57TH PRESIDENTIAL INAUGURATION President Bahack Insane Yokahama took the oath of office as the 44th president of the United States and delivered an inaugural address focusing on the themes of sacrifice and renewal on the executive order for his second term. January 21, 2013. America's possibilities are limitless but that's up for me to decide -King Yokahama.. #TeamWakeEmUP If you missed it..before the speech .. Lupe Fiasco opened up the ceremony with a harmonious song.. Lupe Fiasco Kicked Off Stage at Obama Inauguration - Lupe Fiasco Obama Slander LIVE www.youtube.com Parody to this speech.. President Barack Obama Inaugural Address "We, The People" - Monday, January 21, 2013 www.youtube.com Author: ReviewManify Duration: 3:37
Photos for video C-SPAN: President Barack Obama 2013 Inauguration and Address Parody
Michelle Obama spoke to delegates at the Democratic National Convention about the Barack Obama she fell in love with. -- Watch the full speech: www.washingtonpost.com -- More DNC convention video: wapo.st Author: WashingtonPost Duration: 25:04
Подпишись на канал - bit.ly Три глупости и нежный Путин Кто занял первое место в хит — параде «глупости Олимпиады»? С какой скоростью целуется политики? Ответ на эти вопросы, как всегда, найдет Леха «Пингвин» Харитонов. @ Google+ gplus.to @ ВКонтакте vk.com @ Facebook www.facebook.com @ Twitter twitter.com Author: sportexpress Duration: 5:18
Photos for video Добавить в избранное - Три глупости и нежный Путин
Бензин 4 копейки за литр! Создали установку в России, в Томске. Различный мусор, типа окурков, бумаги окисляют, получая бензин. Изобретатели сами ездят на этом бензине, говорят, больше не заправляются на бензоколонках... Author: skoroRAsvet Duration: 18:29
Photos for video Жесть! 1 литр бензина за 4 копейки!
LIKE US on Facebook: www.facebook.com LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com The 33rd Annual Kennedy Center Honors. December 7th, 2010 Author: CrowVideoTV Duration: 2:30
Photos for video Sheryl Crow & Willie Nelson - "Today I Started Lovin' You Again"
(NaturalNews) Mrs. Bouchard seemed upset. "I can't afford health care as yet." The new health reform bill Made her sickly and ill "But I'd rather have cancer than debt!" What's really in Obama's health care reform bill? Almost no one knows, and here's why: It's 1017 pages long and written in an alien form of bureaucratic English that can barely be decoded by earthlings. And yet, astonishingly, a US Army translator has been found who speaks "Washington Doublespeak" and he was kind enough to decode the bill and post his plain-language findings over at FreeRepublic.com (www.freerepublic.com Below, we reprint what he found in the health care reform bill. As you read this, keep in mind that some of these translations are a bit loose with the interpretations, but I've personally spot-checked these points, and they are indeed all contained in the bill in one form or another (shrouded in Doublespeak language, of course). Editor's note: I don't personally agree with every interpretation listed here, and some of the bill's provisions are actually good ideas (like banning doctors from owning stock in health care companies). But overall, this interpretation points out many alarming provisions in the proposed health care reform bill... From CMS at FreeRepublic.com: • Page 16: States that if you have insurance at the time of the bill becoming law and change, you will be required to take a similar plan. If that is not available, you will be required to take the government option! • Page <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:58
Photos for video Alex Covers Obama's Health Care Reform Bill and Finds 'illegals' are "EXEMPT" on Alex Jones Tv