Traveling from tea parties in Texas to "Oath Keeper" rallies in Massachusetts, VICE investigates whether the country is actually on the verge of the 2nd Revolutionary War. -- The Department of Homeland Security classifies them as potential "domestic terrorists"; they prefer to be called patriots. As the economic crisis deepens, a growing movement of Americans is rejecting the two-party system and the mainstream media. They believe a violent revolution is imminent, and they're getting ready for it now. VICE correspondent Ryan Duffy crosses the country to meet the people on the front lines of the struggle. They include Alex Jones, a radio talk show host in Austin, Texas who is waking people up to the dangers of the corporate globalists — and has seen traffic on his websites increase dramatically in recent months. We also meet Sgt. Charles Dyer, a US Marine stationed at Camp Pendleton who has taken an oath to disobey unconstitutional orders and take up arms against the government if it becomes tyrannical — and is training a citizen militia to do the same. Originally released in 2010 on Check out the Best of VICE here Subscribe to VICE here! Check out our full video catalog: Videos, daily editorial and more: Like VICE on Facebook Follow VICE on Twitter: Read our tumblr: Author: vice Duration: 25:42
Беседа с депутатом ГосДумы Евгением Фёдоровым 13 декабря 2012. Вторая часть. скачать: депутат Евгений Фёдоров: http Author: poznavatelnoeTV Duration: 91:06
Photos for video Беседа с Евгением Фёдоровым 13 декабря 2012 часть 2
The final TV showdown's looming for Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. They're running neck-and-neck right now, and are expected to ramp up the rhetoric to secure those much-needed, last-minute votes. RT talks to antiwar activist Brian Becker about US foreign policy - READ FULL SCRIPT RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 4:33
Photos for video 'Americans sick of war, Obama & Romney should realize that'
"US Rep. Keith Ellison offered a public apology Thursday after calling his opponent "a lowlife scumbag" during a contentious radio debate in which the Fifth Congressional District candidates traded insults and accusations. During the debate on KFAI-FM, sparks flew when Chris Fields accused Ellison of paying a Washington, DC-based political research firm to dig up dirt on Fields, whose ex-wife filed for a restraining order against him in 2006 when they lived together in Southern California. Fields has since remarried. Ellison called Fields stupid for discussing the domestic dispute, then denied that he had anything to do with the release of information. "You're a scumbag," Ellison told Fields. "You're a lowlife scumbag." In response, Fields began offering commentary on Ellison's child support payments and recent divorce. Ellison, a three-term Democratic congressman, later apologized for the outburst in a public statement. Fields is his Republican challenger."* Jimmy Dore (The Jimmy Dore Show) and John Iadarola (TYT University) break down this unusually nasty debate. *Read more from Corey Mitchell/Star Tribune: *Listen to the debate from KFAI here: Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Buy TYT Merch: Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 2:17
Photos for video 'Lowlife Scumbag' - Congressional District Debate Gets Heated
News Articles: Libyan President el-Megarif reportedly eyes Al Qaeda in 'preplanned' attack on US consulate Exclusive: America 'was warned of embassy attack but did nothing' Palin: 'Obama administration dropped the ball' in the Middle East Obama Had Advance Knowledge of Mideast Attacks State Department knew of impending embassy attacks 48 hours prior Author: SignsofThyComing Duration: 9:38
Photos for video Middle East : Planned Riots Burnings and Murder to bring forth the New World Order (Sept 14, 2012)
Help build this campaign: OFA.BO First Lady Michelle Obama's remarks at the 2012 Democratic National Convention Author: BarackObamadotcom Duration: 24:42
Photos for video First Lady Michelle Obama's Remarks at the 2012 Democratic National Convention - Full Speech
Every single American should watch this video and pass it on to every person until the entire county understands that we are presented with an illusion of choice. Both Obama and Romney are funded by same lobbyists. Both have the same exact views on all topics of significance. Both blatantly lied to the public for years and have gotten away with it. Both will drive our great country into the ground if elected. Vote your ideals! Vote FOR the Constitution! Author: 22popuser Duration: 12:22
Roseanne Barr and Jill Stein Green Party Presidential Forum, discuss the issues as presented by Rose Aguilar from NPR affiliate KALW San Francisco. Jello Biafra, Green Party member and former lead singer for The Dead Kennedys also steps up to ask questions. EXCELLENT DISCUSSION. Intelligent Green thought. May 12 2012 Victoria Theater San Francisco California. Green Party Green Party Facebook Green Party Twitter @gpus Jill Stein Campaign site Green Party forums stream live on Green Party Livestream channel Camera and onsite tech Sanda Everette Remote streaming tech Craig Seeman Additional tech Starlene Rankin Author: seecraig Duration: 102:43
Photos for video Roseanne Barr and Jill Stein Green Party Presidential Forum
Please share, like/link and comment. To all who see this video, link it to the debate pages and other sites so we have some debate on this topic. knowledge is the only way people learn and are willing to and engage on the subject. Knowledge is the way to the Revolution! Vote Ron Paul Please also take a look at the ZEITGEIST 2: ADDENDUM Hope young people, who usually do not vote, will join GOP Author: kenneth johnsen Duration: 26:31
Photos for video Ron Paul - This is the harsh reality of war, and this is why Obama lies (2012 MUST SEE)
International military operation has begun in Libya, as a result of a UN Security Council Resolution authorizing a no fly zone, and other necessary measures. Some lawmakers are questioning how Obama could make this decision, without approval. Congressman Dennis Kucinich says Obama's unconstitutional move would appear on its face to be an impeachable offense. He explains why he thinks the Constitution has been violated. Author: TheAlyonaShow Duration: 8:33
Photos for video Rep. Kucinich: Obama Could be Impeached Over Libya
Buy on Dealextreme now! Buy Apple Ipod In-Ear Isolating Earbuds for only $1.80 and free worldwide shipping here: Author: AminamHD Duration: 10:17
Photos for video Peter Griffin Plays Modern Warfare 2