www.rightwingwatch.org Glenn Beck says that President Obama has been provoking conservatives to start a civil war from the moment he took office. Author: RWWBlog Duration: 1:56
Photos for video Glenn Beck Provides More Insights into Obama's Looming Civil War
The students of the Ron Clark Academy perform "Vote Like That", a parody of Cher Lloyd's "Want U Back" designed to encourage everyone to vote. Interested in learning more about the Ron Clark Academy? Follow us today! Website: www.ronclarkacademy.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/ronclarkacademy... Author: RCAAdmin Duration: 3:06
Photos for video "Vote Like That" 2012 Election Song - The Ron Clark Academy
Mitt Romney One-Liners At Al Smith Dinner President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney peeled off the stump Thursday to attend the annual Al Smith Dinner at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. During presidential election years, the event brings the candidates to the same stage to trade barbs and self-deprecating zingers as the race enter its final weeks. The white-tie affair raises millions for the Gov. Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation and is organized by the Catholic Archdiocese of New York to benefit needy children. More than 1600 were scheduled to attend the dinner. The menu includes poached lobster tail and dark chocolate tropical fruit cadeau. Tickets start at $2500. The diocese hopes to raise $5 million in grants this year. Last year it gave out $2 million in grants. President Barack Obama also taped an episode of Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" while he's in Manhattan. The show aired late yesterday. Comedy Central host Jon Stewart pressed Obama over the government's changing explanation about the Sept. 11 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, according to the Associated Press. When Stewart suggested that even Obama would concede his administration's coordination and communication had not been "optimal," Obama said: "If four Americans get killed, it's not optimal. We're going to fix it. All of it." Romney has questioned Obama's handling of the matter and his honesty about it to voters. On "The Daily Show," Obama insisted information was shared with the American people as it came in <b>...</b> Author: loudmothcha44 Duration: 10:34
Photos for video Mitt Romney One-Liners At Al Smith Dinner
Jere Van Dyk is a former TV correspondent and Taliban expert (and was once held captive by them). He believes the Taliban is poorly understood in the West, but that better understanding is key for US foreign policy. He shares his views with RT - READ FULL SCRIPT on.rt.com RT LIVE rt.com Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 12:34
Photos for video 'US created forces it spends money fighting against' - Taliban ex-captive
LIVE, UNSCRIPTED, AND UNCENSORED! To Be Debated! (TBD) is PoliPop's debate series, bringing together diverse voices from our network. Stay tuned for weekly hangouts & debates! Subscribe to PoliPop for updates, and watch the livestream Thursdays at 6:30pm PST! Check here for the live link: www.youtube.com Participating tonight: Professional Ranter Amazing Atheist: www.youtube.com VS. Former Marine, radio host, activist & Lover of Liberty ADAM KOKESH www.youtube.com Professor Hip Hughes (moderator): Author: POLIPOP Duration: 66:01
Photos for video @AdamKokesh VS. @AmazingAtheist! (LIVE TBD! # 10) #HangoutsOnAir
News Articles: Libyan President el-Megarif reportedly eyes Al Qaeda in 'preplanned' attack on US consulate www.foxnews.com Exclusive: America 'was warned of embassy attack but did nothing' www.independent.co.uk Palin: 'Obama administration dropped the ball' in the Middle East www.foxnews.com Obama Had Advance Knowledge of Mideast Attacks frontpagemag.com State Department knew of impending embassy attacks 48 hours prior www.nowpublic.com Author: SignsofThyComing Duration: 9:38
Photos for video Middle East : Planned Riots Burnings and Murder to bring forth the New World Order (Sept 14, 2012)
Андрей Фурсов предлагает излишне не персонализировать фигуру нынешнего американского президента. От «романтизма» к «реализму» — вынужденный выбор Америки. docme.ru Author: postactualidad Duration: 11:33
Ted Nugent, the Motor City Madman, engaged in hyperbole when discussing President Obama. Eminem and Common said some horrible things about President Bush. So why did the Nuge get a visit from the Secret Service, but not Eminem or Common? Hear what Zo thinks as he explains the double standard that allows liberals to engage in aggressive speech, but not conservatives. Author: Pajamasmedia Duration: 5:40
Photos for video Ted Nugent Gets a Visit From the Secret Service. So When Will the Secret Service Visit Eminem?
this will be the last video on this channel. all new videos subscribe to www.youtube.com Ignorance & lack of political education is our biggest enemy says rapper M-1. Author: tinchystryderexposed Duration: 9:29
Photos for video Rapper M-1 of Dead Prez Talks Corruption, Obama, War, Police Brutality, Human Rights & Media Control
TYT Mobile: bit.ly New TYT Network channels: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com New TYT Facebook Page(!): www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com www.theyoungturks.com DISCOUNTS: www.theyoungturks.com FREE Movies(!): www.netflix.com Note: The above two links are for TYT sponsors. Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: www.examiner.com www.bbc.co.uk TYT Network (new WTF?! channel): www.youtube.com Check Out TYT Interviews www.youtube.com Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 3:50
Photos for video Cheney Loves Obama's Foreign Policy
Tweet this Video : clicktotweet.com Click "Share" to Post on your Facebook Profile! I really sound off on the patdown the airport security give everybody. It make everyone feel the very uncomfort. Some may like it because it is only action they ever get but I, myself think it is very inappropriate. All of this because they think you hide explosion in your junk. I don't think so. Let me know where you would hide explosives in the comment section below. The Special Thank to: CLOSETOREAL youtube.com twitter.com STOCK UP ON PETER CHAO T-SHIRTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS! BUY PETER CHAO'S NEW SHIRT! panicpop.com BUY PETER CHAO'S OTHER AWESOME T-SHIRTS www.cafepress.com Connect with Peter Chao & Others PETER CHAO'S NEW CHANNEL www.youtube.com PETER CHAO FACEBOOK FAN PAGE bit.ly PETER CHAO TWITTER www.twitter.com Peter Chao LIVE! Attractions Inquiries CONTACT: DEdley(at)gershla.com tj(at)gershla.com All OTHER Inquiries: chao.outside(at)gmail.com OTHER HIT CHANNELS: PARKER JAKOBOWHITZ www.youtube.com twitter.com RETARD RICKY www.youtube.com twitter.com BOB www.youtube.com twitter.com Author: pyrobooby Duration: 3:38