`Don`t vote...it only encourages them` www.davidicke.com http Song - GreenZilla - Height of Intermission www.youtube.com Trapped in a prism of snakes, cant get away, though every single day try rememberin .watchin 911 on TV G watch the towers crumble 1 by 1 that really was our liberty undone thing that the started of darkenest days and a false messiah came into our life and now we cant look away or run away but we try every single day we cannot shake this mothafuckin false messiah, it coats the day like hot fire, thrown up in ya face on the dollar bill replace the masonic seal with the devils face!! At the height of Intermission, truth became so suspicious. We didnt know what to do so we gathered with arms, in armageddeon fashion. And we ended up the dominant force, we realized, we were the dominant force mothafucka. Strapped most of the nation head to teeth its a society you cant see believe it tho its you and me, all the families pain collected into one gamma ray, its like the lives that made mistakes and the lives you took away. All corners of the USA including all 57 STATES, I heard these mothafuckaz got alot to say. now we cant look away or run away yet we try every single day we cannot shake this mothafuckin false messiah, it coats the day like hot fire, thrown up in ya face on the dollar bill replace the masonic seal with the devils face!! At the height of Intermission, truth became so suspicious. We didnt know what to do so we gathered with arms, in armageddeon <b>...</b> Author: jay4louise10 Duration: 12:40
Photos for video David Icke - Puppet Obama,The Deceiver,False Messiah and a Free Phone.
About 3:30 in northern CO, quite the busy flyboys today. Manned or UnManned? No matter, man is involved. MAN is wanting to OWN the weather. Patents galore. The only CON I see is the one being done to us by or with our government's blessing. COMBAT? global warming for Al...what did Al do for you POTUS that you feel the need to give him a present as big as this program? Must have been good, whatever it was and wherever it was. This video has been made with a wish for Peace for all nations, small and large. I wish...I wish.... Tags: geo engineering, Al Gore, POTUS, OBAMA, WAR, HUMANITY, ANIMALS, KARMA, EYE, Barack Obama (US President), NASA, UN, NATO, BANKS This is my truth. No copyright involved. I own this video. Author: ctwatcher Duration: 5:03
On the Tuesday, May 22 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about the continued outrages of the TSA as its goonish Gestapo gropers and sexual molesters are now trained to feel up crotches for terrorist bombs following yet another zany al-Qaeda bomb plot. He also takes a look at the video of a school teacher who launches into an irrational tirade after a student dares to make a mild criticism of Obama. Alex updates the latest on Obama's Kenyan birth and covers cops gone wild as they confiscate money from motorists and other shakedown operations. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv twitter.com www.facebook.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 42:58
Немцов и Кох обсирают своих друзей оппозиционеров, споря, кто из них работает на чекистов. Крайней оказалась Ксюша Дмитриева и Явлинский. Шевчук, оказался трусом. Author: MadeinGeorgian Duration: 5:49
Photos for video Новая прослушка Немцова. Life News и не снилось.
The White House was in celebration mode today. This after the Labor Department declared the joblessness numbers have fallen to a three year low to 8.5 percent. Approximately 212000 new jobs were created, but many feel that these numbers are distorted since people who have been unemployed for long periods of time and people how have part-time jobs were omitted. David Swanson, activist and author of When the World Outlawed War, joins us to examine the numbers. Follow Kristine on Twitter at twitter.com Author: RTAmerica Duration: 9:11
Photos for video David Swanson: "Unemployment numbers are phony numbers"
DETAILS & LINKS: WND's Dr. Jerome Corsi stated on the Bill Cunningham Radio Show that he's going to 'file criminal charges against the White House' over the latest birth certificate forgery. I listened to the live show and then went back to the radio station website to download the show podcast and lo and behold the interview with Dr. Corsi was scrubbed from the show podcast. I think maybe Bill O'Reilly gave them some tips on scrubbing show podcasts.. ;-) The radio station in question is Cincinnati's 700 WLW which is owned by none other than Clear Channel Communications, which, by the way, is the parent company of Clear Channel Outdoor who refused to erect World Net Daily's 'Where's the Birth Certificate?' billboards two years back. Just to be sure I downloaded all three hours from the 5/22/2011 broadcast. The first show hour is only around 20 minutes long as opposed to the second hour and the third hour podcasts being about 40 minutes long. The Corsi interview should be in the hour 1 podcast, also noted by a followup caller in the hour one podcast Straight from Bill Cunningham's podcast web page at Clear Channel's 700 WLW website: Billy gets another update from Dr. Jerry Corsi regarding Obama's citizenship. SCRUBBED; HOUR 1: downloads.podcast.clearchannel.com Complete details and links: obamareleaseyourrecords.blogspot.com - www.ObamaReleaseYourRecords.com - http Author: BirtherReportDotCom Duration: 17:42
Photos for video Scrubbed Interview: Corsi Will File Criminal Charges Against White House - 5/22/11
Taylor Swift Live in Manila, Philippines February 19, 2011 at the Araneta Coliseum Presented by Ovation Productions Author: kennethtristan Duration: 6:59
Champain Era is a up and coming Artist/Philanthropist/Actor who stared in Vh1's Lets Talk About Pep. Champain Is Laughing at Jay Pharoah a stand up Comedian who has just joined NBC's Saturday Night Live as he Impersonates( Barack Obama, Jay z, 50 Cent, Cassidy and Kat Williams)...CHEERS!!! Author: Champain Era Duration: 2:01
Photos for video Jay Pharoah - " Obama/ Jay z/ 50 cent/ Cassidy/ Kat Williams "
prophecychannel.freehostia.com DOWNLOAD THIS MOVIE FOR FREE!!! Illuminati Music Conspiracy Exposed - Satan in the Music Industry Illuminati new world order mark of the beast antichrist 666 2012 doomsday prophecy prophecies conspiracy exposed swine flu freemason fema camps martial law pole shift end of the times time day days film films movie movies war barack obama alex jones nibiru planet planetx climate change global warming nwo economy economic collapse Author: TheProphecyChannel Duration: 10:46
Photos for video Satan in the Music Industry: Illuminati Music Conspiracy Exposed
Basic tips for spotting and side-stepping government web-goons. www.HollywoodInsiders.net cointelpro cointel trolls forum internet new world order nwo israeli israel zionist government conspiracy 911 movies alex jones illuminati occult age free mason programming predictive synchronicity mind control subliminal messages freemason secret society television movies hollywood conspiracy 911 2001 september fallen angels 2012 antichirst satan barack obama george bush symbolism 666 federal reserve economic crisis dollar collapse economy financial bank central stock market bailout mark of beast iran iraq war syria nuclear terororist attack chicago new york washington reactor texas Author: ricintoxin81 Duration: 8:48