www.watchsaturdaynight.net synopsis Live from New York, it's... Saturday Night! Tonight host is Jennifer Lawrence and The Lumineers is musician guest. saturday night live SNL new 735 Jennifer Lawrence The Lumineers s38 e11 e11 38 11 se38 ep11 ep11 se ep 3811 38.11 38.11 38x11 38x11 Barack Obama celebrity guests comedy central hilarious from york talk show guest star nbc city original parody season sketch tina fey variety shows tv television funny premiere cool laugh Fred rmisen Will Forte Bill Hader Darrell Hamond Seth Meyers Andy Samberg Jason Sudeikis Kenan Thompson Kristen Wiig Abby Elliott Bobby Moynihan Michaela Watkins Casey Wilson Author: 11bzz Duration: 0:35
Photos for video Saturday Night Live 735 (Se 38 Ep 11) Jennifer Lawrence - Girlfriends Talk Show
BREAKING VETERAN EXPOSES OBAMA BENGHAZI MILITARY EXPOSING HIM ! Video By: www.youtube.com "All voters should consider everything I will tell you here in regards to the attacks on our embassy which killed 4 Americans Our military and veterans are all in a our rage over this cover up by this president and we are now speaking out! I shall give you the details here to what actually happen in regards to these attacks. If you care so, much for our military then, listen to my message ! Thank you & God Bless !" Tag Cloud: NwoSatire Illuminati NWO Alien Invasion "New World Order" Draconians Draconian Galaxy Andromedans War Conflict Endgame 2012 2013 ExoPolitics UFO OVNI NeutronBeams Neutronobeams channeling Transhumanism "Artificial Beings" Reptilians UfoDisclosure2012 "Hidden Human History" 1Anunnaki Anunnaki SuppressedArcheology "Ancient Aliens" Ancient Alien Intervention StarGate Enki Enlil Babylon Sumer Marduk Anu "Serpent Gods" Anomaly "Untold Mysteries" UntoldMysteries Weird Secret Suppressed Space Egypt Nephalim Tiamat Illuminati Warning Secret Help Fear Afraid "Barack Obama" "Mitt Romney" UFO "Alien Invasion" 2012 Nibiru Elenin wtc "twin towers" conspiracy "wtc 7" illumicorp freemason freemasonry mason crash explosion 9/11 "September 11, 2001" "December 21, 2012" 12/21/12 "men in black" x-files real fbi cia "secret service" war chemtrails exposed ats "above top secret" abovetopsecret insane "third eye" "mother jones" motherjones mother jones third eye speech pentagram <b>...</b> Author: TheCoop30301 Duration: 8:54
Obama has just won the election!!! We aired live in Google Hangouts when Obama was announced president! This is our quick re-cap video on what went down! 4 more years in office! Jon and Cynthia get you the news on the election! Be sure and check out our entire Google+ Hangout session! Congratulations to Obama!!! Author: KscopeNetwork Duration: 1:01
Photos for video BRKDWN - OBAMA WINS ELECTION!!! Our Election Party Re-Cap
Some of the best moments from the second presidential debate between former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama from Hofstra University in Hempstead, Ny. Author: PBSNewsHour Duration: 7:46
Photos for video Top Moments from the Second Presidential Debate - 10/16/12
"I'm happy the Obama administration brought these civil charges against them but I think there should be a criminal investigation. A lot of people's money vaporized and I think when that happens -- I'll tell ya, we spend a lot of energy in our criminal justice system going after people that stick you up for a hundred bucks. I think the American people got stuck up for a hell of a lot more than that." -- Michael Moore on Larry King Live, Tuesday, April 26th, 2010 "I don't understand Arizona, I mean, I didn't think it would be possible for them to embarrass themselves more than they did twenty or so years ago when they were the only state that wouldn't have Martin Luther King Day. This law of theirs, it's -- I don't know what to say -- it's kind of like -- I don't know if you've read the language -- my position usually is any time something sounds like dialogue from Hogan's Heroes, it shouldn't become law. They can just go up to anyone who looks Hispanic in a state that's one third Hispanic and demand papers from them. This is not the American way and I can't believe it will hold up constitutionally. ... What is the problem really? Most of these immigrants who come here work very hard -- illegal immigrants, they work very hard, they do the jobs Americans don't want to do. Frankly, I think, I mean, personally, any illegal immigrant they catch in Arizona, they should let him keep doing his job because he's adding to the economy. For every one they catch, they should send one <b>...</b> Author: mmflint Duration: 21:15
Photos for video Michael Moore on Larry King Live - 4/27/10
President Obama spoke to House Republicans at their retreat in Baltimore. In his remarks he said he welcomed disagreement and debate, but called for genuine bipartisanship and asked for constructive ideas in confronting the nation's problems. Following his remarks he openly and frankly answered pointed questions from the Republican legislators. Topics ranged from health care, to energy policy, to taxes and the economy. Author: CSPAN Duration: 78:00