"House Republican defense hawks are pushing back strongly against Speaker John Boehner's (R-Ohio) claim that he has GOP support to allow steep automatic budget cuts to take effect if President Obama does not agree to replace them with other reductions."* How did John Boehner admit he tricked Obama during fiscal cliff negotiations, resulting in a delay of billions of scheduled 2013 defense cuts? Cenk Uygur breaks it down. *Read more from Russell Berman and Jeremy Herb/ The Hill: thehill.com Support The Young Turks by Subscribing bit.ly Like Us on Facebook: www.fb.com Follow Us on Twitter: bit.ly Buy TYT Merch: theyoungturks.spreadshirt.com Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 2:50
Photos for video How Did Republicans Trick Obama on Fiscal Cliff?
Pressure,Pressure,Pressure.....are you happy???? www.davidicke.com http I Seek Asylum From This World - written and sung by Kelvin Rush Music4YourVids.co.uk Free Music from Music4YourVids.co.uk Author: jay4louise12 Duration: 14:56
Photos for video DAVID ICKE - THIS WORLD IS UTTERLY INSANE!!! (Viewer Discretion Advised)
Two-term Governor, Gary Johnson, says both parties are indistinguishable from one another. Both are keeping America broke. Both are keeping America at war. Both have trampled on the Constitution. And both are stooges to the same big money players that never change behind the scenes. It's time to put our differences and our parties aside and come together as a nation for the good of all. We The People are ready to LIVE FREE. Author: govgaryjohnson Duration: 2:15
Photos for video GARY JOHNSON Be Libertarian With Me
www.infowars.com The Obama records which have not been released include; Passport records, Obama kindergarten records, Punahou School records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, University of Chicago scholarly articles, Illinois State Bar Association records, Illinois State Senate records/schedules (said to be lost), Medical records, Obama/Dunham marriage license, Obama/Dunham divorce documents, Soetoro/Dunham marriage license, Adoption records and of course the long-form Certificate of Live Birth. State Representative Carl Seel, who introduced the bill, was joined by Sheriff Joe Arpaio, State Senator Lori Klein, and others in support of the bill. Important new information was revealed during the news conference including a request by Sheriff Joe Arpaio to the current head of the Selective Service Board to investigate the criminal forgery committed in the case of Barack Obama's Selective Service registration. In addtion, Carl Seel reveals some of the resistance that other Republicans are creating to stop the bill from even heading to a vote. The bill will require Barack Obama, or any candidate seeking to be on the Arizona ballot, to certify eligibility for the office they are seeking. This will essentially require Barack Obama to certify his eligibility if he wants to be on the ballot this year in Arizona. This could potentially be a game-changing piece of legislation. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 84:40
Photos for video Sheriff Arpaio: Obama's Records Are Missing + Mike Zullo, Jerome Corsi Full Interviews.
Blue Republicans are people who have never before thought of joining the Republican party, but are going to do so for one year to ensure that Ron Paul wins the Republican nomination for President in 2012. Many of us previously identified as Democrats or Independents and/or supported Obama in 2008. We believe that on issues that matter most -- war vs. peace (Iraq, Yemen etc.), civil liberties (Patriot Act etc.), and crony corporatism (bailouts etc.) -- Obama has pursued a course similar to that of George Bush. States are changing their systems all the time so ALWAYS CHECK YOUR OWN STATE INFORMATION to make sure you do what you need to do to make Ron Paul the Republican nominee for President Author: Robin Koerner Duration: 4:55
Photos for video Blue Republican - How to Register Republican for Ron Paul (update Oct 21)
On June 21, Jon Stewart skewered the Obama Administration for its failed, deadly Operation Fast & Furious, during which the US government let known Mexican drug cartel gun buyers purchase military-grade weapons. The Oversight Committee has been relentlessly exposing this failed program, and will not stop until the Obama Administration officials responsible for the program are held accountable. Learn more at www.oversight.house.gov. Posted with permission from Viacom, Comedy Central's parent company. 6-21-11 Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" Author: oversightandreform Duration: 5:57
Photos for video The Daily Show: "The Fast & The Furious: Mexico Grift"
The White House has publicly responded to the controversy surrounding the Obama administration's agenda to bankrupt the coal industry. Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv February 5, 2011 - Lies about Texas not being affected by draconian EPA rules on greenhouse gases. - Deception about clean burning coal-fired plants producing "carbon pollution". - Spin in denying EPA and Obama administration have publicly stated and openly embarked on mission to destroy coal industry by blocking construction of new power plants. The White House has publicly responded to the controversy surrounding the Obama administration's agenda to bankrupt the coal industry and its connection to this week's blackouts across the country, by attempting to deny the link in a rebuttal that amounts to nothing more than a tissue of lies, deception and spin. In a blog that appears on the front page of WhiteHouse.gov, White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer begins by claiming that the story came from a "questionable" source and is "unquestionably false," without even naming the source. Frightened that Americans might actually read the source and make their own minds up based on the facts, Pfeiffer fails to provide a link to our original article that was subsequently picked up by the Drudge Report, Fox News and numerous other media outlets. Pfeiffer then oversimplifies the debate by building a straw man argument based around the premise that "the Obama Administration <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 13:59
Photos for video Alex Jones Calls DHS to Report Real Terrorists LIVE on Air - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition
Even as President Obama maintains close to 50000 troops in Iraq and continues to escalate and expand the war in Afghanistan, the antiwar movement in America continues to shrink. So, what happened? Reason.tv visited two antiwar protests—one left-leaning, one libertarian—in an attempt to answer that question. Author and historian Thaddeus Russell and Reason Senior Editor Brian Doherty also weigh in. War, it seems, is a bipartisan venture, which is reflected by the fact that Democrats have a favorable view of Obama's foreign policy, despite its remarkable similarity to George W. Bush's foreign policy. And though there have been rumblings of antiwar sentiment from some on the Right, Republicans remain strongly in favor of an interventionist foreign policy. Although public sentiment is turning against the war in Afghanistan, the always-shifting withdrawal deadlines and the unwillingness to touch defense spending mean that this bipartisan war is likely to continue far into the future. Approximately 7 minutes. Written and Produced by Zach Weissmueller. Senior Producer: Ted Balaker. Visit Reason.tv for downloadable versions, and subscribe to Reason.tv's YouTube Channel to receive automatic notification when new material goes live. Author: ReasonTV Duration: 7:10
Photos for video What Happened to the Antiwar Movement?
You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at www.WBLR.com. Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know. Maat Hotep Author: mjrob1914 Duration: 10:01
Photos for video The Truth Is Unbelievable - Part 5: Dr. Ray Hagins
The Republicans and Democrats play for the same team. It is all window dressing to keep us divided cheering for our 'Red' team or our 'Blue' team when in reality, they are of the same cloth. There is no change. It is the same basic message only it is now delivered with a new eloquence. If we are to put our wedge issues aside and listen to our conscience to what is just, what is right and if we are to judge a tree by the fruit it bears we can clearly see that our government is rotting on the branch. The players of each team will never enact any accountability on each other. The people of this country must demand it. Subscribe to our videos so that you are notified when ever we make a new video! Visit: www.puppetgov.com Music by Trillion/Jody Lloyd www.trillion.co.nz We encourage you to copy and repost this and any of our videos in the hope of educating more people. Every ripple counts. Author: puppetgovcom Duration: 10:01
Newt Gingrich and George Will agree on Sarah Palin - she's A BIG GAMBLE... and John McCain is known for his gambling problem - he is known for his persistent gambling. The problem here is was the gamble necessary. The other problem is that John McCain is gambling with YOUR future, your KIDS future and the future of our great country. Do you REALLY want a gambler at the helm? George Will, Mr. Conservative Republican himself, say Sarah Palin as choice for VP by McCain was an AVOIDABLE GAMBLE. Do you want your next president to be taking AVOIDABLE gambles??? Not to mention gambling at all!!!! Do gamblers win? Or does the 'house' win? Look at your house - now look at the casino. Who is REALLY winning here?! Gambling with Our America is NOT an option - we need John McCain and Sarah Palin NO MORE than we need another game of poker played over ownership of our White House. No more. Eight years of this madness is enough!!! Notes on Video: Will: (to Newt) What was YOUR response to the Katie Couric Interview? Newt: They shouldn't have scheduled it. Group: (laughter) Newt: You don't put 'em in the 'enemy camp' on a national television show as part of 'the training'. Alt: Let me just say I don't consider that Katie Couric and the press - "the enemy camp", and articularly Katie Couric, I don't really consider that the enemy... Q: WHEN is she ready for Prime Time? Newt: I think she'll... think she'll gradually be ready for Prime Time... Alt: ...there are only FIVE WEEKS left in the <b>...</b> Author: tomm2thumbs Duration: 1:32
Photos for video Newt: PALIN NOT READY!! Shocker!! Caught On VIDEO! GeorgeW: "This Was Avoidable" !!!