US President Barack Obama is hoping Americans will learn from the country's history of shootings and call on their elected leaders to agree to ban the future production of some assault weapons and ammunition clips that hold more than 10 bullets. He also wants to make sure everyone who wants to buy a gun has to pass a more comprehensive background check. But despite the proposals given by Vice President Joe Biden on gun control, there are still an estimated 300 million guns already in the US and a strong pro-gun lobby. Al Jazeera's Patty Culhane reports from Washington, DC. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 2:05
Photos for video Obama says Americans must demand stricter gun control
Traveling from tea parties in Texas to "Oath Keeper" rallies in Massachusetts, VICE investigates whether the country is actually on the verge of the 2nd Revolutionary War. -- The Department of Homeland Security classifies them as potential "domestic terrorists"; they prefer to be called patriots. As the economic crisis deepens, a growing movement of Americans is rejecting the two-party system and the mainstream media. They believe a violent revolution is imminent, and they're getting ready for it now. VICE correspondent Ryan Duffy crosses the country to meet the people on the front lines of the struggle. They include Alex Jones, a radio talk show host in Austin, Texas who is waking people up to the dangers of the corporate globalists — and has seen traffic on his websites increase dramatically in recent months. We also meet Sgt. Charles Dyer, a US Marine stationed at Camp Pendleton who has taken an oath to disobey unconstitutional orders and take up arms against the government if it becomes tyrannical — and is training a citizen militia to do the same. Originally released in 2010 on Check out the Best of VICE here Subscribe to VICE here! Check out our full video catalog: Videos, daily editorial and more: Like VICE on Facebook Follow VICE on Twitter: Read our tumblr: Author: vice Duration: 25:42
Share this: OFA.BO Tweet this: OFA.BO Eric Smalls wrote a letter to the President, this is his story. Dear Mr. President, My name is Eric Smalls. At a young age I was inspired by NASA and their expeditions to the moon. As a career I would love to build robots to explore the first earth-like planets and beyond. However, when I was three years old my mother passed away due to breast cancer. For several months my family was homeless and forced to live out of a car. With my dad doing his best to take care of my sister and I, those years were very difficult and college was just a pipe dream. As we lived paycheck to paycheck, the three of us shared two dollars a day for food. Some days, my sister and I were faced with choosing between going to school or eating that day. For a while I feared I might never be able to achieve my dreams. But I was motivated to change my circumstance. I got back on my feet and went to live in Philadelphia with my grandmother. I started attending an engineering and science academy in North Philly. I was determined to achieve my dreams. It was largely due to your STEM initiatives that I found my calling as the President of the robotics club at my high school. I became thoroughly motivated no matter how hard life became around me. Today, I can say that I'm well on my way to achieving my dreams and that your education initiatives are helping make it possible. Your doubling of Pell Grants have made college more affordable for students like me. This year <b>...</b> Author: BarackObamadotcom Duration: 3:00 Помогите разбить информационную блокаду! Распространите это видео как можно шире! В Сирии, в полном соответствии с нашим предположением, инцидент со сбитым турецким истребителем не получил никакого развития. Коллективный ответ запада ограничился стягиванием к сирийской границе турецких войск, на что Сирия ответила наращиванием там своего воинского контингента. Но пока что это элементы психологической войны, весьма далекой от войны реальной. На поприще другой войны -- дипломатической Россия вновь встала на защиту Дамаска. В субботу в Женеве прошла очередная конференция по ситуации в Сирии. Ее интрига заключалась в принятии очередного плана Аннана, который на этот раз предполагал отказ Башара Асада от власти и создание нового компромиссного правительства. Однако такое положение дел не устроило Россию, которая твердо стоит на позициях неприемлемости смены власти под давлением извне. Померяться силами по этому вопросу предстояло Сергею Лаврову и Хилари Клинтон и в какой-то момент показалось, что конференция провалилась. Однако к концу второго тайма Россия одержала убедительную победу. Итоговый документ был принят без пункта об отстранении Асада от власти. Эту информацию советуем взять на заметку любителям рассуждать о том, что наша страна не имеет веса на мировой арене. Как показывает практика, когда требуется, нашего веса вполне достаточно, чтобы перевесить весь остальной т.н. «цивилизованный мир». Читать выпуск полностью: Author: MrEsuper Duration: 10:43
Photos for video Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю. Выпуск 34
KURT BRAUNOHLER FROM IFC's BUNK IS HERE! We also have GILBERT GOTTFRIED with another Gilbert Gets It on the show today. Table of Contents: 00:01 - Beth! 00:50 - You Suck at Photoshop 5:41 - More Beth! 6:13 - Kurt's Apartment (Game Show) 10:38 - Kurt & Beth Co-Host 11:24 - Mortmer Exterminators 13:19 - LIVE with Kurt & Beth! 16:05 - Gilbert Gets It 20:06 - More LIVE with Kurt & Beth! 22:02 - Co-op of the Damned 23:59 - Q&A w/ Kurt 30:52 - Kurt Takes it a Little Too Far Subscribe to Beth: Gilbert: More: Author: MyDamnChannel Duration: 33:42
Photos for video Kurt Braunohler & Gilbert Gottfried LIVE - 6/20/12 (Full Ep)
This episode takes us to the very heart of America's War on Terror: Guantanamo Bay. Julian sits down with a former Gitmo prisoner and a rights campaigner, both fighting for those still trapped behind the wire. Ten years ago the war on terror prompted the opening of the facility. Now, more than three years after President Obama ordered its closure, the Guantanamo Bay detention camp remains with us. Moazzam Begg is a former inmate. During his imprisonment, he signed a forced confession, admitting he "was armed and prepared to fight alongside the Taliban and Al Qaeda against the US,", but only after being hog-tied and beaten, as he listened "to the sound of a woman screaming next door I'm told or am led to believe is my wife". Asim Qureshi operates a human rights organization with the sole aim of raising awareness of the plight of prisoners remaining in Guantanamo Bay. Together, both men discuss the plight of Muslims in the post 9/11 world, the thin line between terror and self-defense, and Begg's belief that Obama has ushered in an era where "extra-judicial killing" has replaced "extra-judicial detention." Author: AssangeWorldTomorrow Duration: 28:14
Photos for video The World Tomorrow: Moazzam Begg and Asim Qureshi
In the news segment, Paul Joseph Watson, co-host and chief editor for, discussing how Americans are cheering President Obama's intentions to bypass Congress in order to push forward his agenda through executive fiat. A video compilation shows that not only is Obama undertaking this unconstitutional action, but he is a serial offender! Further, Watson covers the latest round of Iranian wargames, now set to coincide with a US and Israeli run drill, giving on-lookers reason for pause and creating fears that such 'exercises' could well provoke all out war. The confrontation leaves the door wide open for a false flag provocation, something former Vice President Cheney reportedly proposed during the Bush administration to kick start the Iran war. Meanwhile, temporary euphoria over a spike in job numbers proves to be more smoke and mirrors, and indeed, to be just that-- temporary. Zero Hedge documents how Morgan Stanley's David Greenlaw has reported that 42000 of the 200000 jobs is basically a seasonal quirk, that will soon go away, leaving only 158000 as expected. On the 2012 campaign front, the media has predictably turned back to attacking Ron Paul after his strong showing in Iowa, with George Soros-arm Media Matters trying to sink him by associating him with none other than Alex Jones. Before launching a kitchen-sink list of conspiracy theories, Media Matters tabulates that "Paul has appeared on Jones' radio program at least thirteen times since the <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 11:11
Photos for video Obama Front Attacks Alex Jones, Ron Paul, NSA/Google Partnership & More We visited a neighborhood called Liberty City in Miami during our stay in America last November. We had a chat with the people there about their lives, the community they live in, world problems and more. Author: Couscousglobal Duration: 9:57 Anarchy Freedom Democracy police 911 false flag september 11th zeitgeist esoteric agenda Ron Paul The Alex Jones Show 590 KLBJ AM Talk Radio Austin Texas infowars Alternative News Media alex jones TheAlexJonesChannel Barack Obama Socialism Socialist communist stalin osama bin laden Iraq Iran Israel Mossad CIA MI5 MI6 KGB illuminati Bilderberg group TLC CFR Club of ROME Rothschild Bankers NufffRespect Montagraph « Category Film & Animation NWO new world order conspiracy conspiracies propaganda Illuminati bohemian grove FTC Rockefeller truth north american union NAU verichip vchip one world government nwo Illuminati zeitgeist ron paul george bush hitler RFID chip barrack obama john McCain September 11th 9/11 he Clinton Chronicles Controlled demolition hypothesis for the collapse of the World Trade Center Cryptocracy Act Die Glocke The Disclosure Project Ron Paul Alex Jones Show Radio Austin Texas infowars Alternative News Media alex jones TheAlexJonesChannel Barack Obama Socialism Socialist communist stalin osama bin laden Iraq Iran Israel CIA MI5 MI6 KGB illuminati Bilderberg group TLC CFR Club of ROME Rothschild Bankers aron eckhart, academy award, academy awards, acting, actor, actress, adam sandler, al pacino, american beauty, american gangster, american society of cinematographers, amy adams, ang lee, angelina jolie, anne hathaway, anne norda, asc, association of the week, atonement, auteur, away from her, ben stiller, brad pitt, cannes, cannes film <b>...</b> Author: 1984killlies2012 Duration: 7:58
The biggest shock, of course, is the tapping of Hillary Clinton for secretary of state. I say shock because no one expected it, including Her Imperial Highness of Appalachia. But the more you think about it, the less surprising it is. Clinton remains the biggest domestic threat to the Obama presidency. The Republicans, decimated by the feckless campaign of John McCain and the malign incompetence of Karl Rove, have become a toothless, bitter rump. The Clintons, however, retain a following in the Democratic party and the Senate, and Hillary, left to machinate on Capitol Hill, would be angling to put her stamp on healthcare reform and run against Obama in 2012. At every stage, he would have to watch his back. And front. Earlier this year, it seemed a good idea to plonk her on the ticket to defang the threat. That would have followed the team of rivals concept that Obama wanted to purloin from Lincoln. It would also have given the Clintons an independent claim on power. By winning without them and even, in some measure, despite them, Obama can now bring the Clintons into the power structure while retaining clear dominance. The State Department appointment is prestigious enough not to be condescending, yet also keeps Clinton off the Washington circuit more than any other position. Iraq. Think of the appointment this way: You voted for this bloody war, Hillary; you can end it. Withdrawing from Iraq will not be easy and it may well be gruesome. I have no confidence that the <b>...</b> Author: AntiConformist911 Duration: 10:52
Photos for video Hillary Clinton - Secretary of State? Christopher Hitchens debates Paul Begala