Rampant warrantless wiretapping and the acceleration towards a full-fledged surveillance state are just a few trademarks of the administration of President Barack Obama—don't expect to hear about it on the news, though. William Binney blew the whistle on the National Security Agency's spying of Americans, and says it's a real danger to the constitutional form of our government. Even before 2008, citizens were in danger of losing their civil liberties. Today, however, he says the US is "heading towards a fascist, totalitarian state." Unfortunately, the Obama administration doesn't want the truth to reach the media and are trying to cut down on leaks, whether out of the White House or NSA. RT's Sam Sacks and Meghan Lopez talk to Mr. Binney about Pres. Obama's war on whistleblowers, the future of Wikileaks and the government's attempts to censor America. RT America LIVE rt.com Subscribe to RT America! www.youtube.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Author: RTAmerica Duration: 12:29
Photos for video NSA whistleblower exposes Obama's secrets
The Intel Hub with special guest Susan Lindauer, former US asset covering Libya, 9/11, and Iraq Listen/Download Full Show mp3.oraclebroadcasting.com The Intel Hub theintelhub.com http Susan Lindauer extremeprejudiceusa.wordpress.com Order Her Book - Extreme Prejudice www.amazon.com Michael Scheuer -- Video: Former CIA Analyst Schools CNN Host On Libya War And Obama theintelhub.com Author: NotForSale2NWO Duration: 30:03
Photos for video Illegal War In Libya Is CIA Run, Media Shills Cover For Obama! Whistleblower Susan Lindauer
Ronnie James Dio is gone. RIP...Everything comes to end and I just can't believe it. This video is from Dio's Live At The Spectrum somewhere from 80s. There's still Vivian Campbell, kind of cool. Author: EnemyAce Duration: 5:37
Photos for video Dio - Don't Talk To Strangers Live