Some of the best moments from the second presidential debate between former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama from Hofstra University in Hempstead, Ny. Author: PBSNewsHour Duration: 7:46
Photos for video Top Moments from the Second Presidential Debate - 10/16/12
The US is like a drunkard who charges to war with anyone who might pose a threat, ex-Senator and former US presidential candidate Mike Gravel says. "I like the US. But at the same time I think my country is an imperial country that is going downhill, and our leadership does not even acknowledge the problem," confesses Gravel. "Phony triumphalism has turned into a device to make Americans live in fear of a terrorist attack, yet you are a thousand times more likely to catch cancer than ever be hurt by that," he points out. "All I can say about what the US is doing -- it's immoral," Gravel says, explaining that "as a result of 9/11, we have altered our moral compass. And people began to get used to brutalizing each other." "We Americans used to think 'oh, what happened in Germany could never happen with us!' Well, it is happening with us. And it is happening to the detriment of our global position." "In Afghanistan, in Iraq and in Vietnam at the era, all American soldiers died in vain," Gravel claims, recalling the millions of war victims in Vietnam, which is now developing along its own path, regardless. New American policies enable US military or security officials to take a decision and dispatch a drone to kill a suspect without trial -- together with all civilians who happen to be close to the target, Gravel says. "The morality of that is removing responsibility -- those who drop bombs [from remotely operated robot drones] do not see people die," he says. "We have not <b>...</b> Author: TheOmeganews Duration: 12:33
Photos for video Ex US Senator ((( EXPOSES ))) US corruption , greed and fascist intent
Real proof President Obama is into the occult. He worships Satan! Take a look at some of the hidden messages in President Obama's speeches. Could he be the Antichrist (Anti-Christ)? Author: realphotoking Duration: 6:35