Please SUBSCRIBE for the Best Music and Breaking NEWS !! Obama Karzai Press Conference Afghan Troops withdrawal OBAMA: 'Starting This Spring, Our Troops Will Have A Different Mission' In Afghanistan President Barack Obama and Afghan President Hamid Karzai are set to hold a joint press conference at the White House this afternoon following a morning meeting in which they discussed the "continued transition" on America's longest war in Afghanistan. Currently, roughly 68000 US troops remain in Afghanistan. The two leaders are discussing various plans to withdraw those troops over the next two years, as well as the size of a potential residual force that could remain in the country after the official end of the war. Karzai has pushed for a larger residual force to be left behind than both US commanders and the White House have advocated. The Obama-Karzai meeting is the pair's first since Obama's re-election in November. It also comes amid a shakeup in Obama's second-term defense team, as Obama has announced nominees to fill the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State and CIA Director positions. Two of those nominees — former Sen. Chuck Hagel for defense and Sen. John Kerry for state — could push for a faster withdrawal than what has been on the table. There has even been speculation in recent days that there could be a so-called "zero option" on the table — meaning that all US troops would be withdrawn and no force left behind. The White House left the door open for whether <b>...</b> Author: InsaneMrBrain Duration: 15:10
Photos for video Obama Karzai Press Conference Afghanistan Troops withdrawal in 2014 END OF WAR PT 2
In the wake of December's horrific mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, Vice President Joe Biden is chairing a panel of experts that will make gun-control recommendations to President Barack Obama by the end of the month. The president has said that enacting new restrictions on guns will be one of his highest priorities. No one wants to ever again see anything like the senseless slaughter of 26 people -- including 20 children - at a school. But as legislators turn toward creating new gun laws, here are five facts they need to know. 1. Violent crime -- including violent crime using guns -- has dropped massively over the past 20 years. The violent crime rate - which includes murder, rape, and beatings - is half of what it was in the early 1990s. And the violent crime rate involving the use of weapons has also declined at a similar pace. 2. Mass shootings have not increased in recent years. Despite terrifying events like Sandy Hook or last summer's theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, mass shootings are not becoming more frequent. "There is no pattern, there is no increase," says criminologist James Allen Fox of Northeastern University, who studies the issue. Other data shows that mass killings peaked in 1929. 3. Schools are getting safer. Across the board, schools are less dangerous than they used be. Over the past 20 years, the rate of theft per 1000 students dropped from 101 to 18. For violent crime, the victimization rate per 1000 <b>...</b> Author: ReasonTV Duration: 2:27
Photos for video 5 Facts About Guns, Schools, & Violence
Депутат Госдумы Евгений Фёдоров рассуждает о том, что сейчас в действительности происходит в Сирии и о том, что Сирия может стать для США Сталинградом, а для всего мира - началом "национально-освободительного движения против американских агрессоров". Плейлист "ПравдаБлоги" - Duma deputy Yevgeny Fyodorov says that now is really happening in Syria and that Syria could become US Stalingrad, and for the world - the beginning of "national liberation movement against the American aggressors." Playlist "PravdaBlogi" - См. также публикации на "Правде.Ру": - Сирия закрыла небо для пассажирских самолетов Турции - - Башар Асад объявил всеобщую амнистию - - Запад придумал Сирии новую оппозицию - Наши каналы на YouTube: Русскоязычный - Русскоязычный - Англоязычный: Женский клуб: Большой Кавказ: Заходите узнать больше: Наша видеотека: Author: pravda Duration: 5:10
Photos for video Евгений Фёдоров: что происходит в Сирии?
Giving peace a chance in tackling Syria and Iran may be on President Obama's mind - but that's not the case for some of his senior compatriots in Congress. John McCain's call for airstrikes against Assad is not the first time the veteran senator has chosen troops over talks. Kristine Frazow reports from Washington. RT on Twitter RT on Facebook Author: RussiaToday Duration: 3:34
Photos for video Lapdogs of War: Neo-conmen feed conflict hunger on Capitol Hill
Strong This video Strong is a Rick Perry campaign ad. Strong Wow Rick you messed up. Thanks so much, and don't forget to check me out on the links below! MAIN CHANNEL Strong strong faith iowa rick perry rick perry president perry president obama war on religion Obama religion Author: MeganSpeaks Duration: 1:51
On the Friday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about the destruction of the economy and other related issues. He also talks with regular Friday guest Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster and takes your calls. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 11:26
Photos for video 100% Psychological Warfare Aimed at The Species 3/3
Obama on Libya: "I Don't Even Have to Get to the Constitutional Question" Paul Joseph Watson June 30, 2011 During his speech yesterday, Barack Obama delivered probably the most arrogant statement thus far betraying his open hostility to the rule of law as it applies to his administration's illegal war on Libya, churlishly dismissing criticism from Congress and remarking, "I don't even have to get to the Constitutional question." Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:24
Photos for video The Arrogance of Emperor Obama - Alex Jones Tv 2/3 US President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev have taken a break from bilateral meetings at the White House to travel outside Washington DC for a quick, informal lunch. Skip related content Traveling by motorcade, the two leaders headed for Ray's Hell Burger in Arlington, Virginia, a popular spot where Obama ate last year with Vice President Joe Biden. A cheer went up from customers when the presidents walked in, but the lunch crowd largely left the presidents alone. During their meal, Obama and Medvedev sat at a table with their interpreters, sharing a conversation through them. The US president had a cheeseburger with cheddar cheese, onion, lettuce, tomato and pickles, whilst his Russian guest had a cheeseburger with cheddar, onion, jalapenos and mushrooms. Obama drank iced tea and Medvedev sipped a Coke, while the presidents, both in shirt sleeves on a hot summer day, shared a portion of fries. Later in the day, and back to official business, the two leaders held a joint news conference at the East Room in the White House. Obama declared that he and Medvedev had "succeeded in resetting" the relationship between the former Cold War adversaries that had dipped to dangerously low levels in recent years. He directly acknowledged differences in some areas, such as Moscow's tensions with neighbouring Georgia, but said "we addressed those differences candidly." Obama also announced that the US and Russia had agreed to expand cooperation <b>...</b> Author: timesofearth Duration: 7:21
Photos for video Hamburgers : Obama takes Russian President out for a burger
Larry the Cable Guy sings about the blessings of owning an SUV. "God Bless My SUV" was written and sung by the Capitol Steps. Visit the Capitol Steps at Author: HerBunk Duration: 2:16