President Obama would have you believe that guns are responsible for America's high (for an industrialized country) murder rate. But there may be a very different culprit. If you enjoy my content, please follow me on: Facebook - Tumblr - Twitter - Support my channel by buying my merchandise: PTFO shirt - * * * All videos written and performed by TJ Kirk Additional writing by Scott Kirk Music and sound effects are provided by: Audio Micro Music - Audio Micro Sound Effects - Additional music provided by Kevin MacLeod, Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 * * * Murder rates by country 15 Most Common Causes of Death in the US Author: TheAmazingAtheist Duration: 7:33
"Last week, President Barack Obama and his family were in Hawaii for their annual Christmas vacation. Photographers captured several moments of POTUS during the trip, including a jaunt to a shave ice shop and a golf outing. Some vacation shots, like this one, are actually released by the White House itself. But when a paparazzo snapped photographs of the First Daughters, Sasha and Malia, walking along a beach — eeeerrrrr, record scratch."* A paparazzo snapped beach pictures of Sasha and Malia Obama as the first family vacationed in Hawaii. He was actually waiting for Jessica Simpson when the Obama girls came by, but is taking the pictures inappropriate? Was the White House fair in their response? Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down. *Read more from Dodai Stewart/ Jezebel: Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Support The Young Turks by Shopping Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 4:09
Photos for video Sasha and Malia Obama's Beach Trip Interrupted by Paparazzi
Zo looks at Obama the warrior. While the left would like you to think that he killed Gaddafi, Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, AlfonZo Rachel cuts through the propaganda and brings you the facts. See more at Author: Pajamasmedia Duration: 3:53
Photos for video Obama Killed Osama and Other Liberal Talking Point Lies
Not long ago, infamous hacktivist collective Anonymous came forward revealing their plans to go after members of the secret society Illuminati, calling George Bush, Barack Obama, Charles Schumer, Curtis James Jackson III and others their puppets. "Illuminati will take 75% of all social networks. Youtube is already done. We have managed to leak audio recordings and few video formats," they said at the time. Since the first warning, in which they asked the organization to stop their practices, was ignored, on December 17 they released a new video, declaring war on Illuminati in the year 2012 and threatening to reveal valuable information on "13 bloodlines". "They use manipulation to keep every resource in order with their mission. Now, it is our move. You think that you are in control, but we'll show you what is true power, true power of people and freedom. You control resources, but you don't control people," says a guy wearing a Fawkes mask in the latest video. MiRRoR-Worldsourc3 - Credits@Worldsourc3 WE ARE EVERYWHERE. WE ARE LEGION. WE DO NOT FORGIVE. WE DO NOT FORGET. EXPECT US cheers: rahezal / typo fixed Author: Last2TYears Duration: 7:14
Photos for video Anonymous- DEATH THREAT TO ILLUMINATI
No One But Paul -- Money Bomb, 2/14/2012 -- Spread the word! Ron Paul is the only one who can beat Obama because he pulls the most support from Democrats and Independents out of all other GOP members. He also has by far the most support from our men and women in the military. The Democratic presidential primary will be uncontested. If you are anti-war and pro-freedom, vote in your states Republican primary for Ron Paul. Check local rules to see if you need to change affiliation in advance. Even if you don't agree with Ron Paul 100%, would you prefer one of the Neo-Con's getting the Republican nomination? Become a Blue Republican for the primaries, support Freedom, and vote Ron Paul. Author: Matthew Zak Duration: 6:25
Photos for video No One But Paul -- Can Beat Obama
President Obama and the Congressional Democrats promised the American people an era of transparency and ethical governance. And what did they get? Neither, and some would say worse. Author: goprapidresponse Duration: 1:38
Will the United States opt to send 44000 more troops to Afghanistan as part of a counterinsurgency strategy, or will it opt for a smaller counterterrorism force? With a decision expected in the next few weeks, reports indicate that President Barack Obama is looking for a middle-of-the-road plan. But is there another, possible fourth option? Just last week, Matthew Hoh, the former US Senior Civilian Representative in Afghanistan, announced his resignation, saying he no longer saw the value in continued US involvement in what was essentially a 35-year-old civil war. In an emotional four-page resignation letter Hoh said, Like the Soviets, we continue to secure and bolster a failing state, while encouraging an ideology and system of government unknown and unwanted by its people. So is it time for the United States to withdraw from Afghanistan? On this episode of Riz Khan, Anand Naidoo interviews Matthew Hoh. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 22:40 Former Governor Jesse Ventura talks with Alex Jones about his upcoming truTV show 'Conspiracy Theories' and his take on current events. IN PART TWO of the interview, Jesse and Alex discuss Obama's falling poll numbers, something Ventura points out he experienced as Governor of Minnesota, but wasn't too bothered by- a function, he believes, of widespread disatisfaction with single issues, and general partisanship. Ventura criticizes the Republican National Convention in Minnesota during the 2008 election cycle which, much like the DNC in Denver, put in place a 'martial law'-like police state, including storm troopers and razor wire to control dissent, and forcing attendees to go through massive security just to attend the event. By contrast, the vastly successful 'Rally for the Republic' counter-convention held by Ron Paul-- at which Ventura also spoke-- had no more security than would an everyday basketball game. That freedom went hand in hand with the open and free talk that took place from figures Ventura says can actually be honest with the American people (unlike those in the major parties). Jesse Ventura also blasted the 9/11 Commission Report which he compared to the Warren Commission Report which likewise sought to cover-up the truth of what happened. At some point, Ventura says, the Government decided that the people would NOT hear the truth about 9/11. He points out that Jonathan Farmer, lawyer for the 9/11 Commission, has come out <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 8:50
Photos for video Fmr Gov. Ventura talks about shocking 9/11 Commission revelations
Oprah Winfrey visits David Letterman. Your Black World is the top black news and commentary site in America. You can find news and commentary from all the major networks: CNN, ESPN, BET, CBS, CNN, and on all African American leaders and public figures in black america: Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, BET, Hip Hop vs. America, rappers, Tavis Smiley, Cornel West, Michael Eric Dyson, state of the black union, state of black america, naacp, rainbow push coaltion, the urban league, wendy williams, wbls, the tom joyner morning show, black america web, juanita bynum, akon, rick ross, kanye west, lil wayne, doug banks, michael baisden, hot 97, r. kelly trial, marc lamont hill, roland martin, black men, black women, african american men african american women, black issues, black commentary, black people, tv one, bet hip hop awards, henry louis gates, howard university, morehouse university, spelman college, black colleges, hbcus, alpha kappa alpha sorority inc, phi beta sigma, omega psi phi, black greeks, kirk franklin, denzel washington, will smith, essence magazine, ebony magazine, black enterprise magazine, vibe magazine, jay z, beyonce, king magazine, kobe bryant, lebron james, shaquille o'neal. Our enemies: Bill O'reilly, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, The O'Reilly Factor. Author: yourblackworld Duration: 8:48
Photos for video Oprah Winfrey Show Visits David Letterman Show Part 3