Human rights activists in the US have slammed Barack Obama for signing the new National Defense Authorization Act. They claim the president has failed to deliver his campaign promises by passing the bill that allows the indefinite detention of citizens without charge or trial and also by failing to close the Guantanamo prison camp. This comes despite Obama's own threats to veto the new NDAA from prohibiting the closure of the notorious prison camp. For more, RT talks to Dennis Kucinich, member of the House of Representatives of Ohio's 10th congressional district. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 5:32
Photos for video Kucinich on NDAA: Indefinite detention part of push to shred Constitution
TIME magazine unveiled the 2012 choice for its iconic Person of the Year cover live on TODAY Wednesday. President Barack Obama is this year's choice, managing editor Rick Stengel revealed. On Tuesday, the magazine's short list for this year's Person of the Year cover was revealed on TODAY, and tens of thousands of readers voted among the eight candidates. In addition to President Obama, they included Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo!; Mohammed Morsi, president of Egypt; Undocumented Americans; Bill and Hillary Clinton; ; Malala Yousafzai, the student activist from Pakistan who survived an assassination attempt by the Taliban; Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple; and the Higgs Boson and Italian physicist Fabiola Giannati. As it has for the past 85 years, the weekly newsmagazine selected the person (or sometimes group, or thing) that its editors deemed had the single greatest impact during the past year, for better or for worse. Time's Person of the Year has been a perennial topic of year-end debate ever since aviator Charles Lindbergh was chosen the first Man of the Year back in 1927 (the title was amended to Person of the Year in 1999). But the title is not necessarily an accolade; while many presidents, political leaders, innovators and captains of industry have been cited, some of the more notorious Persons of the Year include Adolf Hitler in 1938, Joseph Stalin in 1943 and Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979. There have also been more conceptual choices, such as "the <b>...</b> Author: InsaneMrBrain Duration: 1:44
Photos for video President Barack Obama Time Magazine's Person of the Year 2012 | SERIOUSLY???!! Again..
"President Barack Obama is preparing to expand the fiscal cliff fight beyond the confines of Washington, travelling the country and leaning on Democratic activist groups to help apply political pressure. The goal, organizers said, is to keep engaged the activists and followers who have stood with Obama through two campaigns, and to begin applying external pressure to the president's negotiations with congressional Republicans. And so, top Obama operatives are gaming out ways to squeeze political capital out of the 2012 elections, aiming to affect the lame-duck session in Congress. Obama previewed the strategy in a conference call with activists after the election, saying that a second term that will include some barnstorming across the country."* Ana Kaparian and John Iadarola (Host, TYT Univesity) discuss this bid to affect Congress' lame duck session. Will it work? Is it genuine? *Read more from Sam Stein/ Huffington Post: Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Support The Young Turks by Shopping Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch: Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 5:01
Photos for video Obama Fiscal Cliff Game Plan: Leave Washington?
check us out on Facebook Follow us @ Welcome to Capital Account. Last night the two main contenders for US President debated issues including tax policy, jobs, energy, and the national debt. During the debate President Barack Obama proposed "the way we're going to create jobs here is not just to change our tax code but also to double our exports." But to whom, exactly, can we export? The Eurozone, the US's largest trading partner, is contracting, and major emerging markets are slowing down. On the other hand, Mitt Romney stated that, "On day one, I will label China a currency manipulator." China is the largest foreign customer for US debt; do we really want to start a trade war with China? And where was the discussion of lobbying, of special interests and of the favorable treatment for connected, too-big-to-fail firms? What about a serious conversation that delves into how we may finally begin slicing into the sacred cow of military spending and the major firms that benefit from it? Perhaps when it comes to these issues, the candidates are not very different; our guest, Joel Bowman, Managing Editor for The Daily Reckoning, describes the candidates as "Obamney" and "Robama." We talk to Joel Bowman about why he feels the two candidates are not so different after all. Plus, we often hear about likely voters, but what about the non-voter class in the US? Non-voters include those who are disillusioned by the lack of choice of candidates <b>...</b> Author: CapitalAccount Duration: 28:04
Photos for video Obamney vs Robama: an Anarchic view of America's Economic and Political Duopoly!
30+ examples of Fox News' biased video editing at 180+ Fox News Bias videos at After President Barack Obama announced earlier this month that he would no longer deport some immigrants who were brought here illegally as children through no fault of their own, Fox News kept broadcasting a September 2011 clip of President Obama dishonestly edited to make it look like he previously opposed his current immigration action and Fox News even kept broadcast the dishonestly edited clip days after Jon Stewart exposed the dishonesty on the Daily Show, as I show in this video. The clip I use of Megyn Kelly airing the dishonestly edited video comes from a longer segment of Fox News' June 18, 2012, broadcast of "America Live" available online at The clips I use of Jon Stewart come from a longer segment of the June 19, 2012, broadcast of "The Daily Show" available online at The clip I use of President Obama's September 28, 2011, statement on immigration comes from the public domain video titled "Open for Questions with President Obama" on the whitehouse YouTube channel at The clip I use of Uma Pemmaraju with Juan Williams and Mark Davis comes from a longer segment of Fox News' June 23, 2012, broadcast of "America's News HQ" which I have no found available online The image I use of the May 28, 2012 letter to President Obama from dozens of law professors explaining the legal authority of the President on deportations comes from the webpage at The <b>...</b> Author: LiberalViewer Duration: 7:09
Photos for video Fox News Creates False Obama Contradiction on Immigration?
The West should accept Iran as a legitimate 'regional superpower' and drop 'yesterdays' rehashed policies of sanctions and military force, a British MP told RT. Talking to RT, John Baron, the only UK Conservative MP to vote against military action in Libya, called the potential use of force against Iran "illogical and naive." He further characterized the Western use of sanctions as "yesterday's failed policies." RT on Twitter RT on Facebook Author: RussiaToday Duration: 11:46
Photos for video 'Attack on Iran will force it to pursue nukes' - British MP
Obama is a puppet of the Banksters, but the Office of the President itself is being transformed into a dictatorial command and control system. Congress has now been told that they are merely ceremonial, while the military is openly training to wage war on the American people during a staged economic collapse! For Immediate Release Executive Order — National Defense Resources Preparedness EXECUTIVE ORDER NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (50 USC App. 2061 et seq.), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, and as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows: PART I -- PURPOSE, POLICY, AND IMPLEMENTATION Section 101. Purpose. This order delegates authorities and addresses national defense resource policies and programs under the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (the "Act"). A dvertisement Sec. 102. Policy. The United States must have an industrial and technological base capable of meeting national defense requirements and capable of contributing to the technological superiority of its national defense equipment in peacetime and in times of national emergency. The domestic industrial and technological base is the foundation for national defense preparedness. The authorities <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 8:33
Photos for video Obama Implementing Martial Law Coup!
On this first live show of 2012, Alex takes a large number of your calls and talks about the latest news, including the Iowa caucus tomorrow and Ron Paul's chances as the Republican establishment plots against him and pushes the script-reading warmongers Mitt Romney and the recently come-from-behind candidate Rick Santorum, who has proposed air strikes on Iran. Alex also talks about the concerted effort by the corporate media to fiddle with poll results in order to downplay Ron Paul's obvious lead in the eleventh hour before the caucus. Alex takes a look at the police state NDAA legislation signed into law by Obama, who promises he will not send the military to arrest American citizens and strip them of their rights under the Fourth Amendment. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 5:39
Photos for video Preview of Today's Show: Obama's NDAA Signing Statement, Collapse of Society & More
Congressional Black Caucus member confronts Allen West at the CBC Convention. "It's great that we have President Barack Hussein Obama as the first black, African-American President of the United States of America, but I didn't have to someone beyond my own dad," West said. "When you look at the black family structure right now, less than 33 percent have mother and father in the home. Once upon a time in the black community you didn't have to look at people outside your home for role models. We've have got to get that re-established so we don't have to look up to Washington DC You can look at your dads." Author: aimaccuracy Duration: 2:46
Photos for video Black Caucus member Confronts Allen West on Sarah Palin & Tea Party Ties
The man who was instrumental in working with the federal government to sabotage a bill that would have made TSA grope downs a felony in the state of Texas was Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, a former CIA agent and establishment insider considered to be the wealthiest man in Texas politics. Alex welcomes back to the show former federal prosecutor and a former member of the United States House of Representatives from Georgia, Bob Barr, who was the Libertarian Party nominee for President of the United States in the 2008 election. Barr will talk about his Atlanta Journal Constitution article detailing how the government and the House Armed Services Committee plan to expand the war on terror, not roll it back following the purported assassination of Osama bin Laden. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:10
Photos for video Bob Barr & Alex Jones: Dewhurst, A Minion of Obama! - Alex Jones Tv 1/2
On May 17, 2011 President Barack Obama hosted a reception for Jewish community leaders from across the country in honor of Jewish American Heritage Month. Yeshiva University President Richard M. Joel was in attendance, as well as YU's a cappella group, The Maccabeats who provided musical entertainment. Full story here: Author: YeshivaUniversity Duration: 19:38
Photos for video YU Maccabeats Perform at The White House