Watch the full Vice Presidential debate between Joe Biden and Paul Ryan. Follow our Election Coverage: Subscribe to the WSJ Live YouTube Channel - More WSJLive YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: WSJ: Author: WSJDigitalNetwork Duration: 90:51
Photos for video Full VP Debate - Joe Biden and Paul Ryan - Vice Presidential Debate Full
Dr. Voddie Baucham talks to Texas Right to Life about how he is "personally insulted" by abortion advocates, including President Obama. Author: TexasRightToLife Duration: 7:39
Photos for video Pastor Voddie Baucham talks abortion, adoption, President Obama
Ron Paul, don't endorse Flip Flop Mitt. Music: Muse, "Take A Bow" FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Author: pjt3488 Duration: 5:55
The Songify app ON ANDROID: iPhones: Some people have asked if Mitt Romney's likability, or lack of it, will affect his electability. Have these folks SEEN him deliver a speech?!? He likes everything! His ability to like is off the charts. This piece originally appeared at an Op-Doc for The New York Times on May 14, 2012. The Op-Docs series is produced & curated by the insuperable Jason Spingarn-Koff. You can read our statement about the video at The New York Times: Find more of us Gregory Brothers: YouTube 2nd channel! Facebook! Twitter! Webs! What's up gangstas It's the MI Double Tizzle I love people I love lakes I was born and raised here I love this state I love cars I love American cars I love you I love lakes I love businesses I like silly stuff I like mandates I like grits I like 'Twilight' I love this country I like music of almost any kind including this I love lakes I like seeing the lakes The Great Lakes Also all the little lakes Uh-huh, He likes lakes So don't mess with lakes Man-made lakes Or naturally occurring lakes I love humor I like jokes As well as things that are fun My sons are tired of my jokes I live for laughter Yeah, Chris Rock? Three Stooges Will Ferrell? Laurel and Hardy Tina Fey? Keystone Kops I like it all Do you like iPads? I have an iPad Do you like iPhones? I have an iPhone Do you like vampires? I don't like vampires <b>...</b> Author: schmoyoho Duration: 1:52
Photos for video Mitt Romney Likes Music, Including This!
~sub: ~Unslave Humanity Tactical Media: ~sub: ~many new updates: ~sub: ~credits video edit: The Difference Between "Obomney" and "Robama" Is Only Skin Deep: Comparing side by side the words and political stances of Republican and Democratic presidential candidates Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama. Includes topics like universal health care, gun rights, energy, NDAA, the Patriot Act, Iran, sanctions, economic stimulus. bank and auto bailouts, civil rights, TARP, the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, campaign donations, and more. Thanks for watching & please share! Compiled with videos from news, interviews, rally footage, and more, IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FAIR USE ACT. ~Google Trends shows Evidence that Ron Paul Supporters beats Mainstream Media: 12 moths: & 2004 upto now: (study 'News Reference Volume" graph vs "Search volume index" graph) ... Mainstream knows Alternative Media is on the Rise faster and faster! They Fear That we Know we are not "powerless". BACKUP SCREEN-SNAPSHOT: (to expose possible Google Trends future censorship) Free Thinkers Network Co-Creating Alternative Timeline towards 2012 & Beyond! When Freedom Radiates & Truth Resonates, Tyranny Falls. Big Brother Surveillance Society is NOT there to "protect" you, but to protect the NWO Mafia, they know YOU gonna be -Mad as Hell- about their abuse of power ! Hijacked Governments Legalize <b>...</b> Author: women4truth Duration: 10:28
Photos for video NWO Puppets Robama & Obomney? Sub RandPaul2016Revolt !!!
Jon Lovitz on his "ABC's of SNL" podcast: "This whole thing with Obama saying the rich don't pay their taxes is fucking bullshit. And I voted for the guy and I'm a Democrat. What a fucking asshole." Author: martysoffice Duration: 2:08
Photos for video Jon Lovitz: Obama A "F*cking A**hole" With His Tax Talk [EXPLICIT LANGUAGE]
On the Friday edition of the Alex Jones Show, former State Department official Steve Pieczenik returns with more commentary on the bogus Iranian terror attack. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:39
Photos for video Israel: A History of Self-Inflicted Genocide & Terrorism with Steve Pieczenik 1/2
Yea, this is my droid army for my 200 sub milestone. Please rate, comment, and PLEASE SUB. And PLEASE sub to these plp. It'll make me, you, and them happy! And this guy cuz he has no subs and I feel bad 4 him. D: Author: tehrulez Duration: 3:20
Last night the GOP presidential candidates went head to head in a debate. Many of the issues plaguing the US were talked about but one voice emerged over the rest. Ron Paul was given a lot of air-time to make his points which some people have complained about. Is a new era of political thought around the bend? Kristine Frazao is in Iowa to tell us more. Follow Kristine on Twitter at Author: RTAmerica Duration: 3:36
Buy on Dealextreme now! Buy Apple Ipod In-Ear Isolating Earbuds for only $1.80 and free worldwide shipping here: Author: AminamHD Duration: 10:17
Photos for video Peter Griffin Plays Modern Warfare 2
Aired 11-12-09--AJ breaks down Pat Tillman's death and the Black Ops opium trade.. . Pat Tillman opium heroin smack afghanistan alex jones CIA 9/11 FBI black ops inside job al qaeda taliban ron paul barack obama peter schiffMax Keiser Gerald Celente Jim Rogers wall st street Federal Reserve dollar goldman sachs Tim Geithner glenn beck henry paulson 9/11 inside job msnbc jp morgan chase tarp Author: GuerrillaNewsChannel Duration: 10:14
Photos for video Pat Tillman Fragged-Breaking Down The SMACK Trade
Right now, unmanned aerial drones are in the skies over Iraq and Afghanistan. We have robots that can open fire without human guidance. Some are disturbingly lifelike. Others, like the cyborg beetle, are actually alive. Robots will fight the wars of the future. What does this mean for us? HUNGRY BEAST speaks with Peter Singer, author of Wired For War, former advisor to Barack Obama about the 'Robot Revolution'. For extended parts of this story visit the HUNGRY BEAST website HUNGRY BEAST is an Australian TV and web program broadcast on the ABC Author: abchungrybeast Duration: 5:14