January 19, 2013 C-SPAN MOXNews.com
Author: MOXNEWSd0tC0M
Duration: 5:28
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Cornel West Explains Why It Bothers Him That Obama Will Be Taking The Oath With MLK's Bible
Showing posts with label Obama campaign promises. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama campaign promises. Show all posts
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Obama says Americans must demand stricter gun control
US President Barack Obama is hoping Americans will learn from the country's history of shootings and call on their elected leaders to agree to ban the future production of some assault weapons and ammunition clips that hold more than 10 bullets. He also wants to make sure everyone who wants to buy a gun has to pass a more comprehensive background check. But despite the proposals given by Vice President Joe Biden on gun control, there are still an estimated 300 million guns already in the US and a strong pro-gun lobby. Al Jazeera's Patty Culhane reports from Washington, DC.
Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Duration: 2:05
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Obama says Americans must demand stricter gun control
Author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Duration: 2:05
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Obama says Americans must demand stricter gun control
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю 54 (19.11.12-25.11.12)
vk.com Распространите это видео как можно шире! Сирийский город Рас аль-Айн всё-таки перешёл под контроль исламистов из группировок «Джебхат-ан-Нусра» и «Гураба-аль-Шам». Боевики концентрируются здесь и призывают единомышленников в провинцию для формирования новых отрядов. По замыслу вся приграничная территория должна перейти под контроль повстанцев. Проживающие здесь курды долгое время не могли договориться о том, на чьей стороне выступать -- поддерживать Асада или подняться за боевиков. Однако приход наёмников-исламистов, кажется, расставил всё по своим местам. Известно, что курдские отряды на неделе неоднократно вступали в бой с боевиками т.н. Свободной сирийской армии. Более того, крупнейшие организации курдов, наконец, договорились о создании объединенных вооруженных сил для защиты курдских районов Сирии. Если в дело вступят курды Ирака, то это может внести существенные коррективы в течение конфликта, так как курдская «Пешмерга» - это не просто отряды самообороны, а хорошо вооружённая армия численностью не менее 60 тыс. человек. Турция, являющаяся давним и непримиримым врагом курдов, имеет в этой ситуации свой резон -- усмирить курдские приграничные районы Сирии. Именно поэтому Анкара оказывает всевозможное содействие боевикам. По этой же причине Турция, как и предполагалось, обратилась к НАТО с официальной просьбой о размещении комплексов Patriot на границе. Ожидается также обращение с просьбой разместить радиолокационное оборудование и самолёты AWACS. По версии <b>...</b>
Author: MrEsuper
Duration: 9:45
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Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю 54 (19.11.12-25.11.12)
Author: MrEsuper
Duration: 9:45
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Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю 54 (19.11.12-25.11.12)
Friday, November 9, 2012
И. Панарин - Глобальная среда Бизнеса: Внешние факторы
Лекция профессора, доктора политических наук Панарина Игоря Николаевича "Глобальная среда Бизнеса: Внешние факторы" в Институте экономических стратегий РАН (г. Москва) 08 ноября 2012 года. Скачать презентацию можно по ссылке: files.mail.ru ИГОРЬ ПАНАРИН - политолог, профессор кафедры массовой коммуникации и связей с общественностью Дипломатической академии МИД России, кандидат психологических наук, доктор политических наук, академик Академии военных наук, член Экспертного совета комитета по международным делам Совета Федерации. Автор и ведущий еженедельной программы "МИРОВАЯ ПОЛИТИКА" радио "ГОЛОС РОССИИ". Официальный сайт Игоря Панарина: www.panarin.com Официальная группа Игоря Панарина ВКонтакте: vk.com Ассоциация «ИНФОСПЕЦНАЗ» в Facebook: www.facebook.com Видеоканалы Игоря Панарина: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Видеосъёмка и монтаж - Сергей Камаев. Рекомендуемые видеоканалы: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Author: Conspiracy Theory
Duration: 151:06
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И. Панарин - Глобальная среда Бизнеса: Внешние факторы
Author: Conspiracy Theory
Duration: 151:06
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И. Панарин - Глобальная среда Бизнеса: Внешние факторы
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Greg Fitzsimmons - Irish Double Standard and Obama (Stand Up Comedy)
Greg Fitzsimmons drops some truth bombs about how the Irish are discriminated against. And then tells us what's up with this up-coming Election. Want to see more Stand Up Comedy? Subscribe to the Laugh Factory's channel here: youtube.com Tell us what you thought in the comments and don't forget to like and add this video to your favorites if you LOL'd! twitter.com facebook.com laughfactory.com LIVE SHOW TICKETS bit.ly
Author: TheLaughFactory
Duration: 2:52
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Greg Fitzsimmons - Irish Double Standard and Obama (Stand Up Comedy)
Author: TheLaughFactory
Duration: 2:52
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Greg Fitzsimmons - Irish Double Standard and Obama (Stand Up Comedy)
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Obama's Imminent Threat of Global Thermonuclear War with Lyndon LaRouche
Former presidential candidate, founder of the US Labor Party and co-founder of the Schiller Institute in Germany, Lyndon LaRouche talks with Alex on the Thursday, March 22 edition of the Alex Jones Show. Mr. LaRouche talks about Obama's martial law executive order and other recent political developments. larouchepac.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv twitter.com www.facebook.com
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Duration: 45:22
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Obama's Imminent Threat of Global Thermonuclear War with Lyndon LaRouche
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Duration: 45:22
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Obama's Imminent Threat of Global Thermonuclear War with Lyndon LaRouche
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Secrets KONY 2012 Is Desperate to Hide
www.infowars.com Kony 2012, hyped on the backs of celebrities and do-gooders, is revealed for what it is-- a propaganda salvo for a continent wide invasion of Africa. Research makes clear that KONY is a full on deception for geostrategic positioning vis-a-vis China for oil and mineral resources, as well as an effort to legitimize the US military's AFRICOM unit in the region through newly-branded "humanitarian" interventions. It is not only War in the name of Peace, but an attempt to empower the International Criminal Court under the influence of NGOs and other related globalist corporate interests. Obama has already deployed 100 special forces troops to the central African region back in October 2011, and a resolution in Congress-- on the heels of KONY 2012's viral views of more than 100 million-- seeks to send more forces there for an all out invasion on the pretext of hunting down a shadowy warlord with less blood on his hands than an average African despot. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv twitter.com www.facebook.com [Evidence] - USAID/OTI Uganda Quarterly Report] pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDACN462.pdf www.usaid.gov [Relationship with the CIA] en.wikipedia.org [CIA uses USAID as cover] www.ipresscenter.com [Instrument of CIA] infolanka.asia [Military Bars "Pro-democracy" Employees From Leaving Egypt] www.infowars.com [supporters have been scrubbed from the internet] invisible.tumblr.com invisible.tumblr.com [Globalist Warlord Obama Moves to Expand Africom Reach] www <b>...</b>
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Duration: 9:40
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Secrets KONY 2012 Is Desperate to Hide
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Duration: 9:40
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Secrets KONY 2012 Is Desperate to Hide
Sunday, May 1, 2011
CHECK OUT MY MUSIC doughnutsalad.bandcamp.com FINAL REVELATION Buy The Paper Version With A Sexy Glossy Cover www.createspace.com Download The Writings pul.ly AMAZING - The Amazing Atheist Documentary On sale now: tlkincaid.mybigcommerce.com Watch the trailer here: www.youtube.com * * * Follow The Amazing Atheist TWITTER: twitter.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com MOVIE/MUSIC REVIEWS (as The Distressed Watcher): thatguywiththeglasses.com CODY'S VIDEOS: www.youtube.com
Author: TheAmazingAtheist
Duration: 5:18
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Author: TheAmazingAtheist
Duration: 5:18
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Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Minister Louis Farrakhan - A World Leader (1 of 2)
Excerpts from highlights of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's world tours. To order the entire DVD, visit store.finalcall.com or call (866) 602-1230.
Author: Ahmad770
Duration: 11:00
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Minister Louis Farrakhan - A World Leader (1 of 2)
Author: Ahmad770
Duration: 11:00
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Minister Louis Farrakhan - A World Leader (1 of 2)
Monday, February 1, 2010
Three charts in this presentation are all the proof you need! 1) Total Debt To GDP 2) The Case SHiller Long term housing prices trend 3) Gold Dow Ratio. All conclusively prove that the worst has not passed as Obama asserted in his 2009 State of The Union Address, but the worst still lies dead ahead! Your Government knows it and that is why they are putting in the last pieces of the control grid now for the inevitable final collapse. They Elite plan on using this final crisis stage to bring in their New World Order and to kick off World War 3 and Depopulation!
Author: jonah70757
Duration: 9:50
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Author: jonah70757
Duration: 9:50
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Saturday, December 19, 2009
Illuminati Death Conspiracy - New World Order 2012
prophecychannel.freehostia.com DOWNLOAD THIS MOVIE FOR FREE!!! Illuminati Death Conspiracy - New World Order 2012 Illuminati new world order swine flu conspiracy exposed freemason doomsday fema camps martial law antichrist prophecy 2012 pole shift end of the times time day days film films movie movies war prophecies barack obama alex jones nibiru planet planetx climate change global warming nwo economy economic collapse
Author: TheProphecyChannel
Duration: 10:58
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Illuminati Death Conspiracy - New World Order 2012
Author: TheProphecyChannel
Duration: 10:58
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Illuminati Death Conspiracy - New World Order 2012
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Obama Googles Jesus: SuperNews!
The Hipsters encounter the raddest dude of all, Google finds the best way to literally go through your sh*t, Dennis Miller '89 "master-debates" Dennis Miller '09, TMZ takes on Jesus, the First Family is in a rut, and Obama awkwardly accepts the Nobel Peace Prize. Watch more SuperNews! www.current.com www.facebook.com VIEW more SuperNews! clips & SUBSCRIBE to the YouTube Playlist here... www.youtube.com
Author: Current
Duration: 22:33
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Obama Googles Jesus: SuperNews!
Author: Current
Duration: 22:33
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Obama Googles Jesus: SuperNews!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith - Interview with Barack Obama
Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith Interview with Barack Obama Barack Obama winner of the Nobel Peace Prize 2009 in Oslo, Norway!
Author: AM937
Duration: 4:52
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Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith - Interview with Barack Obama
Author: AM937
Duration: 4:52
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Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith - Interview with Barack Obama
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