US Chief Justice John Roberts has administered the presidential oath of office to President Barack Obama during his second inauguration. Mr Obama took the oath of office for the second time after his intimate swearing-in ceremony at the White House on Sunday. The 20th amendment to the US Constitution requires that presidential terms end at noon on January 20 -- but according to tradition, when that date falls on a Sunday, the president takes the oath a second time in public the next day. A crowd of up to 800000 people is expected to gather on the National Mall to witness the event. After repeating the swearing-in ritual and giving his inaugural speech, he will then make the traditional journey, part of it on foot, down Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House. While Mr Obama convincingly won a second term, the jubilation that surrounded him four years ago is subdued this time around -- often the case for second-term presidents. He guided the country through many crushing challenges after taking office in 2009: ending the Iraq war, putting the Afghan war on a course toward US withdrawal and saving the collapsing economy. Yet he faces bitter confrontation with opposition Republicans over gun control, avoiding a default on the nation's debts, cutting the spiralling federal deficit and preventing Iran from building a nuclear weapon. Joe Biden was sworn in for his second term as vice president earlier on Sunday, taking the oath at his official residence at the US Naval <b>...</b> Author: telegraphtv Duration: 0:55
Photos for video Obama takes presidential oath of office
Is the growing federal debt a looming attack similar to Pearl Harbor? Will Obamanomics lead to the empowerment of the rich and poor, at the expense of the middle class? Find out on this Trifecta. Author: Pajamasmedia Duration: 8:49
Photos for video PJTV: A Debt that Will Live In Infamy: America's Ticking Debt Bomb
Вице-премьер правительства РФ Дмитрий Рогозин отвечает на вопросы Владимира Познера "Я вообще не имею президентских амбиций, - заявил в эфире программы "Познер" вице-премьер правительства РФ Дмитрий Рогозин. -- У меня есть амбиции в том деле, которым я занимаюсь: я хочу сделать так, чтобы через три-четыре года заработал маховик российской индустрии". По мнению Дмитрия Рогозина, "должность должна соответствовать возможности выполнить задачу, которую сам перед собой ставишь, и которую тебе доверили". "И моя должность для этого вполне достаточна, - уверен он. -- Мне доставляет большое творческое удовольствие работать в команде Путина, в команде Медведева, и участие в играх по поводу президентских амбиций мне совершенно не интересно. Если бы меня это интересовало, то я бы не работал в правительстве, а формировал бы свою политическую партию". По мнению вице-премьера, нет ничего удивительного в том, что он, в недавнем прошлом яркий представитель оппозиции, теперь работает во властных структурах. "Люди, которые думают о стране и профессионально подготовлены к тому, чтобы участвовать в ее управлении, нужны во власти, - пояснил он. - Проще всего стоять на обочине и поплевывать в спину власти, намного сложнее -- брать на себя ответственность". По словам Дмитрия Рогозина, "быть патриотом и быть вне власти -- ненормальное состояние". Он призвал представителей оппозиции перестать "таскаться по митингам" и начать работать для своей страны. Дмитрий Рогозин выразил уверенность в том, что <b>...</b> Author: Артур Курильский Duration: 52:58
Photos for video Познер. Интервью с Дмитрием Рогозиным (25.11.2012)
Mitt Romney One-Liners At Al Smith Dinner President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney peeled off the stump Thursday to attend the annual Al Smith Dinner at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. During presidential election years, the event brings the candidates to the same stage to trade barbs and self-deprecating zingers as the race enter its final weeks. The white-tie affair raises millions for the Gov. Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation and is organized by the Catholic Archdiocese of New York to benefit needy children. More than 1600 were scheduled to attend the dinner. The menu includes poached lobster tail and dark chocolate tropical fruit cadeau. Tickets start at $2500. The diocese hopes to raise $5 million in grants this year. Last year it gave out $2 million in grants. President Barack Obama also taped an episode of Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" while he's in Manhattan. The show aired late yesterday. Comedy Central host Jon Stewart pressed Obama over the government's changing explanation about the Sept. 11 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, according to the Associated Press. When Stewart suggested that even Obama would concede his administration's coordination and communication had not been "optimal," Obama said: "If four Americans get killed, it's not optimal. We're going to fix it. All of it." Romney has questioned Obama's handling of the matter and his honesty about it to voters. On "The Daily Show," Obama insisted information was shared with the American people as it came in <b>...</b> Author: loudmothcha44 Duration: 10:34
Photos for video Mitt Romney One-Liners At Al Smith Dinner
Obama the Fraud, VP Debates: Everyone Loses, Egypt's Reality LIKE Breaking the Set @ FOLLOW Abby Martin @ EPISODE BREAKDOWN: On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin calls out the American corporate media for blatant bias and complete disregard of objectivity during the recent vice-presidential debates. Abby then speaks to law professor, Sahar Aziz, about Egypt's new constitution and Egyptian president, Mohamed Morsi's position on women's rights. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with anti-war activist and vice-presidential candidate for the Peace and Freedom Party, Cindy Sheehan, discussing the left-right paradigm and the wars in the Middle East. Author: breakingtheset Duration: 28:03
Photos for video [29] Obama the Fraud, VP Debates: Everyone Loses, Egypt's Reality
Check out today's SourceFed!! FACEBOOK: TWITTER: Philly D OFFICIAL APP: ---------------------------- ALL of today's Stories: Counterfeit Chemo Drug: Prison Fire Kills 300+ Mac OSX 10.8: Mitt Romney gets his own Definition: Mass Effect Fan Movie: Obama's War on Drugs: Bill C-309: Reddit Bans Child P0rn: Facebook Verified Accounts for VIP: Paul McCartney Quits Pot: ---------------------------- music by: Ronald Jenkees: @hagemeister @urbandelights Author: sxephil Duration: 6:03
Alex discusses the latest in economic news including schools requiring students to bring their own toilet paper. Hal Turner, a radio host with ties to the FBI has been convicted of threatening several judges. Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 13:16
Photos for video The Lawlessness of Government: Alex Jones Tv {Sunday Edition} 3/6
Suspect Alex Croft, who has a ton of black friends, planned to kill Obama because of his socialist agenda—not because of his skin color. Author: TheOnion Duration: 2:33
Photos for video Man Attempts To Assassinate Obama, 'But Not Because He's Black Or Anything'
Jay Pharoah returns to the Funny Bone Perfect Jay-Z Smeagol Eddie Murphy Will Smith Barack Obama and Denzel Washington Impressions bust guts He is a beast feed him checks and deals cause this dude is real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Author: Jhullk Duration: 9:03
Photos for video Barack Obama Eddie Murphy Denzel Washington Jay-Z Smeagol Impressions
Hardball panel talks about the lipstick metaphor. Forget the war, the dismal state of the economy, global warming,... We all know that's the most important (non-)issue right now. :) Author: FriendlyWar Duration: 7:33
Photos for video Chris Matthews Hardball: Questioning 'phony outrage' over lipstick (Part 1)