Im coming for your guns obama. You need to be impeached. I will attack you politically in the infowar. No more false flags. No more staged events. No martial law. Thank you for hurricane sandy. You did such a great job. We dont need Fema Camps we need self sufficiency. Police wake up! Oathkeepers RISE!!!! ALL ARMED FORCED VISIT and check out the BILLBOARD CAMPAIGN! Elemental News more Activism Videos Flyers Author: Justin Castrianni Duration: 6:32
Photos for video Impeach Barack Obama Martial Law Fema Camps Oathkeepers Police False Flag Elemental News Ep 5 Full
Hope you enjoyed! Can I get a like for an epic battle? Follow me on Twitter! Like me on Facebook! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLICK LINK BELOW and use promo code 'Epic' for 10% off Custom Controllerzz CLICK HERE for 10% off Kontrol Freeks! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Crew KYR SP33DY - Deluxe 4 - JahovasWitniss - SideArms4Reason - MsHeartAttack - ShadowBeatz - STR8 Mario - Deluxe 20 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MW3 Rap MW3 Rap Battle MW3 Funny Moments MW3 Trolling MW3 Troll Epic Rap Battles Epic Rap Battle Nobody Epic NobodyEpic MW3 I'm a Rapper Part 1 MW3 Rapper MW3 Rap Battle Mitt Romney Barack Obama Author: NobodyEpic Duration: 3:01
Photos for video EPIC RAP BATTLES OF XBOX LIVE 18! NobodyEpic vs Gifted Assaultz (Funny Call of Duty Rap)
Obama and Romney join the would-be motown band, Crowley and the Town Hallians, in the 3rd Presidential Debate. Ed Bassmaster: Get the track! Wear Songify2012 things on your body: Our 2nd Channel: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: Original video: Behind the scenes: LYRICS Crowley Welcome to the town hall debate where ordinary people talk to the candidates Skippy The ladies tell me they like a man with insurance So how do I get some without paying a billion dollars for it Tell me, who's gonna work it out, baby Who's gonna work it out? Obama This is not just a health issue It's an economic issue This is money out of that family's pocket Romney If Obamacare is implemented fully It'll be another 2500 on top You've seen health insurance premiums, gone up Incomes go down Obama I said that we would make sure that insurance companies Can't jerk you around CHORUS: Skippy What you gonna do? Romney We should make sure that our legal system works Crowley Oh, what you gonna do? Obama Go after gang bangers we're gonna get it done In a second term Skippy Oh, what you gonna do? Obama Take the money we've been spending on war Romney More drilling Obama Double our exports Skippy Who's gonna work it out, baby, who's gonna work it out? Chad Since I got out of college, I've been living in my mom's basement How are you gonna get me a job before she goes totally apestuff? Who's gonna work it out, baby Who's <b>...</b> Author: schmoyoho Duration: 2:41
Vice Presidents and their responsibilities as detailed by Lee Newton. Get informed on all Election type stuff & things. *We'll be LIVE right after The Vice Presidential Debate on Oct 11th (6pm PT/9pm ET) Come watch it with us! Check out our NEW site for everything & anything that matters! Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Tumblr: Like us on Facebook: Philly D OFFICIAL APP for instant updates: Order your SourceFed Posters here: Hosts: @leenewtonsays Music: @ronaldjenkees @hagemeister Author: SourceFed Duration: 4:15
President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney discuss domestic policy in the first debate of the 2012 presidential election from Denver, Colorado. Join the conversation on Facebook Add TDC to your circles on Google+ Follow The Daily Conversation on Twitter Keywords: First Presidential Debate Barack Obama Mitt Romney Complete Full Election 2012 Governor Republican Democrat Domestic Policy Economy Jobs Entitlements Social Security Medicare Obamacare Affordable Health Care Act Recession Recovery Role Government Policy Issues Michelle Debt Jim Lehrer PBS Denver Economics Plan Federal News Politics USA America United States Campaign Vote Joe Biden Paul Ryan Conservative Liberal Congress Senate "Barack Obama (US President)" Education Teachers Schools CC Closed Captions Author: TheDailyConversation Duration: 92:52
Photos for video First Presidential Debate: Obama vs. Romney (Complete HD - Quality Audio)
Watch Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in the first 2012 US presidential debate from the University of Denver. PART 5 (Last Part) Author: 2012TheVoiceOf Duration: 20:47
Photos for video PART 5 (END): The First 2012 US Presidential Debate from Denver
The cartels of Juarez, Mexico, are at war with a group of Mormons, some of whom are related to Mitt Romney. We went there to document the conflict, meet Romney's Mormon family, and find out more about how US policy is impacting the war on drugs. Watch more VICE documentaries here: Hosted by VICE Founder Shane Smith Follow Shane on Twitter: Check out our full video catalog: Videos, daily editorial and more: Like VICE on Facebook Follow VICE on Twitter: Read our tumblr: Author: vice Duration: 41:07
Photos for video The Mexican Mormon War (Drug Cartels vs. Mormons Full Length)
For more coverage: President Obama addresses the 67th UN General Assembly in New York with a focus on quelling violence spreading abroad. Author: PBSNewsHour Duration: 30:19
Photos for video Watch President Obama Address the UN General Assembly
Jimmy Kimmel Live - Pedestrian Question - Have You Ever Had a Gay Experience? Jimmy Kimmel Live's YouTube channel features clips and recaps of every episode from the late night TV show on ABC. Subscribe for clips from the monologue, the interviews, and musical performances every day of the week. Watch your favorites parts again, or catch-up on any episodes you may have missed. Channel: Subscribe: For tickets: Author: JimmyKimmelLive Duration: 3:38
Photos for video Pedestrian Question - Have You Ever Had a Gay Experience?
Drones strikes have become taboo among US leaders; allegedly for security reasons. Still Pakistan and the US have an agreement to continue drones strikes that are aimed at killing the Taliban, but at the same time have killed innocent Pakistanis. For the first time Obama has admitted drones not only kill the enemy, but innocent people. Michael Maloof, former Pentagon official, gives us his thoughts on the matter. Like us and/or follow us: Author: RTAmerica Duration: 6:01
Photos for video Obama admits drone strikes kill innocent Pakistanis
This LIVE Sunday edition serves as a red alert, a warning that America is slipping into a Soviet-style nightmare. In this special broadcast, Alex urges listeners to realize the grave choice we must all make-- to face up to the harsh realities happening around us, or ignore it and allow the country and globe to slip into total tyranny. It is all happening now-- from a Pentagon-led takeover of the Internet and bills authorizing the clamp down of free speech online to a military takeover in the homeland, emboldened by NDAA legislation authorizing the indefinite detention of Americans without trial and a martial law emergency response grid. Preparations are in place to launch World War III and totally supplant the Constitutional basis for legitimate government in the free world. Don't miss this call to action; tell your friends and family to tune in for this special Sunday appeal to reason, an attempt to stop what is happening in its tracks before it is too late. Your calls are also welcome. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:20
Photos for video Red Alert: Classical Tyranny and Usurpation - Alex Jones Sunday Edition 1/6
A local news reporter from Washington, DC ended up getting covered in what is probably the remnants of raw sewage as he delivered live hurricane reports from Ocean City, Md. WTTG-TV reporter Tucker Barnes was providing live updates for stations around the country as a wall of what he described as sea foam poured over him. Barnes was on the boardwalk as Hurricane Irene hit the coast of Maryland He noted that he had immersed himself in organic material. That "organic material" was most likely the effects of raw sewage pouring into the water during the storm. "It doesn't taste great," he said. He said it had a sandy consistency and added, "I can tell you first-hand, it doesn't smell great." The foam is often a toxic mix of pollution and cyanobacteria.60 mph wind gust sprayed the toxic mix across the reporter and the boardwalk and coated buildings. Bubbles and foam in the ocean can be caused by several other things, including oils from decomposing animals Read more: Author: UrbanWarfareChannel Duration: 4:27
Photos for video WTF Reporter Gets Covered In Raw Sewage Covering Hurricane Irene