SUBSCRIBE NOW!! AMTV WEBSITE: GREENEWAVE WEBSITE: MY FACEBOOK: MY TWITTER: MY GOOGLE+ -==DONATE LINK==- 1-8-2013: On today's edition of AMTV, Christopher Greene warns Americans that President Barack Obama's gun ban will result in civil war. Author: cgreene34 Duration: 4:53
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on the Police State, Military Contractors, and Obama on the Middle East. LIKE Breaking the Set @ FOLLOW Abby Martin @ On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Ian Freeman, Host of "Free Talk Live", about the police state and the erosion of American civil liberties. Abby then talks to RT Arabic Correspondent, Reema Abu Hamdieh, about the polarized views of Arabs in the Middle East toward a second Obama Administration. BTS wraps up the show with a look at torture, murder and rape by US military contractors going unpunished. Author: breakingtheset Duration: 27:59
Photos for video [46] Police State 101, Torture Impunity, Obama's Second Chance?
The one and only Madonna rocked the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan on Thursday, November 8th, 2012. Her encore consisted of a medley of her hit singles "Celebration" and "Give It 2 Me." But most importantly, Madonna and her dancers all rocked these awesome OBMA shirts!!! (Which is a play on her "MDNA" album title and tour name.) I am glad Madonna gets it and knows that Obama is only good for this country! EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL! Follow me on Twitter! Author: Daavaaad Duration: 3:16
Photos for video Madonna rocks OBMA shirts in Detroit! "Celebration/Give It 2 Me" Encore Medley - Nov 8, 2012
Zo is not surprised that President Obama won reelection. He is surprised that the Republicans cannot field a winning a candidate. Hear more as AlfonZo Rachel discusses Gov. Mitt Romney, Herman Cain and the future of conservatism and the Republican party. Author: Pajamasmedia Duration: 7:29
Photos for video PJTV: ZoNation: Obama Represented and Won
CNN projects that Barack Obama has been re-elected President of the United States as the state of Ohio is called for President Obama. ----------------------------------------------------------- Barack Obama has won the 2012 presidential election, overcoming a determined challenge from Mitt Romney and the worst election-day unemployment rate since World War II. For the 51-year-old Democratic incumbent, gaining a second term during a weak economic recovery proved even more difficult than his historic selection as the nation's first African American president. The reelection drive bore only a faint resemblance to the "hope and change" campaign that brought him to power in 2008, a time of deepening financial crisis and voter dissatisfaction after eight years of a Republican administration in Washington Author: NakedMile2000 Duration: 1:05
Photos for video CNN - The Moment Obama is Declared the Winner of 2012 Election (Official)
Two-term Governor, Gary Johnson, says both parties are indistinguishable from one another. Both are keeping America broke. Both are keeping America at war. Both have trampled on the Constitution. And both are stooges to the same big money players that never change behind the scenes. It's time to put our differences and our parties aside and come together as a nation for the good of all. We The People are ready to LIVE FREE. Author: govgaryjohnson Duration: 2:15
Photos for video GARY JOHNSON Be Libertarian With Me
Too many people define Ron Paul as a libertarian without even understanding what a libertarian is. Here I explain the six most common styles of libertarianism, and how his candidacy can unite them, and lead believers of liberty to victory. Author: frionelhero Duration: 8:40
Photos for video Ron Paul and the six kinds of libertarianism
Rep. Paul is the ONLY one in Congress with guts to say what all others refuse to tell you. Missouri's Akin, Clay, Carnahan, Cleaver, Graves, Emerson, Hartzler, Long and Luetkemeye are SILENT and Blunt-SILENT! Republicans Speaker Boehner and Leader McConnel SUPPORT Democrat Reid. McCaskill and Obama's TSA molestations, the illegal war in Libya and the unconstitutional Patriot Act. God bless Ron Paul!! Author: 22popuser Duration: 5:08
Photos for video Ron Paul "The Last Nail" - Incredible Floor Speech May 25 2011.flv
How do the detainees held at Guantanamo Bay pass the time while waiting for Obama to close the facility? Take a surprising look inside Gitmo. Author: politizoid Duration: 3:41
Rachel Maddow invited Bill Maher on her show last night to talk about Sarah Palin, Carly Fiorina, and the economy. Maher describes the vice presidential candidate as "not very bright about matters on which a person in this position should be bright about." On John McCain campaign reactions to criticism of Palin as sexist, Maher said, "If you describe her accurately, there's no way you can do that and not sound condescending." Author: AntiConformist911 Duration: 6:27
Photos for video Bill Maher on The Rachel Maddow Show (Part 2)