Our polling experts weigh in on the terrifyingly infinite number of possible election outcomes. Subscribe to The Onion on YouTube: bit.ly Like The Onion on Facebook: www.fb.com Follow The Onion on Twitter: www.twitter.com Author: TheOnion Duration: 1:49
Photos for video Romney Wins, Obama Reelected, Supernova Destroys Earth All Possibilities In A Random Universe
Депутат Госдумы Евгений Фёдоров рассуждает о том, что сейчас в действительности происходит в Сирии и о том, что Сирия может стать для США Сталинградом, а для всего мира - началом "национально-освободительного движения против американских агрессоров". Плейлист "ПравдаБлоги" - www.youtube.com Duma deputy Yevgeny Fyodorov says that now is really happening in Syria and that Syria could become US Stalingrad, and for the world - the beginning of "national liberation movement against the American aggressors." Playlist "PravdaBlogi" - www.youtube.com См. также публикации на "Правде.Ру": - Сирия закрыла небо для пассажирских самолетов Турции - www.pravda.ru - Башар Асад объявил всеобщую амнистию - www.pravda.ru - Запад придумал Сирии новую оппозицию - www.pravda.ru Наши каналы на YouTube: Русскоязычный - www.youtube.com Русскоязычный - www.youtube.com Англоязычный: www.youtube.com Женский клуб: www.youtube.com Большой Кавказ: www.youtube.com Заходите узнать больше: www.pravda.ru Наша видеотека: www.pravda.ru Author: pravda Duration: 5:10
Photos for video Евгений Фёдоров: что происходит в Сирии?
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on the Police State, Military Contractors, and Obama on the Middle East. LIKE Breaking the Set @ fb.me FOLLOW Abby Martin @ twitter.com On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Ian Freeman, Host of "Free Talk Live", about the police state and the erosion of American civil liberties. Abby then talks to RT Arabic Correspondent, Reema Abu Hamdieh, about the polarized views of Arabs in the Middle East toward a second Obama Administration. BTS wraps up the show with a look at torture, murder and rape by US military contractors going unpunished. Author: breakingtheset Duration: 27:59
Photos for video [46] Police State 101, Torture Impunity, Obama's Second Chance?
"Diane Sawyer's election night performance left some viewers asking if she had begun celebrating the election a bit early. Co-anchoring ABC News' coverage on Tuesday, the veteran journalist struck a different manner from her practiced, straight-news-delivering style. Sawyer spoke more slowly than usual while seeming to prop herself on outstretched arms at the anchor desk she shared with George Stephanopoulos. "OK, I wanna — can we have our music, because this is another big one here? Minnesota, we're ready to project Minnesota, rrright now. ... Well, tonight we know that President Barack has won Minnesota," she said around 10 pm EST, stumbling over President Barack Obama's name."* Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break down the video- was Sawyer drunk? Was she "tired?" News people and Twitter users respond. *Read more from Frazier Moore/ Associated Press: www.google.com Support The Young Turks by Subscribing bit.ly Support The Young Turks by Shopping bit.ly Like Us on Facebook: www.fb.com Follow Us on Twitter: bit.ly Buy TYT Merch: theyoungturks.spreadshirt.com Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 2:56
The Republican Party continues to pass harsh laws restricting access to women's healthcare across the country, but the mainstream press has stopped paying attention. That's why we've produced a short documentary that cogently explains the state and national efforts by Republicans--including Mitt Romney--to limit access to birth control and other basic women's health services. Featured interviews include Rep. Lois Capps (CA-23), who as a former nurse has long been a leader on women's health issues; Stephanie Schriock, president of EMILY's List; and Dr. Kimberly Shepherd, an OB/GYN who provides medical authority on issues that never should've been politicized in the first place. With the lives of millions of women potentially impacted by the dangerous proposals of Mitt Romney and Republican lawmakers, it's vital that this issue isn't forgotten this election season. Help us spread the word. TAKE ACTION Visit StopTheWarOnWomen.com, and SHARE THIS VIDEO! - This documentary film was produced and edited by Chase Whiteside (interviews), Erick Stoll (camera), and Liz Cambron. Graphic design by Chase Whiteside. Motion design by Ashley Walton (ashleywalton.com). Music from the brilliant Jon Brion. THANKS Sean Barma, Laura Dawn, EMILY's List, Emma Shapiro, Ashley Schapitl, Rick Pender, Jay Marose, Victoria Shantrell - NLM ELSEWHERE: Facebook: facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Tumblr: blog.newleftmedia.com DONATE Our films are free to watch, but costly to produce. Every contribution <b>...</b> Author: NewLeftMedia Duration: 10:37
Photos for video The War on Women's Health is Real
Time is running out people. To many Americans believe that what they see happening all around the world could never happen hear but they are wrong its already started. Our government and our country has already bean taking over. We need to be prepared most people will not even recognize there own country soon. Wake up! Many Americans are waking up and standing up for our freedom and our country. The most important thing you can do is be spiritually ready, not for whats coming to America but for the return of Jesus, He is coming soon right around the corner. Also we do not know what we will have to go through before His return. a revolutionary war? a complete loss of freedom, including being able to worship our God? Complete tyranny and FEMA camps? When the first revolutionary army formed in America it was only supported by 3% of the population. The media is nothing more the a NWO propaganda machine they do not report facts, they tell you what to believe! brainwash you into arguing stupid right left policies that mean NOTHING. Links: modernmilitiamovement.com http Author: veiledInChrist Duration: 10:00
Cynthia McKinney tells RT America that the US needs to take care of domestic issues. The financial debt debate has many wondering what is going on with the US financial situation. Many are demanding that the US stop spending on the wars and bring that revenue home to help with domestic issues. Does it make senses to spend billions of dollars on our defense when we are so close to default? Cynthia McKinney, former US Representative and target of O' Reilly, tells us what's really going on. Follow Lucy on Twitter: twitter.com Author: RTAmerica Duration: 11:01
Photos for video Cynthia McKinney slams Bill O' Reilly
SUPPORT THE RESISTANCE www.wearechange.org 1st ever WeAreChange TV I hope everyone enjoys our pilot for a new weekly WeAreChange show. On our 1st episode we go over the daily news, overview Obama's year in office, give you the weather, sports, and two great interview with Cindy Sheehan and Charlie Veitch of the Love Police. This is a pilot episode of our show before we go live in late Faburary on UBATV.com, WeAreChange is doing this show for free with the studio provided by UBATV, which in exchange gets to play our videos on their site. Please help support our efforts to provide you better content with donations, because we are all doing this for free and can only survive with your support. This is our first ever, professionally produced show that many WeAreChangers put their effort in. Please email us your comments, suggestions, and feedback to feedback@wearechange.org, yes we know the sound sucks but we did the best we could with the little we know. We are also asking anyone who wants to get involved and help make this show great to please email us as well. Hope you guys enjoy, Luke Rudkowski Author: wearechange Duration: 10:00
Photos for video WeAreChange TV 3 Obama a year in review
Link to a version without interruption www.youtube.com For the first time, a classical quartet has been invited to participate in the swearing-in ceremony of President-elect Barack Obama and Vice President-elect Joseph Biden on Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2009. It all began when the President-elect had asked Yo Yo Ma and Itzhak Perlman to perform, and they, in turn called John Williams, a frequent collaborator with both artists, "to help them prepare something to play." Mr. Ma chose the other two performers, clarinetist Anthony McGill and pianist Gabriela Montero to round out this unique and diverse quartet. Author: presidentialvote Duration: 5:22
Photos for video Air and Simple Gifts Yo Yo Ma Itzhak Perlman John Williams Live at the Inauguration