Listen to the Peter Schiff Show FREE everyday! Live 10am-12noon ET on Follow me on Twitter @SchiffRadio Friend me on Author: SchiffReport Duration: 11:56
Photos for video Why do we even have a Treasury Secretary?
Vkontakte : А Я В ШОКЕ ! Обама, Медведев и Лукашенко оказались в одной лодке после авиакатастрофы. Все с понтами, и никто не хочет грести. Обама говорит: ну, вы же понимаете, мы сверхдержава тут над всеми. То же и Медведев: Россия ядерная держава... Ну, давай ты, Лукашенко. Лукашенко говорит: Да нет, ребята давайте мы проголосуем. Как будет, так будет. Author: YouNewsTuber Duration: 2:34 | http | In this edition Gary Franchi takes Obama and Biden to the woodshed and exposes their hypocrisy to the world in a scalding rant regarding the unprovoked war against Libya. We also sit down with Heather Lewis to get the inside story on the verdict in the Liberty Dollar Trial. We present Ron Paul's recent statements on the unconstitutional no-fly zone over Libya and Jason Bermas is back with this week's Punk Rock Politics segment. We reserve a special place for a new Enemy of the State, dip into the mailbag and present last week's poll results. Angie Ress breaks down the latest headlines including a story on a grassroots effort to draft Jesse Ventura to run for president at and a new Ron Paul Video contest where you can win big with your creativity.Join the discussion at our RTR Group ; Become a Fan at our Facebook Author: lonelantern Duration: 34:57
Photos for video Response to Presidential Address on Libya
More Fox News bias from Megyn Kelly at 140+ MORE examples of Fox News Bias at When Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly claimed last week that she was "not presenting anything," but just "giving you the other side's argument," her claim was not not only contradicted by the evidence I've compiled in over a dozen videos, but was also contradicted a few minutes after she said it by the partisan role she played supposedly moderating a discussion between left wing radio talk show host Leslie Marshall and right wing radio talk show host Lars Larson about President Barack Obama's State of the Union address later that day, as I show in this video. The clip I use of Megyn Kelly saying "I'm not presenting anything, I'm giving you the other side's argument" comes from a segment of the program "America Live" broadcast January 25, 2011, available online at The other clips I use of Megyn Kelly questioning left wing radio talk show host Leslie Marshall and right wing radio talk show host Lars Larson about President Barack Obama's State of the Union address later that day come from a segment later on in the program "America Live" broadcast January 25, 2011 available on Leslie Marshall's YouTube channel (LeslieMarshallShow) at The image I use of my own YouTube playlsit titled "Fox News Bias from Anchor Megyn Kelly" comes from Author: LiberalViewer Duration: 4:22
Photos for video Fox News' Megyn Kelly Lies About Her Partisan Role?
Alex is live for the first two hours of the broadcast. He will talk about the unconstitutional effort by Congress and Obama to force through health care using "deem and pass" without a vote by the Senate. Obama, Congress, and Treason Against the Constitution Kurt Nimmo March 19, 2010 On Thursday, Robert Gibbs, Obamas press secretary, responded to a question about the so-called Slaughter Rule (named after Rep. Slaughter, who sits on the rules committee) that will be used by Democrats to force through Obamas totalitarian care bill, probably over the weekend. Gibbs answer was deliberately opaque. By not addressing the question, he essentially said deem and pass will be used in the future to enact unpopular legislation, including a bill that will legalize millions of illegal immigrants. It is now official — the Constitution is dead. It may as well be used to wrap fish. Article 1, Section 7 of the Constitution requires that both houses of Congress hold recorded yea-or-nay votes on a bill before it can be presented to the president for his signature and before it can become law. Obama approves of sabotaging the Constitution. He said he does not spend a lot of time worrying about what the procedural rules are, in other words violating the spirit and law of the Constitution is not a biggie for him. What I can tell you is that the vote thats taken in the House will be a vote for health care reform. And if people vote yes, whatever form that takes, that is going to <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:44
Photos for video Obama & Congress's Treasonous Act to Pass Health-Care without a vote on The Alex Jones Show 3/7
Larry the Cable Guy sings about the blessings of owning an SUV. "God Bless My SUV" was written and sung by the Capitol Steps. Visit the Capitol Steps at Author: HerBunk Duration: 2:16