Rachel Maddow reviews John McCain's record of bad advice and wrong facts on foreign policy and recommends the Republican Party, desperate for a foreign policy identity, look to someone else for leadership. From the November 19th, 2012 edition of The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC. Author: Panzerfaust04 Duration: 17:43
Photos for video McCain no substitute for basic competence on foreign policy - The Rachel Maddow Show (Nov. 19, 2012)
"President Barack Obama and challenger Gov. Mitt Romney are fretting about what role moderator Candy Crowley of CNN will play in their town-hall debate on Tuesday night. President Barack Obama's plan to confront Mitt Romney at Tuesday night's presidential debate in Hempstead NY, faces a challenge: a town-hall-style setting with voters posing questions. Time reports that both campaigns "have expressed concern" to the Commission on Presidential Debates about Crowley's possible approach. The role of moderator has been in the spotlight during the debates. The first moderator, Jim Lehrer, was criticized for being too passive. Martha Raddatz of ABC News, took charge of the vice presidential debate last week in a noticeably firm manner. The Obama and Romney camps apparently had believed that Crowley would take a limited role in the town hall confrontation. Now they may be fretting that she will follow Raddatz's strong lead. As Crowley herself noted last week: "Once the table is kind of set by the town-hall questioner, there is then there is time for me to say, 'Hey, wait a second, what about X, YZ?'"* Jimmy Dore (The Jimmy Dore Show) and Steve Oh (COO of The Young Turks) discuss what path Candy Crowley may take in her role as debate moderator. *Read more from Marketwatch/Wall Street Journal: www.marketwatch.com Support The Young Turks by Subscribing bit.ly Like Us on Facebook: www.fb.com Follow Us on Twitter: bit.ly Buy TYT Merch: theyoungturks.spreadshirt.com Find out how to <b>...</b> Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 6:43
President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney discuss domestic policy in the first debate of the 2012 presidential election from Denver, Colorado. Join the conversation on Facebook www.facebook.com Add TDC to your circles on Google+ plus.google.com Follow The Daily Conversation on Twitter www.twitter.com Keywords: First Presidential Debate Barack Obama Mitt Romney Complete Full Election 2012 Governor Republican Democrat Domestic Policy Economy Jobs Entitlements Social Security Medicare Obamacare Affordable Health Care Act Recession Recovery Role Government Policy Issues Michelle Debt Jim Lehrer PBS Denver Economics Plan Federal News Politics USA America United States Campaign Vote Joe Biden Paul Ryan Conservative Liberal Congress Senate "Barack Obama (US President)" Education Teachers Schools CC Closed Captions Author: TheDailyConversation Duration: 92:52
Photos for video First Presidential Debate: Obama vs. Romney (Complete HD - Quality Audio)
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Photos for video 99 Problems But Mitt Ain't One (Obama Rally)
Order the entire speech by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan "Savioiurs Day 2012" by calling our toll free number at the Final Call Newspaper 866-602-1230. Support the Nation of Islam's Headquarters @ www.noi.org Support the Nation of Islam's New York Headquarters @ www.Mosque7.org Author: MosqueNo7 Duration: 10:37
Photos for video AFRICOM and Plots to Take Over Middle East:: Hon. Minister Farrakhan "Speaks" @ SD2012
What a find this was while researching the possible connection between BP Colonel Gaddafi and Barack Obama. I stumbled upon this upload from PindzMedia's channel. This is the first time I have heard such a prominent political figure mention the connection between Kennedy's assasination and Israel's Dimona secret nuclear plant inspections. Reuploaded from PindzMedia's channel- www.youtube.com Their blog is here- pindz.blogspot.com Author: 91177info Duration: 7:44
Photos for video Gaddafi says JFK was assassinated by Israel
Reverend Al Sharpton eulogizes Michael Jackson. At one point, he tells his family, "There was nothing strange about your daddy. It was strange what your daddy had to deal with, but he dealt with it." Author: PoliticsNewsPolitics Duration: 7:12
Photos for video Michael Jackson Memorial Service - Rev. Al Sharpton
www.theinternationalforecaster.com www.infowars.net Alex talks with Infowars.net editor, publisher, and journalist Steve Watson about his article, Blackjack Part 3: Telegraph Continues Propaganda Piece, Depicts Concentration Camps, Martial Law. Alex also talks about the destruction of the global economy with regular guest, Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:51
Photos for video Bob Chapman & Steve Watson on The Alex Jones Show:HR 2 & 3-1/7
Live at the Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles, CA on September 30, 1985 (penultimate show of the "Born In The USA" tour). Author: OberstKrautwaschl Duration: 5:01
Photos for video Bruce Springsteen: THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND