"Political polling guru Nate Silver is so confident in his statistical models that he just offered to bet MSNBC's Joe Scarborough $1000 that Barack Obama will win re-election. Scarborough, you may recall, criticized Silver's math earlier this week, saying that "Anybody that thinks that this race is anything but a tossup right now is such an ideologue ... they're jokes." He was specifically talking about Silver's FiveThirtyEight website, which shows Mitt Romney with just a 1-in-4 chance of becoming president. Silver has spent the week firing back, criticizing political pundits for not understanding how odds and probability work and aggressively defending his method against critics. As the week has progressed, his model has only shown Obama's chances of winning increasing, which has not coincidentally increased Silver's confidence in the outcome. (As of this morning, Five Thirty Eight gives Obama a 79 percent chance of winning, with a final Electoral College total over 300.)"* Cenk Uygur analyzes the ridiculous "ideologue" statements from Scarborough and other pundits which are based on opinion and popular vote, rather than math and the electoral college. *Read more the Dashiell Bennett/ Atlantic Wire: www.theatlanticwire.com Support The Young Turks by Subscribing bit.ly Support The Young Turks by Shopping bit.ly Like Us on Facebook: www.fb.com Follow Us on Twitter: bit.ly Buy TYT Merch: theyoungturks.spreadshirt.com Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by <b>...</b> Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 5:24
Глава комитета Государственной думы по международным делам Алексей Пушков дал эксклюзивное интервью каналу RT. В нем о рассказал он конфликте в Сирии, напряженности на Ближнем Востоке, а также предстоящих президентских выборах в США. Подписывайтесь на RT Russian - www.youtube.com Vkontakte - vk.com Facebook - www.facebook.com Twitter - twitter.com Livejournal - rt-russian.livejournal.com Author: rtrussian Duration: 10:06
Larry Wilkerson: After recent meetings with Iranian leaders, it's clear the US has lost the ability to understand how other states see their interests watch full multipart therealnews.com Author: TheRealNews Duration: 12:31
Photos for video Elements in Iran and US that Want War
Андрей Фурсов предлагает излишне не персонализировать фигуру нынешнего американского президента. От «романтизма» к «реализму» — вынужденный выбор Америки. docme.ru Author: postactualidad Duration: 11:33
Singer Jessica Sanchez performs the Marvin Gaye classic at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. Jessica Sanchez: en.wikipedia.org For complete coverage of the 2012 Democratic National Convention: www.youtube.com Author: WhiteHouseWatch Duration: 3:54
Photos for video Jessica Sanchez Performs "You're All I Need To Get By" At Democratic National Convention
Funny ATC just before President Obama departs Boston. Hey, what is a VIP American 573?! I guess we are all VIPs right? I apologize for the poor film quality - it wasn't my day for filming but decided to post it as I love this plane, it is just beautiful!!! Atc is courtesy of liveatc.net - the resource for all us aviation nuts! Author: jenf777 Duration: 1:52
Photos for video Funny ATC as President Obama Departs Boston Logan on Air Force One 6-26-2012
Warning Graphic Footage! This is HOW USA is spreading our wonderful peace and democracy... Is this what Obama and NATO have planned for us? Notice the foreign Arab News Guy.. "Those who KILL their own people have lost all credibility.." He is talking about 911.. Makes me sick.. Imagine how you would feel having jets bomb you like this! THEY ARE NOT A THREAT TO US!!! WAKE UP... These people are human too! They live die love work take care of their children... TOO!!! The War Mongers have taken over our GOV!!! Mirrored from LedaOhio5 Author: helias314 Duration: 11:08
Under Obama's term as president there has been more people prosecuted for whistle blowing than all other US presidents combined. Bradley Manning, the latest whistle blower, is being held on trial for releasing video exposing a US Apache helicopter shooting and killing civilians and journalists in Baghdad. Some say Manning is a hero, but he is being charged with aiding the enemy. Susan Lindauer, former CIA asset, gives us her taking on whistle blowing. Follow Liz on Twitter at twitter.com Author: RTAmerica Duration: 8:28
Photos for video Whistleblowers being demonized in the US?
I believe the reason why Obama is pulling our troops out of Iraq by the end of this year is so they will be ready for war with Iran. Just recently there was a supposed plot for the assassination of the Saudi Arabian Ambassador, and the Israeli Ambassador in Washington DC by the Iranians. Obama stated that he is thinking about tougher sanctions, and even considering, sending in Drones to bomb their leaders. This is serious, and must not be taken lightly. Now Russia knowing their Borders are close with Iran, are seriously considering the consequences of these actions! This could possibly spark WWIII! Author: enki35 Duration: 1:26
Photos for video Russia warns US about attacking Iran
Alex talks with Texas congressman Ron Paul about the TSA and the unconstitutional war on Libya. www.ronpaul.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.net www.prisonplanet.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 8:46
Photos for video Ron Paul: People Are Finally Waking Up To The Tyranny 2/2
Credit-marcaeld www.youtube.com Ron Paul on Larry King Live with Robert Reich who is an unapologetic Keynesian. Sorry for the video stuttering during the first segment. King gave Reich the last word who used it to continue to spread the fallacy that Hoover was the cause of the Great Depression and FDR and the War got us out. It's really too bad Ron Paul had no time to counter that falsehood, but I suppose Reich played the media game perfectly by making these points when he knew Paul had no more time. . ron paul Robert Reich Larry King kanjorski webster tarpley Gerald Celentealex jones peter schiff glenn beck goldman sachs housing market tarp wall st fed reserve interest rates jim rogers gold silver etf Max Keiser Jim Rogers Tim Geithner henry paulson jordon maxwell Author: GuerrillaNewsChannel Duration: 9:44
Photos for video Ron Paul vs Robert Reich On Larry King