"Diane Sawyer's election night performance left some viewers asking if she had begun celebrating the election a bit early. Co-anchoring ABC News' coverage on Tuesday, the veteran journalist struck a different manner from her practiced, straight-news-delivering style. Sawyer spoke more slowly than usual while seeming to prop herself on outstretched arms at the anchor desk she shared with George Stephanopoulos. "OK, I wanna — can we have our music, because this is another big one here? Minnesota, we're ready to project Minnesota, rrright now. ... Well, tonight we know that President Barack has won Minnesota," she said around 10 pm EST, stumbling over President Barack Obama's name."* Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break down the video- was Sawyer drunk? Was she "tired?" News people and Twitter users respond. *Read more from Frazier Moore/ Associated Press: www.google.com Support The Young Turks by Subscribing bit.ly Support The Young Turks by Shopping bit.ly Like Us on Facebook: www.fb.com Follow Us on Twitter: bit.ly Buy TYT Merch: theyoungturks.spreadshirt.com Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 2:56
On Tuesday night, the people of America made it clear that Obama was their president of choice. And although Obama's victory took the spotlight, other key ballot measures were also up for a vote. The people of Colorado and Washington have voted to legalize marijuana. So what does this mean for the US? Kristine Frazao and Abby Martin join us to discuss the issues. RT America LIVE rt.com Subscribe to RT America! www.youtube.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Author: RTAmerica Duration: 10:38
Photos for video Colorado and Washington State legalize recreational marijuana
KPHO showed for 17 seconds that President Obama won the election by a 43% to 40% margin. Obama got 40237966 votes while Romney got 38116216 votes. The election is not for 17 days? Iran may suspend enrichment of uranium for some economic sanctions relief. Obama and Romney debate tonight, More Zombie Apocalypse still going on as Pastor Paul Begley of Indiana discusses these issues and more along with bible prophecy and the powerful Word of God. Current News Events, Bible Prophecy as it relates to the Word of God with Pastor Paul Begley. He is the author of three books: Hosea Prophecy, Mark of the Beast RFID, and Texas Blood Lake. Paulbegleyprophecy.com is his website that streams live M - F 12pm to 3pm EST and every Sunday night 7pm to 10pm. Pastor Paul Begley has hearkened to the call of God to reach out to a troubled world with the end time clarion call of salvation. justin.tv twitter.com paulbegleyprophecy.com http youtube.com blogtv.com paulbegleyprophecy.chatango.com http Author: begleyradio Duration: 123:20
Photos for video Media Leaks Rigged Vote Early - The Coming Barackalypse? - Paul Begley
NETWORK executive director Sister Simone Campbell's 2012 Democratic National Convention (DNC) speech. SISTER SIMONE: Good evening. I'm Sister Simone Campbell & I'm one of the "nuns on the bus." So, yes, we have nuns on the bus. And a nun on the podium! Let me explain why I'm here tonight. In June, I joined other Catholic sisters on a 2700 mile bus journey through nine states to tell Americans about the budget Congressman Paul Ryan wrote & Governor Romney endorsed. Paul Ryan claims his budget reflects the principles of our shared Catholic faith. But the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops stated that the Ryan budget failed a basic moral test because it would harm families living in poverty. We agree with our bishops & that's why we went on the road: to stand with struggling families & to lift up our Catholic sisters who serve them. Their work to alleviate suffering would be seriously harmed by the Romney Ryan budget & that is wrong. During our journey, I rediscovered a few truths. First, Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan are correct when they say that each individual should be responsible. But their budget goes astray in not acknowledging that we are responsible not only for ourselves & our immediate families. Rather, our faith strongly affirms that we are all responsible for one another. I am my sister's keeper. I am my brother's keeper. While we were in Toledo, I met 10-year-old twins Matt & Mark, who had gotten into trouble at school for fighting. Sister Virginia & the <b>...</b> Author: OraTVnetwork Duration: 7:07
Photos for video Sister Simone Campbell's DNC Speech | 2012 Democratic National Convention | Ora TV
Vkontakte : vk.com А Я В ШОКЕ ! Обама, Медведев и Лукашенко оказались в одной лодке после авиакатастрофы. Все с понтами, и никто не хочет грести. Обама говорит: ну, вы же понимаете, мы сверхдержава тут над всеми. То же и Медведев: Россия ядерная держава... Ну, давай ты, Лукашенко. Лукашенко говорит: Да нет, ребята давайте мы проголосуем. Как будет, так будет. Author: YouNewsTuber Duration: 2:34
IS IT NOT TREASON? By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. June 30, 2011 www.larouchepac.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The argument presented by Senator John Kerry, in defense of President Barack Obama's guilty violation of the Federal Constitution is, in itself, beyond all reason. The argument which the Senator presented in defense of his own shocking, utterly incompetent argument, has been one of the most disgusting pieces of sophistry on record. The question is, was that Senator blackmailed in some fashion? Certainly, submission to blackmail gives neither the Senator nor the Senate exculpatory credit. Clear and plain evidence by the errant President himself might be explained by death threats against the Senator. Since the culpability of the President himself is so clear, and so clearly proximate to treason on behalf of the British monarchy against our United States, the lack of credible explanations offered by Senator Kerry, is most troubling for those among us who had remembered him as being neither a traitor nor a fool. The President had violated the law, and that with the most flagrant shamelessness. This fact raises the question: "Is this President, whose popular support is being that of a decimated minority, willing to lie his way into a coup d'etat conducted in British interest as a betrayal of our United States to a foreign tyrant?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A most <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 12:08
Photos for video Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 3/4
I hope you guys enjoy this commentary. Give it a like if you did. Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com Download my toolbar: theend004500.ourtoolbar.com Author: TheEnd004500 Duration: 13:41
Photos for video My Fellow Americans... YES WE CAN!
"American Idiot" by Green Day from 'American Idiot,' available now. From "Bullet In A Bible" DVD. Directed by Samuel Bayer. Watch the official video for "American Idiot" here: www.youtube.com Watch the best Green Day official videos here: www.youtube.com www.greenday.com www.facebook.com twitter.com www.youtube.com (subscribe) itunes.apple.com Author: greenday Duration: 7:56
Photos for video Green Day - American Idiot [Live]
To watch Shahrazad Ali on the Geraldo Show and on Phil Donahue (both 1990) click this link: www.youtube.com Part One of Shahrazad Ali on Geraldo: www.youtube.com Part One of Shahrazad Ali on Donahue: www.youtube.com Author: JunebugObama Duration: 11:00
Photos for video Shahrazad Ali and the Black Community
Marvin Gaye sings the national anthem at the NBA All-Star game (February 13th, 1983), accompanied by a drum machine. This was one of the final performances of his life. Author: okstate82 Duration: 2:55
Photos for video Marvin Gaye - United States National Anthem (1983)