`Don`t vote...it only encourages them` www.davidicke.com http Song - GreenZilla - Height of Intermission www.youtube.com Trapped in a prism of snakes, cant get away, though every single day try rememberin .watchin 911 on TV G watch the towers crumble 1 by 1 that really was our liberty undone thing that the started of darkenest days and a false messiah came into our life and now we cant look away or run away but we try every single day we cannot shake this mothafuckin false messiah, it coats the day like hot fire, thrown up in ya face on the dollar bill replace the masonic seal with the devils face!! At the height of Intermission, truth became so suspicious. We didnt know what to do so we gathered with arms, in armageddeon fashion. And we ended up the dominant force, we realized, we were the dominant force mothafucka. Strapped most of the nation head to teeth its a society you cant see believe it tho its you and me, all the families pain collected into one gamma ray, its like the lives that made mistakes and the lives you took away. All corners of the USA including all 57 STATES, I heard these mothafuckaz got alot to say. now we cant look away or run away yet we try every single day we cannot shake this mothafuckin false messiah, it coats the day like hot fire, thrown up in ya face on the dollar bill replace the masonic seal with the devils face!! At the height of Intermission, truth became so suspicious. We didnt know what to do so we gathered with arms, in armageddeon <b>...</b> Author: jay4louise10 Duration: 12:40
Photos for video David Icke - Puppet Obama,The Deceiver,False Messiah and a Free Phone.
Actress Eva Longoria delivers a heartfelt speech at the Democratic National Convention. Watch the conventions live here: live.cnn.com For more CNN videos, check out our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com Or visit our site at www.cnn.com Author: CNN Duration: 5:38
Photos for video Raw Video: Actress Eva Longoria talks about American opportunity
Join the Live Radio Show! (3-5pm Central, 4-6pm EST) www.greenewave.com **Call-in Number (218) 339-8525 SUBSCRIBE NOW!! www.youtube.com SUBSCRIBE TO AMTVmedia!!! www.youtube.com REFERENCES: Exclusive: Obama authorizes secret US support for Syrian rebels www.reuters.com Claim: US forces on Syrian border mobile.wnd.com Annan quits as international Syria mediator: UN news.yahoo.com Israeli PM says time running out to stop Iran's nuclear programme www.guardian.co.uk US and Israel Intensify Talks on Iran Options www.nytimes.com Ahmadinejad: World forces must strive to annihilate Israel www.jpost.com 8-2-12: In today's video, Christopher Greene explains how the United States has officially declared war with Syria and Bashar al-Assad. www.greenewave.com twitter.com To Donate: www.paypal.com Author: cgreene34 Duration: 6:35
Photos for video BREAKING! Obama Authorizes Secret US Invasion of Syria
The Republican Party continues to pass harsh laws restricting access to women's healthcare across the country, but the mainstream press has stopped paying attention. That's why we've produced a short documentary that cogently explains the state and national efforts by Republicans--including Mitt Romney--to limit access to birth control and other basic women's health services. Featured interviews include Rep. Lois Capps (CA-23), who as a former nurse has long been a leader on women's health issues; Stephanie Schriock, president of EMILY's List; and Dr. Kimberly Shepherd, an OB/GYN who provides medical authority on issues that never should've been politicized in the first place. With the lives of millions of women potentially impacted by the dangerous proposals of Mitt Romney and Republican lawmakers, it's vital that this issue isn't forgotten this election season. Help us spread the word. TAKE ACTION Visit StopTheWarOnWomen.com, and SHARE THIS VIDEO! - This documentary film was produced and edited by Chase Whiteside (interviews), Erick Stoll (camera), and Liz Cambron. Graphic design by Chase Whiteside. Motion design by Ashley Walton (ashleywalton.com). Music from the brilliant Jon Brion. THANKS Sean Barma, Laura Dawn, EMILY's List, Emma Shapiro, Ashley Schapitl, Rick Pender, Jay Marose, Victoria Shantrell - NLM ELSEWHERE: Facebook: facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Tumblr: blog.newleftmedia.com DONATE Our films are free to watch, but costly to produce. Every contribution <b>...</b> Author: NewLeftMedia Duration: 10:37
Photos for video The War on Women's Health is Real
Police Officer Warns Of An "Event" In October 2012 youtu.be China Says War With US Imminent www.washingtontimes.com China Says War With US Imminent (Backup Link) stratrisks.com Fort Bragg Shooting 06/28/2012 www.foxnews.com Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare www.cnn.com Armed Tax Agents To Enforce Obamacare nation.foxnews.com Eric Holder In Contempt Of Congress www.cnn.com US National Debt Clock www.usdebtclock.org Video Thumbnail By Deesillustration http ----------------------------------------------------------------------- My Links Backup YouTube Channel Subscribe To Keep In Touch youtube.com Follow Me On Twitter For Breaking News / New Uploads / Live Show Alerts twitter.com Follow Me On Facebook Page Repeats Twitter Feed Above facebook.com --- US Scancast Website --- US Scancast Nationwide Scanner Network Live Nationwide Scanner Audio And Chat 24/7 Scancast.webs.com Author: MaKaElectric Duration: 9:11
The Nightly News Crew interviews Anti NWO Hip Hop Artist Immortal Technique. www.myspace.com www.viperrecords.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:14
Photos for video Immortal Technique Exclusive: "Obama is A War President" 1/2
ORIGINAL WND ARTICLE - Jerome Corsi www.wnd.com See Carl Gallups Ministries for over 300 videos, radio programs, newspaper articles, editorials, a daily devotion, bible studies, games and more! www.carlgallups.com INFORMATION AND INSPIRATION CHANNEL www.carlgallups.com EMAIL us for salvation assistance ppsimmons@live.com HearCarl Gallups LIVE on Freedom Fridays - Every Friday afternoon from 4-6pm CST on 1330 WEBY - streaming live over the net. Broadcasting to four states on the Gulf Coast and to the world by internet. http OR HERE www.carlgallups.com PPSIMMONS GIFT SHOP - Really Great Stuff! Have a LOOK! www.cafepress.com MATERNITY - PROLIFE GIFT SHOP - Unique, Nice! www.cafepress.com THE UNASHAMED PATRIOT GIFT SHOP - The Name says it all! www.cafepress.com THE PATRIOT SHOP www.printfection.com PPSIMMONS GIFT SHOP www.cafepress.com MATERNITY PRO-LIFE GIFT SHOP www.cafepress.com MATERNITY PRO-LIFE GIFT SHOP #2 www.printfection.com Author: ppsimmons Duration: 2:57
Photos for video BREAKING!!! OBAMA'S SSN does not pass an E-VERIFY INVESTIGATION!
prophecychannel.freehostia.com DOWNLOAD THIS MOVIE FOR FREE!!! Illuminati Music Conspiracy Exposed - Satan in the Music Industry Illuminati new world order mark of the beast antichrist 666 2012 doomsday prophecy prophecies conspiracy exposed swine flu freemason fema camps martial law pole shift end of the times time day days film films movie movies war barack obama alex jones nibiru planet planetx climate change global warming nwo economy economic collapse Author: TheProphecyChannel Duration: 10:46
Photos for video Satan in the Music Industry: Illuminati Music Conspiracy Exposed
blog.joerogan.net prisonplanet.tv comedian, actor and longtime color commentator for the Ultimate Fighting Championship, Joe Rogan. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:59
Photos for video Joe Rogan in"Studio" on Alex Jones Tv 2/5
Shelby Steele says Barack Obama won the presidential election by successfully basing his candidacy on race. We know very little about the content of Barack Obama's character, although we will come to know it with every decision he makes as president. Obama represented an opportunity for white voters to dispel the stigma that this is a racist country. Black voters, by contrast, voted for Obama to dispel the idea that they are inferior. Either way, the November elections revealed how this country is obsessed by race. Author: HooverInstitution Duration: 37:25
Photos for video Shelby Steele on President-Elect Obama
Find out what our next president is hiding from you! I did not make this video. A friend of mine did. They requested I put this video on my channel, so I did. I hope you like it. I do not own copyrights to this video. No copyright infringement intended to the parties that do own this footage. I do not make any money on this. This video is made purely for political relating purposes. Here is a list of references to this video. www.blackgenocide.org www.blackgenocide.org www.citizenreviewonline.org www.klannedparenthood.com http www.dianedew.com www.ewtn.com www.lifesite.net www.guttmacher.org www.census.gov learninc.org www.abortionfacts.com www.nysrighttolife.org www.swamppolitics.com en.wikipedia.org www.eugenics.net www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.plannedparenthood.org (Note how Planned Parenthood praises Sanger as a hero and does not mention the Negro Project.) . Author: PoliticalssIdiot Duration: 10:22
Photos for video Obama SUPPORTS Black Genocide. The Cover-Up!