Barack Obama made history during his second inaugural address, when he expressed his support for gay marriage. It is the first time a US president has mentioned homosexuality on such an occasion. Al Jazeera's Cath Turner takes a look at the progress of the gay rights movement in US. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 2:18
Photos for video Obama's hint towards progress for gay movement
Please SUBSCRIBE for the Best Music and Breaking NEWS !! Obama Karzai Press Conference Afghan Troops withdrawal OBAMA: 'Starting This Spring, Our Troops Will Have A Different Mission' In Afghanistan President Barack Obama and Afghan President Hamid Karzai are set to hold a joint press conference at the White House this afternoon following a morning meeting in which they discussed the "continued transition" on America's longest war in Afghanistan. Currently, roughly 68000 US troops remain in Afghanistan. The two leaders are discussing various plans to withdraw those troops over the next two years, as well as the size of a potential residual force that could remain in the country after the official end of the war. Karzai has pushed for a larger residual force to be left behind than both US commanders and the White House have advocated. The Obama-Karzai meeting is the pair's first since Obama's re-election in November. It also comes amid a shakeup in Obama's second-term defense team, as Obama has announced nominees to fill the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State and CIA Director positions. Two of those nominees — former Sen. Chuck Hagel for defense and Sen. John Kerry for state — could push for a faster withdrawal than what has been on the table. There has even been speculation in recent days that there could be a so-called "zero option" on the table — meaning that all US troops would be withdrawn and no force left behind. The White House left the door open for whether <b>...</b> Author: InsaneMrBrain Duration: 15:10
Photos for video Obama Karzai Press Conference Afghanistan Troops withdrawal in 2014 END OF WAR PT 2
SUBSCRIBE!!!! New vlogs every day!! INSTAGRAM: @ShaneDawson Get "THE VACATION SONG!" on iTunes here: and watch the music video HERE SUBSCRIBE TO SHANNA'S CHANNEL!!! Also check out Qaadir! THANKS FOR SUBSCRIBING! :) I have 3 channels! Check em out! :) *Main Channel* *2nd Channel* (vlogs & extras) *iPhone Channel* (daily vlogs) Hit me up on my social networks! Google+ Facebook Twitter Website Shirts & Merch http Tumblr Send letters to: 3727 W. Magnolia Blvd #712 Burbank, CA 91505 *Branding, Media, & General Business Inquiries: The Collective *Film & Television Agent: William Morris Endeavor (310) 285-9000 Author: shane Duration: 8:52
Please Like and share the video if it makes you laugh! That would be an amazing birthday present :D (Yes, today actually is my birthday) Leave any prank requests you guys have in the comments below! Thanks again for being awesome. Gay Hotline Compilation #1: Gay Hotline Compilation #2: Asian Singing Lesson Prank: Add me to facebook/twitter! I post on there when I'm doing a live prank show (the shows aren't scheduled, but I ALWAYS tweet when I'm live) Subscribe to my 2nd prank channel for short pranks & extras! Subscribe to my vlog channel! Get video MMS alerts on your phone for FREE as I upload them! Register on the website and join the growing community on the forums! Subtitle help from Author: OwnagePranks Duration: 7:20
Photos for video Gay Hotline Prank Compilation #3 - Ownage Pranks
As a two-term Republican Governor, Gary Johnson endorsed Libertarian Ron Paul in 2008 and was the only candidate to answer the question about a running-mate in the Fox/Google debate of 2012. He said Ron Paul without hesitation. What Ron Paul started will never fade because Ron Paul is right. We the people will end the wars, abolish the IRS, audit the Fed, balance the budget, stop the spending and end the war on drugs. LIVE FREE. Author: govgaryjohnson Duration: 1:10
Photos for video GARY JOHNSON - Ron Paul REVOLUTIONARY
On the May 20 Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the global elite on the run as the establishment media is forced to report on the Bilderbergers and their noxious plan to finally unfold a devastating attack on Iran, undermine the internet with government censorship, and sell the public on more trillions in bankster bailouts and punitive carbon taxes under the discredited cover of saving the earth. Alex talks about the continued and long overdue outing of Kenyan-born Obama the imposter and the G8 war council in Chicago that has transformed the Windy City into a repressive police state where political activists disappear and patsies are set-up as terrorists to further the manufactured war on terror and its Orwellian control grid. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 24:58
Photos for video Barack Obama: A Foundation Operative!
The War on Drugs is a joke, it's racist in it's application and the ONLY Man telling the Truth about it is Ron Paul. Wake Up Negroes! Original Video: Author: tmotofga Duration: 5:36
Photos for video Obama Supporters: Dumb Ass Negroes, Racist Assed Whites
This year was kicked off with a highly controversial bill: the National Defense Authorization Act. The NDAA, now law, gives the US military the power to legally detain individuals without charge or trial. The right to due process has become null and void under the new legislation, even for American citizens. Recently a group of individuals filed a lawsuit against the new law to challenge it, and one of the plaintiffs is Chris Hedges, columnist for TruthDig. Hedges joins us to explain why he felt it necessary to file a lawsuit. Like us and/or follow us: Author: RTAmerica Duration: 9:45
Photos for video Chris Hedges sues Obama over NDAA
Click to Tweet on Twitter: Click "Share" to Post on your Facebook Profile! Peter Chao is consider world known comedy but is also rapper. People always say fighting is solution for problem. No, it cannot be. Every problem deserve solution. My solution? Freestyle rapping. It is common for the Black people to just shoot each other but also they solve by freestyle. Black is not only can do this, us too, the Chinese people. I show you. BUY PETER CHAO'S NEW SHIRT! BUY PETER CHAO'S OTHER AWESOME T-SHIRTS PETER CHAO's TWITTER PETER CHAO's FACEBOOK FAN PAGE Business Inquiries for YOUTUBE Promotion: sarah(at) Peter Chao LIVE! Attractions Inquiries: DEdley(at) tj(at) All OTHER Inquiries: chao.outside(at) Author: pyrobooby Duration: 2:57
President Obama signs the Tribal Law and Order Act, a law that gives tribal authorities greater authority to prosecute and punish criminals. July 29, 2010. Author: whitehouse Duration: 14:39
Photos for video Signing the Tribal Law and Order Act
Credit-marcaeld Ron Paul on Larry King Live with Robert Reich who is an unapologetic Keynesian. Sorry for the video stuttering during the first segment. King gave Reich the last word who used it to continue to spread the fallacy that Hoover was the cause of the Great Depression and FDR and the War got us out. It's really too bad Ron Paul had no time to counter that falsehood, but I suppose Reich played the media game perfectly by making these points when he knew Paul had no more time. . ron paul Robert Reich Larry King kanjorski webster tarpley Gerald Celentealex jones peter schiff glenn beck goldman sachs housing market tarp wall st fed reserve interest rates jim rogers gold silver etf Max Keiser Jim Rogers Tim Geithner henry paulson jordon maxwell Author: GuerrillaNewsChannel Duration: 9:44
Photos for video Ron Paul vs Robert Reich On Larry King
The honorable author, historian, and social activist, Howard Zinn, taped at Lower Cape TV on Cape Cod 10/9/2009 commenting on President Obama receiving the Nobel Peace prize. Author: jpreeeter Duration: 4:36
Photos for video Howard Zinn on President Obama Recieving Nobel Peace Prize