Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir Performs 'Battle Hymn Of The Republic' At Obama's Inauguration Watch more videos at Follow on Twitter: Author: TheNewYorkTimes Duration: 5:01
Photos for video Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir Sings at the 2013 Presidential Inauguration
I forgot to mention that had Mitt Romney won the election, Obama Care and Dodd Frank might have been repealed. Such a possibility is now completely off the table. As neither of these horrific laws were fully implemented during Obama's first term, the extent of the damage they will inflict on the American economy will not be evident until his second. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that the US stock market would be marked-down to reflect the permanency of these laws. However, the biggest mark- down will likely be reserved for the dollar, and the American standard of living that depends on its purchasing power. Also, at the 3 minute 50 second mark, I misspoke. I meant to say that "when Obama finishes his SECOND term the economy will be in much worse shape than it was when he began his first term." Listen to The Peter Schiff Show on Live and Free Weekdays 10am to noon ET Buy my new book The Real Crash Author: SchiffReport Duration: 16:50
Photos for video Obama 2.0 & the Fiscal Cliff: Implications for America, the Markets, the Dollar, and Gold
Ben Swann, Host and Producer of Reality Check speaking at a Libertas Meeting in Cincinnati, OH. Ben talks about Executive Orders, The Drug War, NDAA and Internet Piracy bills... this is video 1 of 4 Video ctsy: Chad Wagner Author: Ben Swann Duration: 2:16
Photos for video Ben Swann: Why Media Won't Talk About Executive Orders
Brandon Raub served his country well as is apparent from the amount of medals and decorations he received as a Marine. He fought for this country, for freedom, for the Constitution. One thing in particular that he fought for was our right to free speech. That right was taken away from him on August 16, 2012. A contingent of police officers, FBI and Secret Service agents wrestled him to the ground in handcuffs and took him away without due process, without being arrested, without any semblance of legality. Waiting back at John Randolph Psychiatric Hospital in Hopewell, Virginia was a psychiatrist willing to do the US government's bidding and signed a court order to lock up Brandon for thirty days of "observation." What tipped off the FBI and Secret Service agents that Brandon was insane and might harm others? He dared to criticize his government. In a phone interview he had this to say: "I really love America, and I think that idea that you can be detained and sent somewhere without due process and a lawyer ... is crazy." Wake up, America or you'll be next... Author: Kris Zane Duration: 2:23
Photos for video Marine Hero Brandon Raub Falsely Detained for Exercising His Right to Free Speech
Funny ATC just before President Obama departs Boston. Hey, what is a VIP American 573?! I guess we are all VIPs right? I apologize for the poor film quality - it wasn't my day for filming but decided to post it as I love this plane, it is just beautiful!!! Atc is courtesy of - the resource for all us aviation nuts! Author: jenf777 Duration: 1:52
Photos for video Funny ATC as President Obama Departs Boston Logan on Air Force One 6-26-2012
[The best tour in Van Halen history.. (1992-93) Audio Edited "HD"] 01. Poundcake: 02. Judgement Day: 03. Man On A Mission: 04. When It's Love: 05. In 'n' Out: 06. Right Now: 07. Pleasure Dome/Drum Solo: 08. Spanked: 09. Runaround: 10. Finish What Ya Started: 11. "Eagles Fly" from Sammy: 12. "316" (Guitar Solo): 13: You Really Got Me/Cabo Wabo: 14. The Dream is Over: 15. Jump: 16: Top of the World: Author: szerelemgyerek Duration: 4:51
The passage of the authoritarian military dictatorship bill, the NDAA, by the House of Representatives on Wednesday. He talks about Obama's theatrical about-face after he promised to veto the legislation and implications the bill presents for an all-out war against enemies of the state by the Pentagon on the internet. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 12:39
Photos for video Obama's Power Grab Within NDAA Bill & More: Infowars Nightly News
Hilarious Rick Perry Ad: Rick Perry the Movie: FACEBOOK APPLICATION: Facebook Page: ZybakTV Store: I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a Christian, but you don't need... Author: ZybakTV Duration: 7:31
Photos for video MW3: Rick Perry Strong...Seriously...
Like the cartoon? Have twitter? Click here to tweet and maybe Ellen will get to see it! :D See George Watsky live! Check out this link to see if he's coming to a city near you! George Watsky set out a challenge on The Ellen Show, and I accepted! See the original video here: HUGE thanks to George Watsky for really helping me out with this little project. He is by far one of the most talented people I have ever met in my life. You must see him live if you have a chance! Simply amazing! Subscribe to his channel if you haven't already! The song used as the music bed is "Stupidass' and you can download the song here: Cameos The Annoying Orange: Ray William Johnson: People in the Flash Mob Shay & Katilette: Kassem G: Charles & Alli: Ian and Anthony of Smosh: Mystery Guitar Man: Dave Days: Shanaynay as the Pizza Hut Employee -------------------- T-SHIRTS TWITTER http FACEBOOK Author: CyberToons Duration: 2:56 The Carroll National Guard unit will train on urban military operations by holding a four-day exercise at Arcadia. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:59
Photos for video Iowa National Guard Lt. Colonel on Alex Jones Tv:1/2"It's for your Safety!"