It is hard for many of us aware folks to realize that many people still believe Zionist newspaper accounts that label "Al CIAda" as an Islamic movement.These days though, even the brain-washed slaves getting their information from so-called newspapers like the Jew York Times must be suffering from cognitive dissonance as they read the West is supporting Al CIAda in Syria and Libya but fighting against them in Mali and Algeria. Author: Timecrosser1 Duration: 8:13
Photos for video Benjamin Fulford January 21 2013 - Are Western powers trying to start war in Asia
- В поисках предлога для вторжения: для Сирии готовят иракский сценарий. - 70 млрд выше сметы или как Минобороны выполняло программу «Жилье для военных». - Закон Магницкого: защита прав человека или политическая война с Москвой? - Балансирующие на грани конфликта: портрет Биньямина Нетаньяху. - Цивилизованные варвары или как Наполеон хотел взорвать Кремль. Author: Михаил Леонтьев Duration: 50:26
Photos for video "Постскриптум" с Алексеем Пушковым (08.12.2012)
"Texas conservative Rep. Louie Gohmert submitted an unlikely nomination for House speaker during the Republican leadership elections Wednesday: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. "You don't have to be a member of the body to be speaker," Gohmert, of Texas, told the caucus during the closed-door meeting, according to a source inside the room.* His motion was not seconded by any other members, and House Speaker John Boehner was reelected by a voice vote, followed by a standing ovation." *Read more from Rebecca Berg/ Buzzfeed: Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Support The Young Turks by Shopping Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch: Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 2:37
Photos for video GOP Rep. Nominates Gingrich for Speaker
"Political polling guru Nate Silver is so confident in his statistical models that he just offered to bet MSNBC's Joe Scarborough $1000 that Barack Obama will win re-election. Scarborough, you may recall, criticized Silver's math earlier this week, saying that "Anybody that thinks that this race is anything but a tossup right now is such an ideologue ... they're jokes." He was specifically talking about Silver's FiveThirtyEight website, which shows Mitt Romney with just a 1-in-4 chance of becoming president. Silver has spent the week firing back, criticizing political pundits for not understanding how odds and probability work and aggressively defending his method against critics. As the week has progressed, his model has only shown Obama's chances of winning increasing, which has not coincidentally increased Silver's confidence in the outcome. (As of this morning, Five Thirty Eight gives Obama a 79 percent chance of winning, with a final Electoral College total over 300.)"* Cenk Uygur analyzes the ridiculous "ideologue" statements from Scarborough and other pundits which are based on opinion and popular vote, rather than math and the electoral college. *Read more the Dashiell Bennett/ Atlantic Wire: Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Support The Young Turks by Shopping Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch: Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by <b>...</b> Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 5:24
Jimmy Kimmel talks about a night at the White House in which Michelle Obama yelled at his son, Cousin Sal pushed his agent into the Rose Garden, and other antics went down...all under the watch of Secret Service men holding machine guns. Visit Grantland: Grantland on Twitter Grantland on Facebook: The BS Report Podcast: Grantland Network Podcasts: Author: GrantlandNetwork Duration: 3:29
Photos for video Jimmy Kimmel Hosts White House Dinner | The Best BS:
VOLCOM+SHAYCARL SHIRTS: and New Wax Collab!: Yesterday's Vlog!: 1 year - 2 years - 3 years - ******* Google+ Facebook: Twitter: & Instagram: Edited by: ShayCarl SHIRTS at Rodeo Arcade: ShayCarl SHOE! Code - RUNWITHSHAY: OUR WEBSITE: Subscribe to my iPhone channel for quick LIVE updates WTKGTS Podcast!: *NEW SHIRTS & WRISTBANDS ARE HERE* SHAYCARL SHIRTS, HATS, HOODIES & STICKERS! Go subscribe to my bros, yo! shaytards shaycarl katilette mommytard sontard princesstard babytard baby rocktard kids kid children child family mom dad mommy daddy father mother love fun los angeles happy happiness home youtube video videos obama bill clinton president dnc democratic convention 2012 Author: SHAYTARDS Duration: 14:13
Первая часть лекции Андрея Фурсова в МГИУ, о наиболее значимых событиях 2011 года, их причинах и возможных последствиях, 01.06.2012. Подробнее Подборка тематических статей Author: systeemtheorie Duration: 39:19
Kurt Nimmo and Alex Jones Aprill 11, 2012 We can only win by launching Impeach Obama 2012. Whether or not we fully impeach him, we are committed to rebuking these unconstitutional and criminal power grabs and are determined to take the case to the court of public opinion. --Alex Jones Film director, producer, actor and writer Sean Stone has thrown his weight behind a resolution introduced in the House last month by North Carolina Republican Walter Jones. Resolution 107 states that should the president use offensive military force without the authorization of Congress that such an act would be "an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor." Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution reserves exclusively for Congress the power to declare war. Both Thomas Jefferson and James Madison argued that the power to declare war must reside in the legislative branch of government and the president will only act as the commander-in-chief and direct the war after it is declared by Congress. "The constitution supposes, what the history of all governments demonstrates, that the executive is the branch of power most interested in war, and most prone to it. It has accordingly with studied care vested the question of war in the legislature," Madison wrote. In the video, Stone notes Obama's unconstitutional war on Libya was waged "despite the fact that the United States was neither attacked, nor threatened for attack by the nation <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 29:49
Photos for video Obama Impeachment 2012 with Film Director Sean Stone
Россия на продажу. Плата Китаю за поддержку против США? Давайте подумаем: Россия и Китай объединились против кого? Против США и Британии (не могу назвать её "великой" Британией)? ОСНОВНОЙ КАНАЛ: gen20rus12 Author: gen20rus12 Duration: 5:37
Photos for video Россия на продажу. Плата Китаю за поддержку против США?
What does the world's emerging big brother, 1984 style surveillance society hold for the future? Discussed in the video are cctv security cameras, spy drones, warrantless wiretapping, internet surveillance, rfid chips and other forms of new dictatorial surveillance. These technologies and corporations behind them are setting the precedent for more government control over our lives in the years to come. If you have the mindset that if you do nothing wrong then there's no need to worry, think again. Please subscribe to aenfroy87 for more videos. Author: aenfroy87 Duration: 9:26
Photos for video The Surveillance Society: 1984 Came 25 Years Late
Please look at the entire series of videos **this is not conspiracy theories. in this series of videos you will hear from ex-presidents, mainstream media, house of representatives, congress, authors, Atheists, Christians - this is message is for everyone. -------------------------- CNN Oct. 13th, 2008 on Glenn Beck Well here is something Christians and Atheists agree on... The new world order Please look at this series of videos I have compiled together by both Atheists and Christians and everyone else in between that is finally waking up to the New World Order that is forming right under are eyes. I encourage everyone to also look at Zeitgeist the movie it's online FOR FREE and although it doesn't go with my religious beliefs it has an enormous amount of quality rational information on the New World Order. keywords: martial law usa globalization verichip bible new world order nwo amero north american union Madonna Britney Spears WW3 SXEphil TheYoungTurks Barack Obama Zeitgeist The Movie Christian prophesy Hitler One world government Suspend Constitution continuity of government. Dictatorship Pdd51 Domestic oppression of Americans rebellion homeland security Nuclear weapons The seige Terminator 2 The Matrix Civil rights book of revelations China Communism mass murder enslavement sanctions British forces nationalists Iraq Elite David Rockefeller policing in USA soil Fema Camps World Market Dehumanization Depopulation Henry Kissinger Banking system <b>...</b> Author: NYCstarlett Duration: 9:47
Photos for video INFLATION NATION - MARTIAL LAW part 1