Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir Performs 'Battle Hymn Of The Republic' At Obama's Inauguration Watch more videos at Follow on Twitter: Author: TheNewYorkTimes Duration: 5:01
Photos for video Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir Sings at the 2013 Presidential Inauguration
The Second Presidental Debate highlights and comments from last nights debate between President Obama and Gov. Romney. Also America was cured by Louis Farrakhan from the words of the Koran. Bible Prophecy and current news events, and the Powerful Word of God. Theologian Paul Begley of Indiana will break it all down today.... Current News Events, Bible Prophecy as it relates to the Word of God with Pastor Paul Begley. He is the author of three books: Hosea Prophecy, Mark of the Beast RFID, and Texas Blood Lake. is his website that streams live M - F 12pm to 3pm EST and every Sunday night 7pm to 10pm. Pastor Paul Begley has hearkened to the call of God to reach out to a troubled world with the end time clarion call of salvation. http http Author: begleyradio Duration: 121:42
Photos for video Presidential Debate Outtakes - Coming Apocalypse - Paul Begley
For more coverage: President Obama addresses the 67th UN General Assembly in New York with a focus on quelling violence spreading abroad. Author: PBSNewsHour Duration: 30:19
Photos for video Watch President Obama Address the UN General Assembly
Barack Obama Singing Born This Way by Lady Gaga This video Barack Obama Singing Born This Way by Lady Gaga was really funny. Barack Obama Singing Born This Way by Lady Gaga I wished it was him really singing live, but i still enjoyed this. Thanks so much, and don't forget to check me out on the links below! MAIN CHANNEL Barack Obama Singing Born This Way by Lady Gaga president barack obama barack obama born this way dub parody singing autotune Lady Gaga Author: MeganSpeaks Duration: 0:41
Photos for video Re: Barack Obama Singing Born This Way by Lady Gaga "Barack Obama Singing" Learn how to make money no matter how the market flows these secrets yields results ! Go in smart get out in one piece with amazing consistent profits,Visit http now to watch the FREE video & get your FREE report I'm going to save you hundreds !! . . . NEW . . . . . .WORLD . . . . ORDER . . Author: NWOSurvivalBlueprint Duration: 4:54
Photos for video (MUST WATCH)Ron Paul Reveals His Master Plan To Beat Barack"THE TRADER"Obama In 2012
The launch of the Justice Party was just held on December 12th here in Washington DC, with Rocky Anderson at the helm, planning to make a bid for the Presidency. He's said that he won't take more than $100 per person in donations and that this party is for the sake of justice, social justice, environmental justice, and economic justice. Former Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson joins the show. Author: TheAlyonaShow Duration: 9:27
Photos for video Rocky Anderson: Obama 'Completely betrayed his base'
Alex discusses the latest in economic news including schools requiring students to bring their own toilet paper. Hal Turner, a radio host with ties to the FBI has been convicted of threatening several judges. Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:59
Photos for video The Lawlessness of Government: Alex Jones Tv {Sunday Edition} 2/6
HD Version - See my channel for Non-HD Version. World in Peril: Chief Red Cloud, Native American leaders, Medicine Men and Medicine women talk about an Environment in Crisis. About the BP oil spill and water shortage. We must live and teach Love and Respect for everything. Featuring: Lakota Chief Oliver Red Cloud Lakota Medicine Man Floyd Looks for Buffalo Hand Virginia Edgewater of the Din Author: pushthelimit Duration: 3:04
Photos for video Native American Prophecy Chief Red Cloud about Earths Destruction
WWW.SAVESOCOM.COM WWW.SAVESOCOM.COM These are my thoughts on Desert Glory for Socom Confrontation. There will be more videos about how bad this game is. Don't believe the developers of this game when they say that it was a success. Author: Blackwido88 Duration: 9:52
In 1969, Weather Underground founders Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn (who were to become Pres. Obama's personal friends and associates for many years) put Charles Manson on the cover of their occasional newspaper, "Fire". At what was billed as a "War Council" in Flint Michigan that same year, Ayers and his comrades took to greeting eachother with "the fork" - three fingers pointed upwards, in honor of Manson. (Google Dohrn's Flint conference quote on Manson - and Sharon Tate, who was 8 1/2 months pregnant at the time.) In 1972 Ayers dedicated the WU's manifesto, "Prairie Fire", to his cultural and political heroes -- a list which included Sen. Robert Kennedy's assassin, Sirhan Sirhan. Throughout their career as terrorist bombers, Ayers and Dohrn were constantly trying to break the Left free of its "bourgeois" commitment to any standard of justice or decency. By adopting Charles Manson as their own, by praising Manson as a hero of the counterculture, they hoped to smash the Left's "bourgeois" ties to civilization and thus spark similar acts of horrific "revolutionary" violence against innocent people. Over 400 people attended that Flint conference. Can't help but wonder what positions they have now, unknown to anyone but each other... Author: 50MMike Duration: 2:20
Photos for video Larry Grathwohl on Ayers' plan for American re-education camps and the need to kill millions