THE iTUNES LINK! - Thanks Danielle for the banner! NEW TANK TOPS! - SUBMIT YOUR WTKGTS BANNER! (4ft. tall x 6ft. wide) Send to: PO Box 66580 Los Angeles, CA 90066 OUR CHANNELS! WTKGTS FACEBOOK! WTKGTS TWITTER! OUR TWITTERS! THEME SONG BY TERABRITE! CHECK OUT THE CREATOR OF THE INTRO! OTHER STUFF! Google+ Facebook: Instagram: SHOE! SHIRTS at Rodeo Arcade: OUR WEBSITE: Author: WhenTheKidsGoToSleep Duration: 30:20
Israel will perform a Drill called "Turning Point 6" in which they pretend a Mega Quake hits Jerusalem and kills 7000 people just like Revelation 11:13. Also US Embassy worker shot dead on his way to the Embassy in Yemen. Also USA President Obama sends troops Jordan. The Pope Benedict XVI prays in Arabic from Rome. Also Duke Professor confirms President Obama's ring does say in arabic "There is no god but Allah." Also 100 birds dive headlong into a car in Australia. Theologian Paul Begley of Indiana explains bible prophecy, current news events, and the powerful Word of God. Current News Events, Bible Prophecy as it relates to the Word of God with Pastor Paul Begley. He is the author of three books: Hosea Prophecy, Mark of the Beast RFID, and Texas Blood Lake. is his website that streams live M - F 12pm to 3pm EST and every Sunday night 7pm to 10pm. Pastor Paul Begley has hearkened to the call of God to reach out to a troubled world with the end time clarion call of salvation. http http Author: begleyradio Duration: 146:51
Photos for video Al-CIAda Embassy Hit Succeeds - Israel Mega Quake - Obama's Demon Worship - Mass Deaths
Obama the Fraud, VP Debates: Everyone Loses, Egypt's Reality LIKE Breaking the Set @ FOLLOW Abby Martin @ EPISODE BREAKDOWN: On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin calls out the American corporate media for blatant bias and complete disregard of objectivity during the recent vice-presidential debates. Abby then speaks to law professor, Sahar Aziz, about Egypt's new constitution and Egyptian president, Mohamed Morsi's position on women's rights. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with anti-war activist and vice-presidential candidate for the Peace and Freedom Party, Cindy Sheehan, discussing the left-right paradigm and the wars in the Middle East. Author: breakingtheset Duration: 28:03
Photos for video [29] Obama the Fraud, VP Debates: Everyone Loses, Egypt's Reality
VOLCOM+SHAYCARL SHIRTS: and New Wax Collab!: Yesterday's Vlog!: 1 year - 2 years - 3 years - ******* Google+ Facebook: Twitter: & Instagram: Edited by: ShayCarl SHIRTS at Rodeo Arcade: ShayCarl SHOE! Code - RUNWITHSHAY: OUR WEBSITE: Subscribe to my iPhone channel for quick LIVE updates WTKGTS Podcast!: *NEW SHIRTS & WRISTBANDS ARE HERE* SHAYCARL SHIRTS, HATS, HOODIES & STICKERS! Go subscribe to my bros, yo! shaytards shaycarl katilette mommytard sontard princesstard babytard baby rocktard kids kid children child family mom dad mommy daddy father mother love fun los angeles happy happiness home youtube video videos obama bill clinton president dnc democratic convention 2012 Author: SHAYTARDS Duration: 14:13
NETWORK executive director Sister Simone Campbell's 2012 Democratic National Convention (DNC) speech. SISTER SIMONE: Good evening. I'm Sister Simone Campbell & I'm one of the "nuns on the bus." So, yes, we have nuns on the bus. And a nun on the podium! Let me explain why I'm here tonight. In June, I joined other Catholic sisters on a 2700 mile bus journey through nine states to tell Americans about the budget Congressman Paul Ryan wrote & Governor Romney endorsed. Paul Ryan claims his budget reflects the principles of our shared Catholic faith. But the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops stated that the Ryan budget failed a basic moral test because it would harm families living in poverty. We agree with our bishops & that's why we went on the road: to stand with struggling families & to lift up our Catholic sisters who serve them. Their work to alleviate suffering would be seriously harmed by the Romney Ryan budget & that is wrong. During our journey, I rediscovered a few truths. First, Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan are correct when they say that each individual should be responsible. But their budget goes astray in not acknowledging that we are responsible not only for ourselves & our immediate families. Rather, our faith strongly affirms that we are all responsible for one another. I am my sister's keeper. I am my brother's keeper. While we were in Toledo, I met 10-year-old twins Matt & Mark, who had gotten into trouble at school for fighting. Sister Virginia & the <b>...</b> Author: OraTVnetwork Duration: 7:07
Photos for video Sister Simone Campbell's DNC Speech | 2012 Democratic National Convention | Ora TV
From the FREE Wellstone EP: Production: Deejay Element Directed and edited by, Jim McKenzie Filmed by, Jim McKenzie, Sergio Casal, Kevin Chalk Actors: Tom Schultz, Joey Janela, Bob Lorenz Eyewear by Urban Indian Productions Jim (at) http Author: soul khan Duration: 2:38
Photos for video Soul Khan - Wellstone f Akie Bermiss (Official Video)
On the Sunday, March 11 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about the establishment's latest propaganda effort -- Kony 2012 -- as it takes its bankster and war machine into Africa. Alex calls for the arrest of Hollywood darling Angelina Jolie, the CFR "ambassador" who has enthusiastically provided her services as part of a cynical propaganda cover for the next phase of globalist war crimes. He also runs down the latest developments in the effort to hold Obama responsible for High Crimes and Misdemeanors and the latest on the simmering Iran attack. Alex also covers the economy as Obama and the establishment cheerfully claim we are now out of the woods. Obama's campaign against Kony and the LRC was similarly cast as a noble humanitarian gesture -- this time with the spotlight on Kony's use of children combatants -- and the fact that Uganda and much of Africa are considered a prized strategic asset is ignored. Back in 2005, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen reported that the US had major communications and listening stations in Uganda's Ruwenzori Mountains. Since then, Africom has set-up a sprawling operation there. Libya was its first "engagement." In what is now a well-established pattern, the global elite exploited tensions created by the disastrous economic impact of its loan sharking operation and moved to establish a sphere of influence in a region historically dominated by the former colonial powers of France <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:10
Photos for video Obama's KONY 2012 Campaign: "Propaganda on Parade" 4/5
The launch of the Justice Party was just held on December 12th here in Washington DC, with Rocky Anderson at the helm, planning to make a bid for the Presidency. He's said that he won't take more than $100 per person in donations and that this party is for the sake of justice, social justice, environmental justice, and economic justice. Former Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson joins the show. Author: TheAlyonaShow Duration: 9:27
Photos for video Rocky Anderson: Obama 'Completely betrayed his base'
Neil Diamond - a 2011 Kennedy Center Honoree - was honored in a ceremony at the White House by President Barack Obama. Neil Diamond is an American singer-songwriter with a career spanning over five decades from the 1960s until the present. As of 2001, Diamond had sold over 115 million records worldwide including 48 million in the United States alone. He is considered to be the third most successful adult contemporary artist ever on the Billboard chart behind Barbra Streisand and Elton John. His songs have been covered internationally by countless performers of all musical genres. Diamond was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 1984 and into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2011. Additionally, he received the Sammy Cahn Lifetime Achievement Award in 2000. He has eight number one hit singles with "Cracklin Rosie", "Song Sung Blue", "Desiree", "You Don't Bring Me Flowers", "Love On The Rocks", "America", "Yesterday's Songs", and "Heartlight". Diamond continues to record and release new material and maintains an extensive touring schedule as well. Read Neil Diamond's full bio here: Join the conversation on Facebook Follow The Daily Conversation on Twitter Author: TheDailyConversation Duration: 2:08
Photos for video Neil Diamond Honored At The White House
Can President Obama be serious when he says he accepts the Nobel Peace Prize as an affirmation of American leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people of all nations? Among all nations does he include the people of Iraq? Polls show folks there overwhelmingly want the US to get out. Apparently, they didnt care for their dose of American leadership. Does Obamas all nations include Okinawa, which the US has occupied for 64 years and refuses to leave? Does all nations include Diego Garcia, whose inhabitants the US forced from their island homes in the Indian Ocean, (as Time magazine has reported,) and whose dogs we gassed for good measure? (President Bush later used that base to attack Afghanistan, the better to dominate the oil-rich Middle East.) Since hes been in office only a short time, when Obama speaks of an affirmation of American leadership is he referring to the eight years of warmongering by his predecessor George W. Bush, who tore up every international treaty he could lay his hands on? In fact, global public opinion polls identified Bush as one of the most feared public figures on the planet. What kind of leadership is it when one UN member invades another based on lies and kills a million of its people, steals it blind, and shatters its economy? Calling that leadership is a bit wide of the mark. Perhaps Obama is referring to the leadership of his friend Bill Clinton, who let half a million Iraqi children starve to death during his White House watch and who <b>...</b> Author: TheHaightAshbury Duration: 5:42
Photos for video Barack Obama Worked For The CIA - John Pilger
Don't pay attention to the details and enjoy. Thx to Julia Spiesser and Christophe Willem for the backing vocals, and also to Philippe Devin at the guitar. Xxx Zack xxX Author: Zack Reece Duration: 4:21
Photos for video Scared of Lonely "Beyonce" cover by Zack Reece