Human rights activists in the US have slammed Barack Obama for signing the new National Defense Authorization Act. They claim the president has failed to deliver his campaign promises by passing the bill that allows the indefinite detention of citizens without charge or trial and also by failing to close the Guantanamo prison camp. This comes despite Obama's own threats to veto the new NDAA from prohibiting the closure of the notorious prison camp. For more, RT talks to Dennis Kucinich, member of the House of Representatives of Ohio's 10th congressional district. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 5:32
Photos for video Kucinich on NDAA: Indefinite detention part of push to shred Constitution
As Hurricane Sandy pounds the east coast Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks discusses the Republican party's stance on climate change. Republican Presidential Nominee Mitt Romney's comments on climate change during is RNC speech are discussed. Cenk also breaks down the real reason the Republican party has the opinions they do about climate change, turns out it's all about the money. Do you believe climate change is man made and we're seeing its effects now, tell us in the comment section below. Mitt Romney's line about climate change in his RNC Convention Speech below: President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans and to heal the planet. MY promise ... is to help you and your family. Join the fight against money in politics at Support The Young Turks by Subscribing http Support The Young Turks by Shopping Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch: Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 3:14
Follow Julio @ Our Midwest correspondent, Julio Ruasso continued his talk with 3rd party presidential candidate and former Governor of New Mexico Gary Johnson. Spread this interview around to show people that there are more then just 2 choices in this years election. The first part of this interview: To find out more about Gary Johnson: Follow him @ https Become a member of The Sponsor Lounge and get exclusive behind the scenes content while helping us grow! Join us today! http:/// Support our future work by subscribing to our channel: Check out our merchandise: Author: wearechange Duration: 5:02
Photos for video Gary Johnson on War, The Economy & Internet Freedom
What do Mitt's Mexican cousins think about his strict immigration policies? VICE finds out. Watch the rest here: Hosted by VICE Founder Shane Smith Follow Shane on Twitter: Watch more VICE documentaries here: Subscribe to VICE for the best videos online: Check out our full video catalog: Videos, daily editorial and more: Like VICE on Facebook Follow VICE on Twitter: Read our tumblr: Author: vice Duration: 5:16
Photos for video Meet Mitt Romney's Mexican Mormon Family (Drug Cartels vs. Mormons Part 6/7)
Join the Live Radio Show! (3-5pm Central, 4-6pm EST) **Call-in Number (218) 339-8525 SUBSCRIBE NOW!! SUBSCRIBE TO AMTVmedia!!! REFERENCES: Exclusive: Obama authorizes secret US support for Syrian rebels Claim: US forces on Syrian border Annan quits as international Syria mediator: UN Israeli PM says time running out to stop Iran's nuclear programme US and Israel Intensify Talks on Iran Options Ahmadinejad: World forces must strive to annihilate Israel 8-2-12: In today's video, Christopher Greene explains how the United States has officially declared war with Syria and Bashar al-Assad. To Donate: Author: cgreene34 Duration: 6:35
Photos for video BREAKING! Obama Authorizes Secret US Invasion of Syria
Iran is warning that any talks on its nuclear programme will fail if the West continues to hit it with sanctions. International leaders have agreed to restart the international negotiations, which have stalled for over a year. As well as the talks, Tehran's agreeing to let UN inspectors inside a military facility that's suspected of atomic weapons work, in efforts to prove its nuclear programme is peaceful. US President Barack Obama says he hopes the new talks will help silence Washington's hawkish voices. But there are worrying reports from an ex-Israeli intelligence officer, that Tel Aviv won't rely on diplomacy for much longer. Global affairs researcher Benjamin Schett believes the US could also be waiting for an excuse to attack. RT on Twitter RT on Facebook Author: RussiaToday Duration: 6:36
Photos for video 'Obama diplomacy looking for excuse to attack Iran legally'
Проходят годы, время летит, зима уходит суровая, И только ты не можешь уйти, как будто цепями прикованный. Ну сколько можно пожар тушить, вправлять мозги губернаторам, Пора тебе для себя пожить - человеком, не императором. На пенсии осуществишь все мечты несбыточные. Ведь российские пенсионеры живут зажиточно! Четыре года, как кончился твой срок годности, Нет совести, так уйди хотя бы из гордости! НАЧНИ КАРЬЕРУ ПЕНСИОНЕРА, ОСВОБОДИ НАШУ ГАЛЕРУ! НАЧНИ КАРЬЕРУ ПЕНСИОНЕРА, ПЛЮНЬ ТЫ НАС, ДУЙ НА РИВЬЕРУ! Пойдешь с друзьями по клубам слушать "Любэ" под икру с лангустами, В Бурдж-аль-Арабе на пляже обслугу смущать своим торсом и бюстом, Писать с гимнасток и актрисок "ню", в туалет зайдешь без охранника, Так дайте, дайте парню лыжню! На посошок, да по маленькой! Сможешь нырять за сосудами полыми, Или кирять за сосудами полными. Книжек вагон прочтешь, духовно вырастешь. И, наконец, полной грудью вздохнешь и выдохнешь! НАЧНИ КАРЬЕРУ ПЕНСИОНЕРА, ОСВОБОДИ НАШУ ГАЛЕРУ! НАЧНИ КАРЬЕРУ ПЕНСИОНЕРА, ПЛЮНЬ ТЫ НАС, ДУЙ НА РИВЬЕРУ! У пенсионера масса возможностей: можешь скакать целый день на лошади, Можешь увидеть живьем далай-ламу, можно постоянно журить Обаму! Жизнь на пенсии только начинается - за мемуары издатели сражаются, Все еще будет, все состоится, сможешь, наверное, даже влюбиться! Послушай друзей, что скажут Володин с Сечиным: "Ничто в этом мире, Вова, не длится вечно! Проходит ночь, уходит зима, ушли Бен-Али, Мухамар, Мубарак, Ты тоже, Володя, уйдешь, вопрос только в том, когда и <b>...</b> Author: Burlogovo Duration: 3:02
Наша группа Вконтакте: Официальный сайт: Видео слать сюда Твиттер: Facebook: Google+: Музыка: This is Хорошо - Голый мужик (Mad Dee rmx) Jassi Sidhu - Nai Reesa Видео: Русский пёс (оригинал оказался совсем Украинским) Средний палец Обаме Индусы Author: ThisIsHorosho Duration: 4:23
Photos for video Индусы жрут лампы! О_оГг [Hindu eat lapms!]
Since 9/11 the US has changed a lot to combat the war on terror. Warrantless wiretapping is just one example of things that are now allowed as a result of September 11, but is the military industrial complex to blame? The Young Turks' Cenk Uygur continues this discussion and talks about the US' role on the war on terror and if America is safer after the implementation of the Patriot Act. Follow Lucy on Twitter: Author: RTAmerica Duration: 7:11
THE PRESIDENT: Please be seated. Good afternoon, and welcome to the White House. Of all the privileges serving as President, there's no greater honor than serving as Commander-in-Chief of the finest military that the world has ever known. And of all the military decorations that a President and a nation can bestow, there is none higher than the Medal of Honor. It has been nearly 150 years since our nation first presented this medal for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. And in those nearly 150 years -- through civil war and two world wars, Korea and Vietnam, Desert Storm and Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq, and countless battles in between -- tens of millions of Americans have worn the uniform. But fewer than 3500 have been recognized with the Medal of Honor. And in our time, these remarkable Americans are literally one in a million. And today we recognize another -- Sergeant First Class Jared C. Monti. The Medal of Honor reflects the admiration and gratitude of the nation. So we are joined by members of Congress -- including from Sergeant Monti's home state of Massachusetts, Senator John Kerry and Congressman Barney Frank. We're joined by our Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen, and leaders from across the Armed Forces. We are joined by the leaders of the Army to which Sergeant Monti dedicated his life: Secretary Pete Geren; our incoming Secretary <b>...</b> Author: UpTakeVideo Duration: 19:12
Photos for video Obama Awards Medal Of Honor To Staff Sergeant Jared C. Monti
An amazing speech given by Congressmen Ron Paul on February, 12 2009 What if the American people learn the truth? If freedom is what we want, it is ours for the taking. Let the revolution begin. Author: eric710221 Duration: 3:59
Photos for video Ron Paul: What If... Amazing Speech 2-12-09