Lupe Fiasco continues to stir up controversy. During his performance at an inaugural concert on Sunday, the outspoken rapper was kicked off stage after performing anti-Obama lyrics. Lupe was the headliner at the StartUp RockOn concert in celebration of Obama's second term in Washington, DC But instead of celebrating the president's re-election, he took the opportunity to bash him. After performing his anti-war single "Words I Never Said" for over 30 minutes, he was asked to move on to the next song. When he didn't comply, security told him to leave the stage. "Things going terribly wrong at @lupefiasco performance during #SURO. Kicked off stage, bashing obama," tweeted CNN's Matt Dornic. "#SURO slammed by @lupefiasco's nonstop, anti-obama rap. Corporate sponsors scurrying." Hypervocal, which co-founded StartUp RockOn, denied that Lupe was asked to leave for his anti-Obama rant. "This was not about his opinions," said the organization in a statement. "Instead, after a bizarrely repetitive, jarring performance that left the crowd vocally dissatisfied, organizers decided to move on to the next act." This is not the first time Lupe has spoken out against the president. In an interview from 2011, he called Obama a terrorist. "In my fight against terrorism, to me, the biggest terrorist is Obama in the United States of America," he said. credit: Author: HipHopInBox Duration: 1:28
Photos for video Lupe Fiasco Kicked Off Stage at Obama Inauguration - Lupe Fiasco Obama Slander LIVE
Republicans are using a "leaked" tape from 1998 of President Barack Obama at Loyola University in Chicago saying he believes in redistribution to attack the President. Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks breaks down this attack from the GOP. Tell us what you think of redistribution in the comment section below. Will this have an impact on the election? Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch: Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 4:52
Photos for video Obama Redistribution Scandal Explained
"If you're angry at Bush I get it because we elected him in a democracy, kind of, but listen he was President twice, and so if President Bush attacks Iraq and you say he equals the USA I think that's a fair point. Now look he doesn't because at this point 70% of Americans don't like Bush but none the less you could say Bush equals USA. You could say President Obama elected in your democracy he does drone strikes, we don't like the drone strikes, but Obama equals America. You can say that I get it. But here's what you can't say..." Cenk Uygur ( host of The Young Turks. Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch: Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 3:44
Brandon Raub served his country well as is apparent from the amount of medals and decorations he received as a Marine. He fought for this country, for freedom, for the Constitution. One thing in particular that he fought for was our right to free speech. That right was taken away from him on August 16, 2012. A contingent of police officers, FBI and Secret Service agents wrestled him to the ground in handcuffs and took him away without due process, without being arrested, without any semblance of legality. Waiting back at John Randolph Psychiatric Hospital in Hopewell, Virginia was a psychiatrist willing to do the US government's bidding and signed a court order to lock up Brandon for thirty days of "observation." What tipped off the FBI and Secret Service agents that Brandon was insane and might harm others? He dared to criticize his government. In a phone interview he had this to say: "I really love America, and I think that idea that you can be detained and sent somewhere without due process and a lawyer ... is crazy." Wake up, America or you'll be next... Author: Kris Zane Duration: 2:23
Photos for video Marine Hero Brandon Raub Falsely Detained for Exercising His Right to Free Speech
Watch Part 2 of this film: In keeping with Barack Obama's presidential campaign promise, the US has withdrawn its troops from Iraq and by the end of 2012 US spending in Iraq will be just five per cent of what it was at its peak in 2008. In a special two-part series, Fault Lines travels across Iraq to take the pulse of a country and its people after nine years of foreign occupation and nation-building. Now that US troops have left, how are Iraqis overcoming the legacy of violence and toxic remains of the US-led occupation, and the sectarian war it ignited? Is the country on the brink of irreparable fragmentation? Correspondent Sebastian Walker first went to Baghdad in June 2003 and spent the next several years reporting un-embedded from Iraq. In the first part of this Fault Lines series, he returns and travels from Basra to Baghdad to find out what kind of future Iraqis are forging for themselves. Follow on Twitter: Follow on Facebook: Follow on Instagram: See all episodes of Fault Lines: Meet the Fault Lines Team: Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 25:01
Photos for video Fault Lines - Iraq: After the Americans - Part 1
Former Bush era defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld went on Fox News to discuss the one-year anniversary of the death of 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden. Rumsfeld dismissed President Obama's achievement by saying it was an easy decision to send Seal Team 6. The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur points out that Rumsfeld blatantly screwed up a previous attempt to get Bin Laden in Pakistan. Read more: Subscribe to The Young Turks: Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: The Largest Online New Show in the World. Facebook: Twitter: Google+: Pinterest: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 4:21
Photos for video President Obama's Bin Laden Decision Was Easy According To Rumsfeld
Alex breaks down the latest on the TSA home front and what they have planned next for the american people, because you are the terrorist! Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 7:46
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this will be the last video on this channel. all new videos subscribe to Ignorance & lack of political education is our biggest enemy says rapper M-1. Author: tinchystryderexposed Duration: 9:29
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Currency trading strategies for currency traders. Learn how to trade Forex with Forex Bot. The Currency Wars Currency war, also known as competitive devaluation of the currency, is a condition in international affairs where countries compete against each other to achieve a relatively low exchange rate for their own currency. Money devaluation is basically what it all about. Currency trades take advantage of currency wars to make money trading currencies. MY VIDEOS CHANNEL CLICK HERE: Author: awebbiz Duration: 4:06
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KOC fans, don't freak out. There's an overseas contingency operation going on and it's all overseas, right? Klavan on the Culture's second installment of his voter guide looks at the realities of the worldwide war being waged against civilization. Author: Pajamasmedia Duration: 4:10
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Avi Lewis talks to Cornel West, professor of African American Studies at Princeton, hip hop artist, and one of the most controversial academics in the US about the state of democracy for African-Americans in the US today, US foreign policy, global recession, and his dispute with Lawrence Summers. Follow on Twitter: Follow on Facebook: Follow on Instagram: See all episodes of Fault Lines: Meet the Fault Lines Team: Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 23:10
What does the world's emerging big brother, 1984 style surveillance society hold for the future? Discussed in the video are cctv security cameras, spy drones, warrantless wiretapping, internet surveillance, rfid chips and other forms of new dictatorial surveillance. These technologies and corporations behind them are setting the precedent for more government control over our lives in the years to come. If you have the mindset that if you do nothing wrong then there's no need to worry, think again. Please subscribe to aenfroy87 for more videos. Author: aenfroy87 Duration: 9:26
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