Lupe Fiasco continues to stir up controversy. During his performance at an inaugural concert on Sunday, the outspoken rapper was kicked off stage after performing anti-Obama lyrics. Lupe was the headliner at the StartUp RockOn concert in celebration of Obama's second term in Washington, DC But instead of celebrating the president's re-election, he took the opportunity to bash him. After performing his anti-war single "Words I Never Said" for over 30 minutes, he was asked to move on to the next song. When he didn't comply, security told him to leave the stage. "Things going terribly wrong at @lupefiasco performance during #SURO. Kicked off stage, bashing obama," tweeted CNN's Matt Dornic. "#SURO slammed by @lupefiasco's nonstop, anti-obama rap. Corporate sponsors scurrying." Hypervocal, which co-founded StartUp RockOn, denied that Lupe was asked to leave for his anti-Obama rant. "This was not about his opinions," said the organization in a statement. "Instead, after a bizarrely repetitive, jarring performance that left the crowd vocally dissatisfied, organizers decided to move on to the next act." This is not the first time Lupe has spoken out against the president. In an interview from 2011, he called Obama a terrorist. "In my fight against terrorism, to me, the biggest terrorist is Obama in the United States of America," he said. credit: Author: HipHopInBox Duration: 1:28
Photos for video Lupe Fiasco Kicked Off Stage at Obama Inauguration - Lupe Fiasco Obama Slander LIVE
Obama Presidential Inauguration 2013 Obama Inauguration Ceremony Speech Part 1 President Barack Obama urged Americans on Monday to reject political "absolutism" and partisan rancor as he kicked off his second term with a call for national unity, setting a pragmatic tone for the daunting challenges he faces over the next four years. Obama's ceremonial swearing-in at the US Capitol was filled with traditional pomp and pageantry, but it was a scaled-back inauguration compared to the historic start of his presidency in 2009 when he swept into office on a mantle of hope and change as America's first black president With second-term expectations tempered by lingering economic weakness and the political realities of a divided Washington, Obama acknowledged the difficult road ahead even as he sought to build momentum from his decisive November re-election victory. "We cannot mistake absolutism for principle, or substitute spectacle for politics, or treat name-calling as reasoned debate," Obama said as he stood in the wintry cold atop a giant makeshift platform on the Capitol steps overlooking the National Mall. Looking out on a sea of flags, he spoke to a crowd of up to 700000 people, less than half the record 1.8 million who assembled four years ago. Obama arrived at his second inauguration on solid footing, with his poll numbers up, Republicans on the defensive and his first-term record boasting accomplishments such as a US healthcare overhaul, ending the war in Iraq and the <b>...</b> Author: ForyourInfoM Duration: 8:41
Photos for video Obama Presidential Inauguration 2013 Obama Inauguration Ceremony Speech Part 1 Распространите это видео как можно шире! Визит Владимира Путина в Турцию прошёл ровно так, как мы и предполагали -- по экономике договорились, по Сирии -- нет.... Author: MrEsuper Duration: 10:56
Photos for video Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю 56 (03.12.12-09.12.12)
JVINCE telling it how it is in his new song in support for Gary Johnson. Unhappy with the current state of the USA? Vote for Gary Johnson 2012! JVINCE is an independent musician, JVINCE supports the Gary Johnson 2012 campaign, however, JVINCE's views do not necessarily reflect the views of the Gary Johnson 2012 campaign. All music and lyrics written and produced by JVINCE. Author: jvincemusic Duration: 2:20
[The best tour in Van Halen history.. (1992-93) Audio Edited "HD"] 01. Poundcake: 02. Judgement Day: 03. Man On A Mission: 04. When It's Love: 05. In 'n' Out: 06. Right Now: 07. Pleasure Dome/Drum Solo: 08. Spanked: 09. Runaround: 10. Finish What Ya Started: 11. "Eagles Fly" from Sammy: 12. "316" (Guitar Solo): 13: You Really Got Me/Cabo Wabo: 14. The Dream is Over: 15. Jump: 16: Top of the World: Author: szerelemgyerek Duration: 4:51 Learn how to make money no matter how the market flows these secrets yields results ! Go in smart get out in one piece with amazing consistent profits,Visit http now to watch the FREE video & get your FREE report I'm going to save you hundreds !! . . . NEW . . . . . .WORLD . . . . ORDER . . Author: NWOSurvivalBlueprint Duration: 4:54
Photos for video (MUST WATCH)Ron Paul Reveals His Master Plan To Beat Barack"THE TRADER"Obama In 2012
No One But Paul -- Money Bomb, 2/14/2012 -- Spread the word! Ron Paul is the only one who can beat Obama because he pulls the most support from Democrats and Independents out of all other GOP members. He also has by far the most support from our men and women in the military. The Democratic presidential primary will be uncontested. If you are anti-war and pro-freedom, vote in your states Republican primary for Ron Paul. Check local rules to see if you need to change affiliation in advance. Even if you don't agree with Ron Paul 100%, would you prefer one of the Neo-Con's getting the Republican nomination? Become a Blue Republican for the primaries, support Freedom, and vote Ron Paul. Author: Matthew Zak Duration: 6:25
Photos for video No One But Paul -- Can Beat Obama / President Barack Obama marks the historical turn of events in Egypt and the resignation of Hosni Mubarak with a speech from the White House. No copyright intended. Posted for information and educational purposes. Author: VeracityStew Duration: 6:55
Photos for video President Obama Speech on Egypt/Mubarak Resignation 2-11-11 - Iliza Shlesinger gives you the hard hitting facts that hold you after. The Weakly News. Season 3. Episode 4. Co-Host Alexis Archer. Director Brian Gramo. Original live broadcast on February 1, 2011 on Special Guest J. Chris Newberg. THIS WEEK: Egypt loses it's shit; Egyptologists; Salmon Idaho, Chinese air force drill looks awfully similar to "Top Gun"; Snow storms cripple the country, except for California; Who Should Be Shot with Judge Roger Vinson vs. Barack Obama on Health Care; Nerd News on Japan's Super Robot. Watch this classic of Chris' last appearance: theStream's Homepage: Donate to the Show Follow us: Follow us on Twitter: Iliza Shlesinger - @Iliza Brian Gramo - @BrianGramo - @theStreamDotTV Author: thestreamtv Duration: 23:26
Photos for video The Weakly News - Buy Me Milk, Woman The Weakly News with Iliza Shlesinger #304
Minister Louis Farrakhan reveals the truth behind the secret forces who finance and control world governments. During this Saviours Day in 1995, The Minister exposed the International Bankers and its agents before the entire world. Author: Ahmad770 Duration: 14:59
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"I have recently been examining all the known superstitions of the world, and do not find in our particular superstition (Christianity) one redeeming Author: Mark Duignan Duration: 4:13
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Has Barack Obamas mantra for change translated to foreign policy success one year after he became the US President? Obama promised to break away from his predecessor George Bushs polices and rebuild ties with disgruntled allies and reach out to the Muslim world. Over the course of the year, his administration attempted to re-start the stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace talks and engage with Iran and North Korea over their nuclear programmes. Obama also had to maintain a delicate alliance with Pakistan, deal with Chinas enormous economic clout and reconnect with former cold war foe Russia. In this episode of Riz Khan, we examine whether Obamas foreign policy agenda has been effective so far. Is it multilateral and can it repair the USs reputation around the world? Anand Naidoo is joined by academic and author Philip Bobbit, who served under three US Presidents; Stephen Walt, professor of international affairs at Harvard University; and Christopher Dickey, the Middle East Regional Editor for Newsweek Magazine. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 22:30
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