. THE GAYS! youtu.be #3 EPIC KARDASHIAN RANT! youtu.be #4 AFGHAN REALITY SHOW! youtu.be #5 ROMNEY VS. THE GOP! youtu.be (LIVE) JOHN DEBATES LEE DOREN! youtu.be Paul Ryan on Ayn Rand: youtu.be Credits: Written by John Fugelsang Executive Producer Will Keenan twitter.com Produced by Matt Cross and Ryan Templeton Edited by Logan Burdick Director of Photography Steven DiCasa Royalty Free Music by audiomicro.com Effects by audiomicro.com Author: POLIPOP Duration: 4:35
Photos for video PAUL RYAN VS. JESUS VS. AYN RAND! (@JohnFugelsang/Caffeinated #6)
Order the entire speech by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan "Savioiurs Day 2012" by calling our toll free number at the Final Call Newspaper 866-602-1230. Support the Nation of Islam's Headquarters @ www.noi.org Support the Nation of Islam's New York Headquarters @ www.Mosque7.org Author: MosqueNo7 Duration: 10:37
Photos for video AFRICOM and Plots to Take Over Middle East:: Hon. Minister Farrakhan "Speaks" @ SD2012
Iran is warning that any talks on its nuclear programme will fail if the West continues to hit it with sanctions. International leaders have agreed to restart the international negotiations, which have stalled for over a year. As well as the talks, Tehran's agreeing to let UN inspectors inside a military facility that's suspected of atomic weapons work, in efforts to prove its nuclear programme is peaceful. US President Barack Obama says he hopes the new talks will help silence Washington's hawkish voices. But there are worrying reports from an ex-Israeli intelligence officer, that Tel Aviv won't rely on diplomacy for much longer. Global affairs researcher Benjamin Schett believes the US could also be waiting for an excuse to attack. RT on Twitter twitter.com RT on Facebook www.facebook.com Author: RussiaToday Duration: 6:36
Photos for video 'Obama diplomacy looking for excuse to attack Iran legally'
Don't believe the media This is the Real Reason Why Gaddafi and Saddam were Killed & Why the US heavily involved In Libya and Iraq? Gaddafi wanted gold for his oil instead of dollars Saddam wanted to change buying oil to euros they wanted to do this so the dollars because Euros and Gold is worth more than dollars but it would make the US dollar weak so they had to take action and make believe to the media that they are protecting the people when its really they are protecting the US Author: musikkid09 Duration: 3:32
Photos for video The illuminati Exposed: The Real Reason Why Gaddafi and Saddam were Killed / Don't believe the media
AT LAST! Here is our second song! After "I am Bin Ladin" comes "Osama Will Be Back"!!! Enjoy, comment and share it! ~ This song and video is created by me, JuveArash, and two of my friends. If you find it anywhere else, please let us know. If anyone publishes this on his/her Youtube account without permission, it is against the copyright law and it will be reported. The background music is not made by us, it is an instrumental version of "Give me everything", therefore no rights of the background music belong to us. But the song itself, the voice, and the singing is made by us and belongs to us. Author: JuveArash Duration: 4:18
Photos for video Osama Will Be Back - AMN (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
lifting-the-veil-of-maya.blogspot.com How thehell did we get into this mess in the first place? Please check out lifting-the-veil-of-maya.blogspot.com for a taste of truth (covering a range of interrelated topics such as finance, media consolidation, new world order, occult science, religion, economics, quantum physics, and more). Learn how all these topics are related. Author: ericbs5247 Duration: 3:43
Photos for video Ron Paul This Speech Gave Me Chills
UNRELEASED. Add Spectac on MySpace : www.myspace.com Video by Mark with inspiration from Mervin Jenkins. Mark's page : www.youtube.com Author: SpectacOFFICIAL Duration: 4:29
Photos for video SPECTAC & 9th WONDER - DAY TO DAY (color edit) HD
Nov 4th 2008 "Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone; and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost." Author: RonPaulvsTyranny Duration: 3:55
Photos for video Ron Paul Election Day commentary CNN (11/4/08)