( ntdtv.ru ) 21 января в США состоялось одно из главных событий 2013 года -- инаугурация президента. Как прошли торжества, и что надела первая леди страны на бал -- давайте узнаем. Author: NTDRussian Duration: 2:57
Photos for video Барак Обама принял присягу и посетил бал
Greg Fitzsimmons drops some truth bombs about how the Irish are discriminated against. And then tells us what's up with this up-coming Election. Want to see more Stand Up Comedy? Subscribe to the Laugh Factory's channel here: youtube.com Tell us what you thought in the comments and don't forget to like and add this video to your favorites if you LOL'd! twitter.com facebook.com laughfactory.com LIVE SHOW TICKETS bit.ly Author: TheLaughFactory Duration: 2:52
Photos for video Greg Fitzsimmons - Irish Double Standard and Obama (Stand Up Comedy)
NEW SHAYLOSS!: youtu.be Yesterday's Vlog!: youtu.be ShayCarl SHIRTS at Rodeo Arcade: www.rodeoarcade.com 1 year - youtu.be 2 years - youtu.be 3 years - youtu.be ******* Google+ gplus.to Facebook: facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com & twitter.com Instagram: bit.ly Edited by: www.youtube.com www.twitter.com ShayCarl SHIRTS at Hot Topic: bit.ly ShayCarl SHOE! Code - RUNWITHSHAY: bit.ly OUR WEBSITE: www.shaycarl.com Subscribe to my iPhone channel for quick LIVE updates youtube.com WTKGTS Podcast!: www.youtube.com *NEW SHIRTS & WRISTBANDS ARE HERE* SHAYCARL SHIRTS, HATS, HOODIES & STICKERS! districtlines.com Go subscribe to my bro, yo! youtube.com shaytards shaycarl katilette mommytard sontard princesstard babytard rocktard kids kid children child family mom dad mommy daddy father mother love fun los angeles happy happiness home move moving drama obama lama mama youtube maker studios house home buy rent save money Author: SHAYTARDS Duration: 15:54
THE KING HAS RETURNED: OBAMA, RULER OF NATIONS The 44th President of the United States of America "BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA" The greatest black man... that ever lived! REV. 16:16 There will be "nowhere to hide" once Israel is attacked! God's... promise to man! The battle... begins. OBAMA, was Author: NextLevelEnt1 Duration: 0:17
To a wonderful son, brother, cousin, nephew, uncle, grandson, father, husband, soldier, friend.......and hero. You will never be forgotten. Author: Giovanni Lemm Duration: 5:01
Swiss Politicians To March On Bilderberg Meeting, Demand Arrest Of Kissinger Steve Watson Prisonplanet.com June 10, 2011 In the videos contained on this page, Infowars reporters Paul Joseaph Watson, Aaron Dykes and Luke Rudkowski interview activists and journalists covering the elite meeting in Switzerland. They detail how activists from We Are Change Switzerland have a written letter from the Swiss parliament informing police that they must respect the rights of those documenting the meeting and not interfere with their work. Swiss People's Party representative Dominique Baettig is going to march to the meeting along with two other leading politicians from the Swiss People's Party and demand to be allowed inside to confront the elite attendees. One of the Swiss politicians appeared exclusively on the Alex Jones show today to details their plans. We will bring you more details as soon as we have them. www.prisonplanet.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 12:05
Photos for video Breaking News: Powerful Swiss Politicians to Confront Kissinger/Bilderberg Members
Disclosure as of 2011 is nearing. Public announcement is bound to occur, various countries such as Brazil, Norway, Denmark, France, Italy, Sweden, Mexico, Canada, UK and others have officially declassified UFO files. Will the US Administration & President Obama finally lead the way in disclosing to the World the truth about ETs/UFOs? Featuring music from the Batman Begins & Dark Knight soundtrack, created by Hans Zimmer & James Newton Howard. Both quotes at the start and end of the video are by SaLuSa, of the Galactic Federation. "Official disclosure of extraterrestrial life is imminent" www.examiner.com April UFO Conference - Part one ("X conference")www.youtube.com Disclosure Project; Full 1.hr 55min 2001 Press Meeting uk.youtube.com Disclosure Project. Dr. Carol Rosin's Testimony uk.youtube.com Vrillon's full message - Ashtar Command's 1977 Live Broadcast: uk.youtube.com Author: ETDisclosure Duration: 3:46
Photos for video ET/UFO Disclosure | President Barack Obama "First Contact"
Alex breaks down what he thinks is the next real false flag attack on america, and it's going to be none other then obama himself.Alex breaks down the key points from those who have been talking about this, and where they are leading their viewers.very important topic today, so please share with everyone you know, because time is very short right now. prisonplanet.tv www.infowars.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:55
Photos for video Alex Jones Tv 2/6: Obama is The Next False Flag!!!
A veteran of a special forces UFO unit (D & R) recalls to Linda Moulton Howe, he was dispatched to UFO actvity related to Nordic ET's due to a dam breaking in AZ. Note Whitley's comments on government perception of UFOs. I have over 30 years of strange encounters and can tell you that Nordic types remain elusive and mysterious in their actvities, the theme of them is "humanity must learn to live together". Thank you to Whitley Strieber www.unknowncountry.com for his permission. Author: Tony Topping Duration: 6:07
Photos for video Nordic Alien Actvity & US Signals Intelligence Interception Of Them In The 1970s
Kucinich weekly campaign update 11-19-07 This week's Kucinich video news update report highlights last week's Presidential debate, the "real problem" behind the recall of Chinese-made toys, an encouraging new poll in New Hampshire, and other campaign news and events. Produced in Los Angeles, California and Cleveland, Ohio for Kucinich for President 2008 by Chad Ely and Dutch Merrick. Written by Dutch Merrick, Andy Juniewicz, and Sharon Manitta. Directed by Dutch Merrick Hosted by Anne Marie Howard Edited by James Legoy Camera Operator, Sound Mixer- James Legoy Script Supervisor, Playback- Brian Kinney Author: Kucinich2008 Duration: 8:51
Photos for video Kucinich weekly campaign update 11-19-07