Showing posts with label Obama current event. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama current event. Show all posts

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Big Boi On Being A Libertarian And His Feelings On Obama

Big Boi On Being A Libertarian And His Feelings On ObamaBig Boi on who he voted for in the 2012 election and his thoughts on the importance of job creation.
Author: HuffPostLive
Duration: 3:08

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Big Boi On Being A Libertarian And His Feelings On Obama
Video Big Boi On Being A Libertarian And His Feelings On Obama Big Boi On Being A Libertarian And His Feelings On Obama Big Boi On Being A Libertarian And His Feelings On Obama

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

2nd Presidential Debate: Romney VS Obama @ HEMPSTEAD, NY 10/16/12

2nd Presidential Debate: Romney VS Obama @ HEMPSTEAD, NY 10/16/122nd Presidential Debate Romney VS Obama @ HEMPSTEAD, NY 10/16/12.
Author: Jeramy Richter
Duration: 96:59

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2nd Presidential Debate: Romney VS Obama @ HEMPSTEAD, NY 10/16/12
Video 2nd Presidential Debate: Romney VS Obama @ HEMPSTEAD, NY 10/16/12 2nd Presidential Debate: Romney VS Obama @ HEMPSTEAD, NY 10/16/12 2nd Presidential Debate: Romney VS Obama @ HEMPSTEAD, NY 10/16/12

Friday, July 20, 2012

GOP Rep. Gohmert Yells at Janet Napolitano For Claiming She's Unaware of WH Terror Group Visit

GOP Rep. Gohmert Yells at Janet Napolitano For Claiming She's Unaware of WH Terror Group VisitRep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) yelled at Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Thursday over her refusal to answer simple questions about a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council who stands accused by some members of Congress of leaking classified information.
Author: 68Truthseeker
Duration: 7:49

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GOP Rep. Gohmert Yells at Janet Napolitano For Claiming She's Unaware of WH Terror Group Visit
Video GOP Rep. Gohmert Yells at Janet Napolitano For Claiming She's Unaware of WH Terror Group Visit GOP Rep. Gohmert Yells at Janet Napolitano For Claiming She's Unaware of WH Terror Group Visit GOP Rep. Gohmert Yells at Janet Napolitano For Claiming She's Unaware of WH Terror Group Visit

Thursday, July 19, 2012

"Mitt Romney, A Hero In My Mind"

"Mitt Romney, A Hero In My Mind"New music video for the Mitt Romney for President campaign.
Author: thirdeaglebooks
Duration: 1:59

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"Mitt Romney, A Hero In My Mind"
Video "Mitt Romney, A Hero In My Mind" "Mitt Romney, A Hero In My Mind" "Mitt Romney, A Hero In My Mind"

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Roseanne Barr and Jill Stein Green Party Presidential Forum

Roseanne Barr and Jill Stein Green Party Presidential ForumRoseanne Barr and Jill Stein Green Party Presidential Forum, discuss the issues as presented by Rose Aguilar from NPR affiliate KALW San Francisco. Jello Biafra, Green Party member and former lead singer for The Dead Kennedys also steps up to ask questions. EXCELLENT DISCUSSION. Intelligent Green thought. May 12 2012 Victoria Theater San Francisco California. Green Party Green Party Facebook Green Party Twitter @gpus Jill Stein Campaign site Green Party forums stream live on Green Party Livestream channel Camera and onsite tech Sanda Everette Remote streaming tech Craig Seeman Additional tech Starlene Rankin
Author: seecraig
Duration: 102:43

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Roseanne Barr and Jill Stein Green Party Presidential Forum
Video Roseanne Barr and Jill Stein Green Party Presidential Forum Roseanne Barr and Jill Stein Green Party Presidential Forum Roseanne Barr and Jill Stein Green Party Presidential Forum

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Заяц моей мечты

Заяц моей мечтыкошка обнимашка
Author: Дмитрий Матвеев
Duration: 0:18

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Заяц моей мечты
Video Заяц моей мечты Заяц моей мечты Заяц моей мечты

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Alex Breaks Down Our Real State of The Union Under Puppet Obama 1/3

Alex Breaks Down Our Real State of The Union Under Puppet Obama 1/3SOTU: Obama Mocks Airport Pat-Downs as Police State Economy Cripples Nation Report on the State of the Union and Progress of the Total Takeover of America by Homeland Security Occupation Aaron Dykes Infowars Commentary January 26, 2011 In between a storm of "pretend" rhetoric about creating jobs, rebuilding America's infrastructure, cutting domestic spending, balancing the budget, ending the wars and other blatant lies, President Obama made a joke about TSA pat-downs at the expense of airport travelers everywhere during his State of the Union address. He suggested that high-speed trains wouldn't include them. In the first sense of this joke, it is not clear if they will really build these trains, but there are already plans laid by Homeland Security to deploy TSA screening, VIPR detection squads and mobile x-ray scanners at bus and train stations, highway checkpoints, sports stadiums and shopping malls-- all in spite of public outcry over invasive "pat-downs" and excessive security checks. New waves of scanning technology could become so ubiquitous that debates and protests over pat-downs or opt-outs may well become a thing of the past. But of course, in the public eye, the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. The other part of the joke revolves around the background humor of the context of his comments. Like the fact that more jobs than you think will be created through TSA hiring and other security contracting, since manufacturing and other labor has <b>...</b>
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Duration: 14:49

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Alex Breaks Down Our Real State of The Union Under Puppet Obama 1/3
Video Alex Breaks Down Our Real State of The Union Under Puppet Obama 1/3 Alex Breaks Down Our Real State of The Union Under Puppet Obama 1/3 Alex Breaks Down Our Real State of The Union Under Puppet Obama 1/3

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fox News Reporter Contradicts Megyn Kelly's Spin

Fox News Reporter Contradicts Megyn Kelly's SpinIf only Megyn Kelly had bothered to check with her own reporter before she attacked Obama as having made some huge diplomatic faux pas with Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu. Oh, and Meggy? Didn't we start a little war with Iraq in order to establish democracy?
Author: cheldemedo
Duration: 2:51

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Fox News Reporter Contradicts Megyn Kelly's Spin
Video Fox News Reporter Contradicts Megyn Kelly's Spin Fox News Reporter Contradicts Megyn Kelly's Spin Fox News Reporter Contradicts Megyn Kelly's Spin

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bob Chapman on The Sovereign Economist 10 Feb 2010

Bob Chapman on The Sovereign Economist 10 Feb 2010more infos at
Author: Bob Chapman Fan
Duration: 48:50

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Bob Chapman on The Sovereign Economist 10 Feb 2010
Video Bob Chapman on The Sovereign Economist 10 Feb 2010 Bob Chapman on The Sovereign Economist 10 Feb 2010 Bob Chapman on The Sovereign Economist 10 Feb 2010

Thursday, December 17, 2009

US drones intercepted by $26 software

US drones intercepted by $26 softwareDefense officials have confirmed that US drones have been intercepted by insurgents with $26 software. How can this complex military technology be hacked into so easily? Is this a sign of the potential dangers of President Obama's move toward unmanned warfare? Or is there a chance that the US military didn't encrypt this information on purpose?
Author: RussiaToday
Duration: 5:07

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US drones intercepted by $26 software
Video US drones intercepted by $26 software US drones intercepted by $26 software US drones intercepted by $26 software

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Chris Hedges: "We Live in a Time of Radical Evil!"

Chris Hedges: "We Live in a Time of Radical Evil!"On Sat., Dec. 12, 2009, Chris Hedges, journalist/author, was one of the speakers at the emergency "End-the-US-Wars" rally. See, for background: The event was held in Lafayette Park, opposite the White House. For a short bio on Mr. Hedges, go to: Many of his most recent commentaries can be found here: This video contains excerpts from Mr. Hedges remarks.
Author: liamh2
Duration: 9:24

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Chris Hedges: "We Live in a Time of Radical Evil!"
Video Chris Hedges: "We Live in a Time of Radical Evil!" Chris Hedges: "We Live in a Time of Radical Evil!" Chris Hedges: "We Live in a Time of Radical Evil!"

Monday, July 6, 2009

Michael Jackson Memorial Service - Rev. Al Sharpton

Michael Jackson Memorial Service - Rev. Al SharptonReverend Al Sharpton eulogizes Michael Jackson. At one point, he tells his family, "There was nothing strange about your daddy. It was strange what your daddy had to deal with, but he dealt with it."
Author: PoliticsNewsPolitics
Duration: 7:12

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Michael Jackson Memorial Service - Rev. Al Sharpton
Video Michael Jackson Memorial Service - Rev. Al Sharpton Michael Jackson Memorial Service - Rev. Al Sharpton Michael Jackson Memorial Service - Rev. Al Sharpton

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

John Pilger on Obama, Australia, Palestine, the media - Melbourne 2009 (Part 1 of 6)

John Pilger on Obama, Australia, Palestine, the media - Melbourne 2009 (Part 1 of 6)John Pilger answers questions during a talk in Melbourne in April 2009. Subjects include: Aboriginal Australia, the Northern Territory Intervention, Barack Obama, Israel/Palestine, Journalism and the Media, the Internet, the Financial Crisis and more... Many thanks to SocialistAlternative who organised the event and provided a platform for Pilger as well as Barbara Shaw to speak. We will be uploading excerpts from Barbara Shaw's talk asap - stay tuned! Venue: University of Melbourne, 09 April, 2009 Filmed & edited by: Sheryl, Felipe & Daniel - PlugInTV (
Author: thejuicemedia
Duration: 10:59

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John Pilger on Obama, Australia, Palestine, the media - Melbourne 2009 (Part 1 of 6)
Video John Pilger on Obama, Australia, Palestine, the media - Melbourne 2009 (Part 1 of 6) John Pilger on Obama, Australia, Palestine, the media - Melbourne 2009 (Part 1 of 6) John Pilger on Obama, Australia, Palestine, the media - Melbourne 2009 (Part 1 of 6)