Check out! Obama! ..I'll go find a network wants to treat me right, y'all can take the change and stick it out of sight" and "Hey Barack pack your bags, head to Chicago, take your teleprompter with you so you'll know where to go..." Author: WarSpectra Duration: 7:16
Photos for video Hank Williams Jr - Take Back Our Country [2012 NEW SONG]
США в качестве жеста доброй воли все-таки передали России секретную информацию о компонентах европейской системы противоракетной обороны. В свою очередь, Москва сочла "бесполезной и несущественной" секретную информацию о компонентах ПРО. Читайте также: Пуск противоракеты США в Европе может вызвать ответный удар Насколько боеспособна российская ПРО? Отчаявшись договориться с Вашингтоном, Москва готовит наступление на информационном фронте. В начале мая Минобороны предъявит доказательства потенциальной опасности ЕвроПРО для российских ядерных сил. Это будет сделано на международной конференции с участием военных и экспертов со всего мира. США придется подыскивать новые аргументы для обоснования реализации своих планов по ПРО. По мнению опрошенных Правдой.Ру экспертов, американцы и не могут передать Москве никакой важной информации по ПРО. Даже своим союзникам по НАТО Вашингтон не передает ничего серьезного. Между тем в Москве дали понять, что сведения по телеметрике противоракет представляют немалый интерес, поскольку позволяют определить, могут ли они угрожать ее собственным межконтинентальным баллистическим ракетам. Author: pravda Duration: 1:34
Photos for video Россия готовит разоблачения ЕвроПРО
Construction of cable-stayed bridge in Vladivostok - film, January 2012 author film SK Most author film SK Most author film SK Most Author: MadeinGeorgian Duration: 11:59
Photos for video Construction of cable-stayed bridge in Vladivostok - film, January 2012
The Nightly News Crew interviews Anti NWO Hip Hop Artist Immortal Technique. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:32
Photos for video Immortal Technique Exclusive: "Obama is A War President" 2/2
When Obama was running for president he made the American people a promise to close Guantanamo Bay. The detention prison has been open for 10 years and was originally opened by the Bush administration. In his first week as president, Obama signed a mandate to close the facility within 2010. Years later, however, Guantanamo Bay remains open and has over 200 detainees. Why hasn't President Obama fulfilled his promise to close the controversial detention center? Jason Leopold, deputy managing editor of TruthOut.Org, helps us find out. Follow Kristine on Twitter at Author: RTAmerica Duration: 10:03
Photos for video Obama's broken promise - Guantanamo Bay
Killuminati The Movie - Chapter 3 (Part 5 of 50) Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), United Nations, Trilateral Commission, The Bilderberg Group & The Media This is the 2nd quarter of Chapter 3 This is a new documentation which will be split into 50 parts. Including political issues, the truth about 911, lying politicians, new world order, satanic government, satanic hollywood, the music industry, symbology & numerology, ancient history & cultures, rituals, secret societies, human consciousness, tv mind control, the solution and much more... Its all about being aware of things, it's time to wake up. We all have been asleep for too long. The truth will set you free. Stay tuned for upcoming parts Dont forget to rate and comment. Author: KilluminatiTheMovie Duration: 14:56
Photos for video Killuminati The Movie (Part 5 of 50) CFR, United Nations, Trilateral Commission & Bilderberg Group US President Barack Obama has been given a hero's welcome by thousands as he stepped foot in his ancestral home in Ireland. Around 3000 people lined the streets of Moneygall to welcome the American leader, whose great-great-great grandfather was raised there. Falmouth Kearney, a shoemaker, was born in the village in Co Offaly in 1831 before emigrating to America in 1850. During the brief visit, Mr Obama visited the Kearney ancestral home and met the current family who live there. They were also due to visit Ollie Hayes' pub to meet extended family members including representatives of the Healy, Donovan and Benn families. Author: nsotd2 Duration: 6:39
Photos for video President Barack Obama MoneyGall Ireland meets his cousin
Rodrigo y Gabriela From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Rodrigo y Gabriela (Rodrigo and Gabriela) are a Mexican musical duo who specialize in playing fast, rhythmic acoustic guitars. The duo's members are Rodrigo Sanchez, lead guitar, and Gabriela Quintero, rhythm guitar. The musicians gained a reputation by playing in the pubs and bars of Dublin, Republic of Ireland, and despite their unusual style, gained a cult following. Reviewing one of their gigs,The Independent notes that "Rodrigo y Gabriela's secret is maybe quite simple. They are resourceful musicians who can really play, and are open-hearted, happy entertainers. That, very often, is what people want."[1] Both live a vegan lifestyle and support animal rights.[2] History The duo met in Mexico City while playing in a thrash metal band called "Tierra Author: TrippleQ Duration: 7:47
Photos for video Rodrigo y Gabriela - Orion (Studio Version)
In a lecture reaching far beyond the designated topic of Middle East peace prospects, Noam Chomsky is sharply critical of Israel, India, Pakistan, President Obama, and the US - which he calls a "rogue nation" and "the Godfather." He accuses the US of controlling Israel and undermining the two-state solution that would establish a Palestinian state. Hosted by School of Education and Axis of Hope on December 8, 2009. Author: bu Duration: 89:20
Photos for video Obama, the Middle East, and the Prospects for Peace
Part 2 of Ron Paul at CPAC, February 19, 2010 Paul was the only speaker so far to fill the entire convention hall at the Conservative Political Action Conference, and some of his supporters were turned away after the room reached its capacity of 1100 people. Ron Paul won the staw poll, taking 31% of the vote! Ron Paul 2012! Author: eric710221 Duration: 10:58
Photos for video Ron Paul At CPAC 2010 Part 2 - Ron Paul 2012!
Can President Obama be serious when he says he accepts the Nobel Peace Prize as an affirmation of American leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people of all nations? Among all nations does he include the people of Iraq? Polls show folks there overwhelmingly want the US to get out. Apparently, they didnt care for their dose of American leadership. Does Obamas all nations include Okinawa, which the US has occupied for 64 years and refuses to leave? Does all nations include Diego Garcia, whose inhabitants the US forced from their island homes in the Indian Ocean, (as Time magazine has reported,) and whose dogs we gassed for good measure? (President Bush later used that base to attack Afghanistan, the better to dominate the oil-rich Middle East.) Since hes been in office only a short time, when Obama speaks of an affirmation of American leadership is he referring to the eight years of warmongering by his predecessor George W. Bush, who tore up every international treaty he could lay his hands on? In fact, global public opinion polls identified Bush as one of the most feared public figures on the planet. What kind of leadership is it when one UN member invades another based on lies and kills a million of its people, steals it blind, and shatters its economy? Calling that leadership is a bit wide of the mark. Perhaps Obama is referring to the leadership of his friend Bill Clinton, who let half a million Iraqi children starve to death during his White House watch and who <b>...</b> Author: TheHaightAshbury Duration: 5:42
Photos for video Barack Obama Worked For The CIA - John Pilger Michael takes his comedy roadshow across the sea to the Belfast Waterfront Hall. He is joined on stage by Neil Delamere, Jeff Green and Kerry Godliman, while the headline act is local hero Patrick Kielty. Author: BBC Duration: 0:50
Photos for video First Look - Barack Obama - Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow - BBC One