Beyonce Sings the National Anthem at the 2013 Inauguration of Barack Obama BEYONCE At Last LIVE BARACK OBAMA MICHELLE Sweet Dreams Halo Inauguration Run The World 2013 BEYONCE, At, Last, LIVE, BARACK, OBAMA, MICHELLE, Sweet, Dreams, Halo, Inauguration, Run, The, World, 2013, Destiny's, Child, Super, Nuclear, Bowl, Half, Time, National, Anthem, Dance, For, You, Blue, Ivy, Carter, Countdown, Love, On, Top, Grammy, Awards, Grammys, Beyonce AT LAST Barack Obama & Michelle First Dance "Beyonce Live" Who Run The World God Bless The USA Live Move Your Body "Beyonce Who Run The World" "Who Run The World" BEYONCE Beyonce Girls That Rule The World Who "Beyonce Girls" New Song 2011 Live Performance Sweet Dreams Halo Single Ladies Lyrics Music Video Official BeyonceHalo "BeyonceHalo" Ft Lady Gaga Telephone Video Phone " Barack And Michelle Obama's "First Dance" President Obama's First 100 Days Speech Susan Boyle's 2nd Performance Is Also On This Channel Tea Party Republicans Sean Hannity Oscar Awards "Chris Brown" "Rihanna" "Etta James" "AT LAST" HD OBAMA'S DANCE "NAACP" "HALO" "TO DREAM THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM" "JENNIFER HUDSON" Author: worldupdatenews Duration: 3:02
Photos for video Beyonce Singing the National Anthem at the 2013 Inauguration of Barack Obama
"Last week, President Barack Obama and his family were in Hawaii for their annual Christmas vacation. Photographers captured several moments of POTUS during the trip, including a jaunt to a shave ice shop and a golf outing. Some vacation shots, like this one, are actually released by the White House itself. But when a paparazzo snapped photographs of the First Daughters, Sasha and Malia, walking along a beach — eeeerrrrr, record scratch."* A paparazzo snapped beach pictures of Sasha and Malia Obama as the first family vacationed in Hawaii. He was actually waiting for Jessica Simpson when the Obama girls came by, but is taking the pictures inappropriate? Was the White House fair in their response? Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down. *Read more from Dodai Stewart/ Jezebel: Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Support The Young Turks by Shopping Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 4:09
Photos for video Sasha and Malia Obama's Beach Trip Interrupted by Paparazzi Распространите это видео как можно шире! ВНИМАНИЕ: в ролике есть ошибка. Строительство Южного потока не завершено, а начато. Приносим извинения за ошибку. 2012 год на исходе и к счастью он не обернулся ни концом света, ни началом третьей мировой войны. Подведём его итоги, выделив наиболее существенные геополитические события. Крах внешней политики США Безусловно, главный итог года -- это полнейший крах внешней политики США. Сейчас, когда из новой администрации Обамы вычищаются старые ястребы, это стало особенно очевидно. Внезапный недуг старушки Клинтон, выразившийся в свалившемся на неё поносе и падении с сотрясением мозга -- удивительно точно охарактеризовал весь результат работы стратегов США. Они там умудрились не только лоб себе расшибить, но ещё и обосраться. Жаль только, что при этом погибло столько невинных людей. Некоторые считают, что США своими действиями пытались создать в нужных точках планеты т.н. управляемый хаос. Сейчас, это утверждение выглядит особенно спорным, так как нигде у США не получилось хоть в какой-то степени эту нестабильность контролировать. Чтобы не быть голословными, давайте вспомним, как это было. В Ливии итогом свержения Каддафи стало погружение некогда процветающей страны в пучину междоусобных войн и убийство американского посла Криса Стивенса. И если уничтожение процветающей страны еще как-то вписывается в интересы США, то вот убийство посла точно нет. Оно отчетливо продемонстрировало миру, что Вашингтон уже не способен защитить <b>...</b> Author: MrEsuper Duration: 15:01
Photos for video Мировой передел. Выпуск 57. Итоги 2012 года
The cartels of Juarez, Mexico, are at war with a group of Mormons, some of whom are related to Mitt Romney. We went there to document the conflict, meet Romney's Mormon family, and find out more about how US policy is impacting the war on drugs. Watch more VICE documentaries here: Hosted by VICE Founder Shane Smith Follow Shane on Twitter: Check out our full video catalog: Videos, daily editorial and more: Like VICE on Facebook Follow VICE on Twitter: Read our tumblr: Author: vice Duration: 41:07
Photos for video The Mexican Mormon War (Drug Cartels vs. Mormons Full Length)
Inauguration of President Vladimir Putin (hard rock version) President Putin's Oath, Blessed by Patriarch 2012 Putin Victory Day Speech May 9, 2012 (English subtitles) Honoring the Millions of Russians Killed in WWII 2012 Putin- Presidential Address 2012 Putin- Russian Spirit Putin- Russia's Democracy Obama's soviet Mistake The Unknown Putin. Part 1 The Unknown Putin Part 2 Zyuganov Communist Not Putin Putin and Kofi Annan / Путин и Кофи Аннана Putin-Russia in a Changing World (full speech) Putin- Bomb & Missile Diplomacy Putin Press Conference in Jordan Putin and Obama's Agreement About Syria - Lavrov President Putin & Obama 2012 Путин и Обама Putin's Arms Race Putin & Peres in Jerusalem 2012 Путин и Перес в Иерусалим Putin Israel Peace Talks 2012 Путин призывает Израиль и Палестину Russian Democracy (English subtitles) 2012 Putin Rally Pro-Putin Rallies outnumber anti-Putin Rally (why some were arrested) VVP , (Putin) Saved the Country (English subtitles) Why the West Fears Putin article- "Why the West Fears Putin" Author: Marine1063 Duration: 7:50
Photos for video Vladimir Putin (Hard Rock Version)
Cenk Uygur (host of The Young Turks) explains why president Barack Obama needs to learn some basic lessons about politics in light of his most recent cave-in to Republicans on tax cuts for the rich. Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 7:12
Alex talks with author, journalist, speaker and radio talk show host Webster Tarpley about the Wikileaks Afghanistan documents and the latest developments on the coming conflict with Iran. Tarpley is the author of Obama: The Postmodern Coup and Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography, both available at Alex's Infowars store. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:59
Photos for video Webster Tarpley: Media's Wikileaks"CIA Style Spin"Gives Obama Excuse to Invade Iran & Pakistan! 1/5
Copyright recording, music and lyrics reproduced by kind permission of Adams Communications - for original, exclusive performances by Bryan Adams, check-out the official channel at Lipdub HEC Montr Author: JF Quintal Duration: 5:39
Condoleezza Rice was at my dorm for a reception/dinner with some students, and this is some of the footage I got. All rights to this video belong to me, Reyna Garcia. Note: The two students who ask the questions are Jeremy Cohn & Sammy Abusrur (in that order). Thanks for watching. Please keep comments civil. Video responses will not be accepted. Send me a message if it is important and I will do my best to respond, but please do not spam me. Thanks again. Author: Reyna Garcia Duration: 7:15
Photos for video Condoleezza Rice meets with some students