Pressure,Pressure,Pressure.....are you happy???? http I Seek Asylum From This World - written and sung by Kelvin Rush Free Music from Author: jay4louise12 Duration: 14:56
Photos for video DAVID ICKE - THIS WORLD IS UTTERLY INSANE!!! (Viewer Discretion Advised)
Ex-Army Ranger Captain, West Point graduate, and Stanford MBA Antonio Buehler explains why he endorses Ron Paul for president. Brave New Books Website: Amazon Store: Facebook Page: Amazon Store Facebook Page: Like them on Facebook!: The Austin Ron Paul Meetup Group: Official Campaign Site: The Daily Paul: Official YouTube Channel: T-shirts, Signs, Buttons, etc.: The COOLEST Ron Paul Shirt!: Grassroots Videos: Author: RepublicOfTexasTV Duration: 14:02
Photos for video Army Ranger Captain Endorses Ron Paul
Alex welcomes guest Webster Tarpley to discuss the ongoing NATO bombardment and civil war in Libya, as well as why Al-Qaeda publicly backs the official 9/11 fable. (Subscribe to Infowars Nightly News Today!) Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:21
Photos for video CIA Speaks Through Al-Qaeda: Webster Tarpley Reports 1/3
A new report shows that billions of taxpayer dollars were wasted by no-bid contracts that began under the Bush Administration for military contractors for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks breaks it down. The Largest Online News Show in the World. Google+: Facebook: Twitter: Support TYT for FREE: Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 2:44
Photos for video Obama Continues No-Bid Contracts For Wars
While the compromise agreed in Washington comes just in time to prevent an immediate catastrophe, financial analyst Max Keiser believes it won't be enough to persuade ratings agencies to let America keep its precious 'triple A' credit score. RT on Twitter: RT on Facebook: Author: RussiaToday Duration: 5:01
Photos for video Max Keiser: AAA to junk - just what Wall St. wants!
Bruce Fein April 8, 2011 I. THE IMPEACHMENT POWER 1. Article II, Section IV of the United States Constitution provides: "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." 2. According to James Madison's Records of the Convention, 2:550; Madison, 8 Sept., Mr. George Mason objected to an initial proposal to confine impeachable offenses to treason or bribery: Why is the provision restrained to Treason & bribery only? Treason as defined in the Constitution will not reach many great and dangerous offences. Hastings is not guilty of Treason. Attempts to subvert the Constitution may not be Treason as above defined--As bills of attainder which have saved the British Constitution are forbidden, it is the more necessary to extend: the power of impeachments. 3. Delegates to the Federal Convention voted overwhelmingly to include "high crimes and misdemeanors" in Article II, Section IV of the United States Constitution specifically to ensure that "attempts to subvert the Constitution" would fall within the universe of impeachable offences. Id. 4. Alexander Hamilton, a delegate to the Federal Convention, characterized impeachable offenses in Federalist 65 as, "offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or in other words, from the violation or abuse of some public trust. They are of a nature which with peculiar propriety <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:16
Photos for video Bruce Fein: Articles of Impeachment for tyrant Obama - Alex Jones Tv 1/2
Alex welcomes back to the show Gerald Celente, a trend forecaster, publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant and author who makes predictions about the global financial markets and other events of historical importance. Celente's accurate forecasts include the 1987 stock market crash, the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the 1997 Asian currency crash and the 2007 subprime mortgage crisis. He is the author of Trend Tracking: The System to Profit from Today's Trends and Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:59
Photos for video Gerald Celente: US Double Dip Depression will Lead us into War - Alex Jones Tv 3/4
The Legend Crooner Andy Williams singing Moon River on his show. The earliest ever recorded by him. Enjoy the show folks. God bless Andy Williams and us all. Amen. Author: burtmurdoch Duration: 2:55
Photos for video Andy Williams - Moon River (Year 1961)