Republicans are using a "leaked" tape from 1998 of President Barack Obama at Loyola University in Chicago saying he believes in redistribution to attack the President. Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks breaks down this attack from the GOP. Tell us what you think of redistribution in the comment section below. Will this have an impact on the election? Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch: Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 4:52
Photos for video Obama Redistribution Scandal Explained
Responding to Obama's likability being a factor in this race, Allen West says that Obama is basically feeding America a crap sandwich with a smile and that it's very important for us to win the images war in the presidential race. Because a crap sandwich with a smile is still a crap sandwich! The Right Scoop: Allen West: Obama's feeding America a 'crap sandwich' with a smile Author: yazakchattiest Duration: 5:14
Photos for video Allen West » Obama Is Feeding America A 'Crap Sandwich' With A Smile
IS IT NOT TREASON? By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. June 30, 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The argument presented by Senator John Kerry, in defense of President Barack Obama's guilty violation of the Federal Constitution is, in itself, beyond all reason. The argument which the Senator presented in defense of his own shocking, utterly incompetent argument, has been one of the most disgusting pieces of sophistry on record. The question is, was that Senator blackmailed in some fashion? Certainly, submission to blackmail gives neither the Senator nor the Senate exculpatory credit. Clear and plain evidence by the errant President himself might be explained by death threats against the Senator. Since the culpability of the President himself is so clear, and so clearly proximate to treason on behalf of the British monarchy against our United States, the lack of credible explanations offered by Senator Kerry, is most troubling for those among us who had remembered him as being neither a traitor nor a fool. The President had violated the law, and that with the most flagrant shamelessness. This fact raises the question: "Is this President, whose popular support is being that of a decimated minority, willing to lie his way into a coup d'etat conducted in British interest as a betrayal of our United States to a foreign tyrant?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A most <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:01
Photos for video Lyndon LaRouche: War is Globalist Favorite Tool of Choice for Poplutation Reduction 1/4
International military operation has begun in Libya, as a result of a UN Security Council Resolution authorizing a no fly zone, and other necessary measures. Some lawmakers are questioning how Obama could make this decision, without approval. Congressman Dennis Kucinich says Obama's unconstitutional move would appear on its face to be an impeachable offense. He explains why he thinks the Constitution has been violated. Author: TheAlyonaShow Duration: 8:33
Photos for video Rep. Kucinich: Obama Could be Impeached Over Libya