www.rightwingwatch.org Glenn Beck says that President Obama has been provoking conservatives to start a civil war from the moment he took office. Author: RWWBlog Duration: 1:56
Photos for video Glenn Beck Provides More Insights into Obama's Looming Civil War
Sources say the screaming orb might be the only potential candidate that would tap into Republicans' deep-seated, seething fury after this election. Subscribe to The Onion on YouTube: bit.ly Like The Onion on Facebook: www.fb.com Follow The Onion on Twitter: www.twitter.com Author: TheOnion Duration: 2:38
Photos for video After Obama Victory, Shrieking White-Hot Sphere Of Pure Rage Early GOP Front-Runner For 2016
Police Officer Warns Of An "Event" In October 2012 youtu.be China Says War With US Imminent www.washingtontimes.com China Says War With US Imminent (Backup Link) stratrisks.com Fort Bragg Shooting 06/28/2012 www.foxnews.com Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare www.cnn.com Armed Tax Agents To Enforce Obamacare nation.foxnews.com Eric Holder In Contempt Of Congress www.cnn.com US National Debt Clock www.usdebtclock.org Video Thumbnail By Deesillustration http ----------------------------------------------------------------------- My Links Backup YouTube Channel Subscribe To Keep In Touch youtube.com Follow Me On Twitter For Breaking News / New Uploads / Live Show Alerts twitter.com Follow Me On Facebook Page Repeats Twitter Feed Above facebook.com --- US Scancast Website --- US Scancast Nationwide Scanner Network Live Nationwide Scanner Audio And Chat 24/7 Scancast.webs.com Author: MaKaElectric Duration: 9:11
Bob Unruh's Original Article WND.COM www.wnd.com Hear Carl Gallups (narrator) every Friday - 1330 WEBY AM - Gulf Coast Talk Radio Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups www.carlgallups.com LIVE STREAM Author: ppsimmons Duration: 3:38
Photos for video Breaking! ALERT! Obama Summoned to Appear in Georgia Eligibility Hearing!
The Obama administration is investigating the Obama administration? Video Shows Holder Knew About Fast And Furious 28 Months Ago... Obama Sold, Tracked, Same Guns To Cartels He Hoped To Ban Because They Were Tracked From Cartels In the Spring of 2009, the Obama administration called for the banning of "assault rifles" and .50 BMG "sniper rifles" due to their use in crimes by Mexican drug cartels. Obama dubiously alleged that 90% of these weapons were tracked back to the United States, implying that Americans have an obligation to surrender some of our freedoms to keep these weapons from being smuggled illegally over the border and used in Mexican-on-Mexican violence in Mexico. In this vintage clip, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre discusses Obama's proposals with Glen Beck. Obama backed off these proposals a month later, noting that such a ban would not be politically feasible at this time. In Fall of 2009, the Obama Administration conceived Operation Fast and Furious, in which the ATF sold thousands of advanced weapons to Mexican drug cartels in order to track them once they were used in crimes. This policy perfectly dovetailed with Obama's gun control arguments. First of all, by selling guns to the cartels that the ATF could definitely trace back to the US (because they were bought from the ATF), the percentage of guns used in Mexican crimes traceable to American guns would increase. ATF supervisors rejoiced at their success when they found that these guns <b>...</b> Author: gking1000 Duration: 10:09
Photos for video TREASON- Obama Sold, Tracked, Same Guns to Cartels he hoped to Ban
Lt. Col. Allen West (US Army, Ret.) speaks to the Center for Security Policy's National Security Group on Capital Hill. Col. West was a senior advisor, Combined Security Transition Command - Afghanistan, US Central Command. He is running for Congress in South Florida. For more information, see www.allenwestforcongress.com Author: securefreedom Duration: 20:14
Photos for video Allen West: Define the Enemy: What it takes to win in Afghanistan