Kassem G and Shira Lazar re-watch and review the first 10 videos on What's Trending's "Top 20 of 2012" list. SUBSCRIBE for more exclusives: full.sc CHECK OUT PART 2, FEATURING THE YEAR'S TOP 10 VIDEOS: www.youtube.com SUBSCRIBE TO KASSEM G: youtube.com Follow Kassem on Twitter: @kassemg Every weekday, What's Trending has been seeking out the best videos YouTube has to offer. Now, here's a definitive guide to the 20 biggest, most infamous and best of YouTube in 2012. (Well, the first part anyway, covering videos #20 through #11.) Included in this line-up, Samuel L. Jackson's plea to American voters, Mister Rogers Remixed, Kristen Bell having a meltdown, an epic episode of Epic Rap Battles of History and much, much more! FEATURED VIDEOS: #20: Wake the F--k Up: www.youtube.com #19: Barack Obama Singing Sexy and I Know It: www.youtube.com #18: Mister Rogers Remixed | Garden of Your Mind: www.youtube.com #17: Arrested Drunk Guy Singing Bohemian Rhapsody: www.youtube.com #16: Oh My Dayum: www.youtube.com #15: Kristen Bell's Sloth Meltdown: www.youtube.com #14: Isaac's Live Lip Dub Marriage Proposal: www.youtube.com #13: Bad Lip Reading: Edward and Bella: www.youtube.com #12: Master Chief vs. Leonidas: Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2: www.youtube.com #11: Tired of Bronco Bamma: www.youtube.com Read our blog to discover more trends! whatstrending.com Follow us on Twitter for real-time updates! www.twitter.com Like us on Facebook! www.facebook.com Add us to your circles on <b>...</b> Author: Whatstrending Duration: 4:53
Photos for video Top 20 YouTube Videos of 2012: Part 1 (feat. KassemG)
Nestle Candy (Kit-Kat) Bars will have RFID Micro-Chips implanted for "We Will Find You" Ad Campaign. USA Sec. of State Hillary Clinton "I Take Responsibility" of the Libya Consulate Attack instead of the President Obama. Also China has 7 Warships in Japanese waters. Also Iran seeks Electromagnetic Weapons along with Nukes. Also Hurricane Paul due to hit Mexico and Baja, California while Hurricane Rafael headed for Bermuda, and Cyclone Anaya is huge and going for Madagascar! Theologian Paul Begley of Indiana will discuss these issues and more with Bible Prophecy and the Powerful Word of God. Current News Events, Bible Prophecy as it relates to the Word of God with Pastor Paul Begley. He is the author of three books: Hosea Prophecy, Mark of the Beast RFID, and Texas Blood Lake. Paulbegleyprophecy.com is his website that streams live M - F 12pm to 3pm EST and every Sunday night 7pm to 10pm. Pastor Paul Begley has hearkened to the call of God to reach out to a troubled world with the end time clarion call of salvation. justin.tv twitter.com paulbegleyprophecy.com http youtube.com blogtv.com paulbegleyprophecy.chatango.com http Author: begleyradio Duration: 126:38
Photos for video We Will Find You - RFID Microchip - Police State - 666 - Coming Apocalypse - Paul Begley
Larry Wilkerson: After recent meetings with Iranian leaders, it's clear the US has lost the ability to understand how other states see their interests watch full multipart therealnews.com Author: TheRealNews Duration: 12:31
Photos for video Elements in Iran and US that Want War
vk.com Помогите разбить информационную блокаду! Распространите это видео как можно шире! Минувшая неделя завершилась крайне неприятным обменом резкими заявлениями России и США. Поводом для этого стала Сирия. Госсекретарь США госпожа Хилари Клинтон, на очередной встрече т.н. «Друзей Сирии», отбросив в сторону дипломатию, перешла к прямым угрозам России. В ответ наш МИД назвал выше обозначенную встречу однобокой, политически неправильной и аморальной. Вот такая вот получилась перезагрузка. На самом деле нужно понимать, что разговор в таком тоне -- это нечто экстраординарное даже для современной дипломатии. Поэтому возникает вопрос -- что послужило причиной такому резкому обострению? Ведь после недавней конференции в Женеве, казалось, что ситуация вокруг Сирии нормализуется, но этого не случилось. Для того чтобы понять причины происходящего, вспомним ключевое предположение нашего прошлого выпуска. Тогда мы решили, что внезапное смягчение позиции Запада по Сирии явилось следствием разрешения России осуществлять комбинированный транзит грузов НАТО из Афганистана через Ульяновск. Но если это действительно так, то тогда почему Запад на этой неделе вернулся на исходные недружелюбные позиции? Все очень просто. 3 июля Пакистан дал США добро на возобновление транзита военных грузов из Афганистана через свою территорию. Это значит, что довольно мощный российский козырь в виде ульяновского транзита перестал иметь значение в геополитической партии. А значит и все договоренности <b>...</b> Author: MrEsuper Duration: 9:44
Photos for video Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю. Выпуск 35
Rick Perry is Strong. Honestly Rick Perry is an ass so not really strong. in 2012 Rick Perry is an ass regardless so not strong in my opinion. In other words, Rick Perry mad an ass out of himself so I can't see anyone supporting him in 2012 against Barack Obama Thanks so much for watching my video! I really appreciate it! My Twitter, follow me if you'd like to contact me twitter.com Link to the video I was referring to: www.youtube.com Keywords: Strong strong faith iowa rick perry rick perry president perry president obama war on religion Obama religion caucus iowa grp12 RICK PERRY - 385k+ Dislikes On YouTube Rick Perry is an Ass (Strong) Rick Perry Donkey Buttocks Asinus Bill butt satire comedy Parody strong ashamed admit christian catholic jesus Funny Humour Spoof Sketch Humor politics Commercial faith iowa rick perry rick perry president perry president obama war on religion Obama religion gay Author: JustTurnOnTheCamera Duration: 3:54
Libyan Group Associated with al-Qaeda Meets Obama Officials Kurt Nimmo www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv May 23, 2011 The head of the National Transitional Council's executive bureau, Mahmoud Jebril, met with Tom Donilon, Obama's national security adviser, and other senior officials, the White House said in a statement, Reuters reports today. So-called "Arab Spring" is a false flag and Libya the ultimate target, researcher claims. It was reported that Obama signed a presidential "finding" approving covert aid in the last two or three weeks, according to officials. Jibril is the US educated, self-proclaimed prime minister of the Libyan Republic, one of two artificial entities claiming to represent the people of Libya. His government has been recognized as the "sole legitimate representative" of Libya by France, Portugal,The United Kingdom and Qatar, but, at the current time, recognition has not been given by the great majority of United Nations member states. Jibril shares the NATO backed Libyan opposition with CIA asset Khalifa Hifter. Another rebel leader, Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, admitted in March his faction is associated with al-Qaeda. Mr. al-Hasidi told the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore his fighters "are patriots and good Muslims, not terrorists," but added that the "members of al-Qaeda are also good Muslims and are fighting against the invader." Al-Hasidid was a member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, or LIFG, which killed dozens of Libyan troops in <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:00
Photos for video The Alex Jones Show: "It's All About A Power Grab" 1/2
LIKE US on Facebook: www.facebook.com LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com The 33rd Annual Kennedy Center Honors. December 7th, 2010 Author: CrowVideoTV Duration: 2:30
Photos for video Sheryl Crow & Willie Nelson - "Today I Started Lovin' You Again"
Avi Lewis talks to Cornel West, professor of African American Studies at Princeton, hip hop artist, and one of the most controversial academics in the US about the state of democracy for African-Americans in the US today, US foreign policy, global recession, and his dispute with Lawrence Summers. Follow on Twitter: twitter.com Follow on Facebook: facebook.com Follow on Instagram: www.instagram.com See all episodes of Fault Lines: www.youtube.com Meet the Fault Lines Team: aje.me Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 23:10
Part 3 - www.youtube.com Mccain and Obama debate on Sept. 26th 2008. This is the second part. Please post your comments and how you think each candidate did. Author: ExposingTheTruth08 Duration: 9:58
Photos for video 2008 Presidential Debate (Part 2)
marines commercial hillary clinton george w bush barrack obama ron paul ronald reagan john mccain mitt romney war money power speed strength strong caring have you forgotten 9/11 conspiracy american soldiers shooting iraqi children cnn fox abc news shoot the few the proud the marines Ann Coulter said on Hannity and Colmes that she'd even campaign for Hillary and become the new "Hillary Girl", rather than vote for McCain. What's this world coming to?! (less) Added: January 31, 2008 Category: News & Politics Tags: Coulter McCain Hannity Hillary Clinton Obama Romney Liberal Media Bias FOX NBC CNN Progressive Democrat left right wing global warming WWII WWI Aliens found on Mars Veitnam Korea Afguanistan Iraq Saddam Hussein Bin Ladin conservative republican republic democracy freedom My Grammy Moment with the Foo Fighters! Author: IKILLDEMS Duration: 1:02