В этом видео я расскажу о выборах в Америке 2012 и про конец света. Подписывайтесь,ставьте лайк,пишите комментарии и ждите новые видео. Свои вопросы вы можете отправлять по этому адресу: ask.fm Author: SevaFilippovVEVO Duration: 6:53
News for Inauguration 2013 ABC News Presidential inauguration: Obama lays out battle plan for second term Chicago Tribune Author: MsTrendingNow Duration: 7:11
Photos for video Michelle and Barack Obama Dance Inaugural Ball, Jennifer Hudsons Lets Stay Together
www.watchsaturdaynight.net synopsis Live from New York, it's... Saturday Night! Tonight host is Jennifer Lawrence and The Lumineers is musician guest. saturday night live SNL new 735 Jennifer Lawrence The Lumineers s38 e11 e11 38 11 se38 ep11 ep11 se ep 3811 38.11 38.11 38x11 38x11 Barack Obama celebrity guests comedy central hilarious from york talk show guest star nbc city original parody season sketch tina fey variety shows tv television funny premiere cool laugh Fred rmisen Will Forte Bill Hader Darrell Hamond Seth Meyers Andy Samberg Jason Sudeikis Kenan Thompson Kristen Wiig Abby Elliott Bobby Moynihan Michaela Watkins Casey Wilson Author: 11bzz Duration: 0:35
Photos for video Saturday Night Live 735 (Se 38 Ep 11) Jennifer Lawrence - Girlfriends Talk Show
SUBSCRIBE NOW!! www.youtube.com AMTV WEBSITE: www.amtvmedia.com GREENEWAVE WEBSITE: www.greenewave.com MY FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com MY TWITTER: twitter.com MY GOOGLE+ plus.google.com -==DONATE LINK==- www.greenewave.com 1-8-2013: On today's edition of AMTV, Christopher Greene warns Americans that President Barack Obama's gun ban will result in civil war. Author: cgreene34 Duration: 4:53
www.youtube.com www.westernjournalism.com www.youtube.com www.godlikeproductions.com dancingczars.wordpress.com www.infowars.com www.youtube.com Warn About The Coming Tribulation For Those Who Will Be Left Behind!!!! Only The Salvation Of Jesus Christ Will Save You From The Tribulation To Come... The Beheadings of Christians, The FEMA Concentration Camps, The Mark Of The Beast,The Implantable RFID Chips, The FEMA Coffins.. The System Is Built.... You Must Come Out Of This World!!! STOP SINNING.... Seek Jesus On Your KNEES.. That's The Only Way You Will Overcome SIN... Give up ''The Friends'' The Drinkin The Girls The Smokin.... It Will Get You Left Behind... And Will Send You Strait To Hell...The Worst Place Imaginable...Great Weeping and Gnashing Of Teeth.. A Torment You Cant Even Begin To Imagine....Don't Gamble With Eternity...Give It Up...That You May Enter Into Eternal Life,,, Absolute Paradise!!! Are Real Home...We Must Get Back Home...This Is Only a Test... Make It Happen!!! Seek The Forgiveness of Jesus! AMEN Accept Jesus now by saying the prayer below from your heart. Confess it with your mouth, You must sincerely mean it, and you have to do your best not to go back to a life of sin! Living a life of sin leads to eternal separation from God if you die in your sins. Everlasting Torment will consume you, You can still go to Hell if you don't live righteously! Make the best decision you could ever make come to accept Jesus into your heart. That he may save you from <b>...</b> Author: LiveRighteous7 Duration: 27:57
Photos for video 40 + Reasons - Barack Obama Is The Antichrist Part 1
THE iTUNES LINK! - bit.ly NEW TANK TOPS! - www.rodeoarcade.com Join us LIVE on Mondays @ 11AM PST on www.blogtv.com SUBMIT YOUR WTKGTS BANNER! (4ft. tall x 6ft. wide) Send to: PO Box 66580 Los Angeles, CA 90066 OUR CHANNELS! www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com WTKGTS FACEBOOK! www.facebook.com WTKGTS TWITTER! twitter.com OUR TWITTERS! www.twitter.com www.twitter.com THEME SONG BY TERABRITE! goo.gl OTHER STUFF! Google+ gplus.to Facebook: facebook.com Instagram: bit.ly SHOE! bit.ly SHIRTS at Rodeo Arcade: www.rodeoarcade.com OUR WEBSITE: www.shaycarl.com Author: WhenTheKidsGoToSleep Duration: 30:30
Ролик про выборы в Саратове: www.youtube.com Сайт против Единой России edrosam.net Вконтакте vk.com Твиттер twitter.com Музыка: Kevin MacLeod "Rocket" music.incompetech.com Creative Commons license incompetech.com Kevin MacLeod "Junkyard Tribe" music.incompetech.com Creative Commons license incompetech.com Брежнев и смерть: www.vesti.ru Шойгу и оборона: www.rg.ru Шойгу и 9 мая: www.radiovesti.ru Виноградов и карабины: www.gudok.ru Manhunt и запрет: hitech.newsru.com Хиллари и Путин: www.echo.msk.ru Радаев и рейтинг: www.vzsar.ru Author: GoodByeEdRo Duration: 6:16
THE iTUNES LINK! - bit.ly NEW TANK TOPS! - www.rodeoarcade.com Join us LIVE on Mondays @ 11AM PST on www.blogtv.com SUBMIT YOUR WTKGTS BANNER! (4ft. tall x 6ft. wide) Send to: PO Box 66580 Los Angeles, CA 90066 OUR CHANNELS! www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com WTKGTS FACEBOOK! www.facebook.com WTKGTS TWITTER! twitter.com OUR TWITTERS! www.twitter.com www.twitter.com THEME SONG BY TERABRITE! goo.gl OTHER STUFF! Google+ gplus.to Facebook: facebook.com Instagram: bit.ly SHOE! bit.ly SHIRTS at Rodeo Arcade: www.rodeoarcade.com OUR WEBSITE: www.shaycarl.com Author: WhenTheKidsGoToSleep Duration: 54:30
Photos for video ALIENS, P0RN, AND KASSEMG! (WTKGTS#81)