Follow us on Twitter! | And like us on Facebook! | Yep! We played PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale together. James was using his PS3, and I (Casey) was in bed with my PS Vita 'cause I'm kind of under the weather. BUT IT'S ALL GOOD =D Author: HappyWaffleGaming Duration: 13:34
Photos for video HappyWaffleGaming - Casey & James play Playstation All Stars (from bed)
On today's live Sunday broadcast, Alex looks at the accelerating disintegration of the Republic, and the rise of humanity to defeat those undermining the Constitution and all it stands for. Meanwhile, the global economic disaster continues to unfold, with nine EU nations recently downgraded by S&P still reverberating markets and likely to trigger further collapse. Alex also brings you the latest on the escalating tensions towards war with Iran-- with the United States and Israel openly discussing a strike in the wake of preparations for sanctions. Today is a moment of reflection for the system the New World Order has built. Your calls and thoughts are welcome. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:24
Photos for video The Accelerating Disintegration of America 2/5
"The Pakistani Case" covers the story of a 28 year old pakistani student called Mohammed Saif Ur Rehman Khan who was detained in the US embassy in Chile after the alledged detection of explosive traces on his belongings. The documentary details the contradictions of the official government version and the role of minister Rodrigo Hinzpeter in installing fear-based policies of counterterrorism following the guidelines of the United States police state. Author: NWNoticias Duration: 46:13
Photos for video The Pakistani Case: CIA/Mossad False Flag in Chile The Grammy-nominated Archandroid herself sits down for a feature chat in Studio Q. She's a surprising, soulful, bold new musical voice and one of the most exciting artists anywhere today. Author: Qtv Duration: 27:59
We are the citizens of a world that is being ruined by Zionism and its practitioners' thirst for power and greed for land that does not rightly belong to them. Obama & his criminal coalition were lying when they said that regime change was not the aim of their military action in Libya, which they initially attempted to disguise as a humanitarian intervention. Look for the mainstream media to continue ignoring the fact that the so-call ed freedom fever sweeping the Arab states is a gambit on the parts of elite Western political power players and unproblematically trumpeting each new uprising in the region as a spontaneous people's uprising that just happens to further isolate Iranian, Chinese and Russian interests in the region in the preliminary stages of World War III. Video credit in part to RTAmerica Author: 58784677 Duration: 11:55
Photos for video Obama Lies About Libya...The Shocking Truth Behind The Facade We visited a neighborhood called Liberty City in Miami during our stay in America last November. We had a chat with the people there about their lives, the community they live in, world problems and more. Author: Couscousglobal Duration: 9:57
Imam Jamil Al Amin pka H Rap Brown interview speaking on the state of the Black Nation. Very clear analysis that still relates to Our condition today. Part 2 Author: Natturner187 Duration: 10:11
Photos for video This is Why Obama and Amerikkkan politics Means Nothing Good for Black People pt2
Take a break from serious politics and enjoy! Don't bother reading the following unless you have watched the ENTIRE video. Match the number of the joke/picture in the video with the number here for explanations. 1. "If they're on an island, how do they speak English?" Its a joke. 2.Pigs are more civilized than Democrats. 3. Democrats are always saying how they really are good people deep down - although they never show it. 4. Self explanatory. 5. Democrats are always making stupid comments, and the media jumps on them. 6. MOST (not all) Democrats are dirt bags. 7. They both take money, Democrats waste it on pointless Government projects. 8. Self explanatory. 9. Self explanatory. 10. Self explanatory. 11. Al Gore is STUPID. If global warming is happening, then I'm paying $0.50 for gas per gallon. 12. Democrats raise taxes for wasteful projects. 13. Democrats whine about EVERYTHING. 14. Yes, I'm well aware that big-foot was fake, but still, it seems more real than a smart democrat by FAR. 15. Bill Clinton + Hillary Clinton = Chelsea. They're both bad lawyers and both bad politicians. 16. Self explanatory. 17. Self explanatory. 18. Self explanatory. 19. A comic by Rob Rodgers 20. Look at the facts, most people w/o jobs tend to vote democrat. 60% of crimes are committed by high school drop outs. Most people without jobs are high school drop outs. 21. Self explanatory. 22. Self explanatory (if you lived through the 90's) 23. Democrats (especially Hillary and Barack) NEVER stop <b>...</b> Author: FunPolitics Duration: 9:03